User:Crystal Talian

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Revision as of 15:10, 16 May 2016 by Crystal Talian (talk | contribs) (To-do list updates)
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Bulbapedia logo.png This user is a moron who didn't input a staff level.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
EST This user uses Eastern Standard Time, which is UTC-5.
EDT During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-4.
474.png This user contributes using Microsoft Windows .
038.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Project Pokédex logo.png This user is a member of Project Pokédex.
416.png This user identifies as female.
133.png This user's favorite Pokémon is Eevee.
302.png This user's favorite color is purple.
509.png This user has a pet cat.

Hello, all! I am Crystal Talian, but just Crystal or Crys is fine. I'm currently working as an emergency veterinary technician, and hope to continue education into a Zoology degree. Additionally, I've been a fan of Pokémon since the original Red and Blue games and anime series. If that doesn't give it away, my area of special interest is Pokémon Biologies and Origins. However, you'll see me helping out wherever I am needed. I'm not really an expert, but I think I do all right and have a decent knowledge base. My early edits consisted mostly of checking grammar and the like, until I was promoted to Junior Admin in July 2012 to help with the release of B2W2. From there, my edits consisted of fact-checking and helping to integrate the new information. Almost a year later, I was promoted again to Administrator. From that point, I focused more on projects; mainly the Biology revamp project and making sure that went smoothly. When X and Y were released, I switched focus once again to fact-checking and collecting information from the games to add to the site. And here I am now, a Senior Admin as of February 2014. I'm still learning some of the ropes as far as coding goes, but I'm definitely getting there.

As it is right now, work keeps me super-busy so I don't have time to edit as I used to do. However, I am typically still on some early mornings (EST time!). I work seven days on and then seven days off, and I typically work twelve hour shifts. So, most of my free time is spent sleeping. >_< I still keep a pretty close eye on Pokémon biologies and origins, so that's most likely were you'll see me. I tend to pop around other areas of the site, too, though! Additionally if you ever have any questions or issues, feel free to leave a message on my talkpage. I love helping out where I can, and I will get back to you or direct you to someone better suited to help with 24 hours.

Off the subject of Bulbapedia (I do, shockingly, have other interests as well) for other info about me! I love animals; hence the Vet Tech degree, but I love cats in particular. My household currently has three cats and four dogs, plus a tank full of fish. I enjoy video games, mostly RPG/adventure type stuff. My gaming library includes the original Digimon World games (yeah, I like that series, too), Spyro the Dragon, a couple Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog (post-genesis), Trauma Center, Okami, Persona, and a few others. Of course, I play the Pokémon games as well. I primarily do Nuzlocke challenges nowadays, however.

I don't watch a lot of television anymore, but I do keep up with a couple of shows. Namely Bones and My Little Pony. . . . Well, that's an odd combination. Huh. Moving on. In the past, I've also watched House and Pushing Daisies before they were concluded and cancelled respectively. Other shows I enjoy include mid-to-late 90s and early 2000s cartoons, magical girl anime, Mythbusters, and Twilight Zone. I don't really watch many movies either, but I have seen some. My favorite is probably Labyrinth. Other favorites include Return to Oz, Ferngully, most Don Bluth films, 90s Disney films and Frozen, several adaptions of Broadway plays, Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings, Back the Future, and several others. I'm a pretty big reader as well, enjoying mostly animal and fantasy novels and series. Some of my favorite books include White Fang and its companion Call of the Wild, Watership Down, the Bunnicula and Goosebumps series from when I was young, the Warriors, Inheritance Cycle, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter series from nowadays. I read my fair share of manga, as well. I love tons of other books as well, but a comprehensive list would take forever!

Personality wise . . . well, I can be pretty blunt and sarcastic. I try not to be, but it pops out occasionally. So try not to take it too personally if I come off a little rude sometimes. I like to be neat and professional, and that's probably why I started out doing little touch up edits. I'm typically not the terribly girly or enthusiastic type, but I can fan girl pretty hard over certain topics, like my favorite anime characters/video games or cute animals. I tend to be too loud or too soft-spoken; there is no in-between for me. I've learned a lot of patience over the years, and . . . Well, talking about personalities sort of hard. So I guess you'll just have to get to know me the normal way, through experience!

But I guess that's enough about me for the time being. Mostly favorites. Ah well. Happy editing, everyone!

Personal To-Do List

Biology Project Revamp: Checking and Updating Currently rechecking and prepping for new games Make sure all signature and former signature moves are added Most likely move size trivia into biology sections (Detailed instructions for this project can be found here: Biology Project) Progress: Checklist can be found here. Feel free to update appropriately.