In SM008, Samson Oak revealed two Eggs to the students of the Pokémon School. While one Egg was received from his cousin from the Kanto region, the other was found on Mount Lanakila. He decided to give the class an assignment to raise one of the Eggs and offers to let them choose between the two. Mallow suggested that Lillie should choose one of the Eggs and raise it, as it would potentially help her get over her inability to touch Pokémon. Lillie agreed and chose Shiron's, as she preferred it over the other one.
After class ended, Lillie and Ash traveled to Lillie's home in order to take care of the Egg. While they traveled, a wild Salandit managed to sneak onto Lillie's limousine in an attempt to attack the Egg. Later, when Lillie was alone in her room, the Salandit revealed itself and attacked the defenseless Egg. Despite her fear of Pokémon, Lillie instinctively shielded the Egg from harm, protecting it long enough for Ash and James to send Salandit flying. After Salandit had ran away, Lillie realized that she had managed to touch the Egg without any trouble, but was still unable to touch regular Pokémon.
In SM013, the Egg hatched into a Alolan Vulpix. In the next episode, Lillie caught Shiron despite her fear of Pokémon.
After Shiron first hatched, it was a very reserved Pokémon that didn't want to interact with anyone else but Lillie. When Ash tried to interact with it, it promptly froze him. Although it was newly hatched, it didn't hesitate to attack Team Rocket when they chased it and even froze them, despite Ash preparing to fight them himself with his Pikachu. By the end of SM014, it warmed to the Pokémon owned by its Trainer's friends and was willing to play with them.
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
Shiron was alluded to being Lillie's in the poster of the Sun & Moon series and in the first opening, where its Egg appeared briefly being held by her.
Shiron is the first Pokémon belonging to a main character to have an Alola Form.