Water Absorb (Ability)

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Water Absorb ちょすい
Water Storage
Flavor text
Generation III
Changes water into HP.
Generation IV
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
Generation V
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
Generation VI
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
Generation VII
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move, instead of taking damage.
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Water Absorb (Japanese: ちょすい Water Storage) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

When a Pokémon with Water Absorb is hit by a Water-type move, its HP is restored by one quarter of its maximum HP, and the move will have no effect on that Pokémon (if a Pokémon with this Ability already has full HP, the Water-type move will do nothing).

Water Absorb will not activate if the Pokémon is protected from the Water-type move.

If a Pokémon with Water Absorb is holding an Absorb Bulb or Luminous Moss, Water Absorb absorbs the move, so the item's effect is not triggered.

Outside of battle

Water Absorb has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Water Absorb

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0060 Poliwag Poliwag
Water Water Water Absorb Damp Swift Swim
0061 Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
Water Water Water Absorb Damp Swift Swim
0062 Poliwrath Poliwrath
Water Fighting Water Absorb Damp Swift Swim
0131 Lapras Lapras
Water Ice Water Absorb Shell Armor Hydration
0134 Vaporeon Vaporeon
Water Water Water Absorb None Hydration
0170 Chinchou Chinchou
Water Electric Volt Absorb Illuminate Water Absorb
0171 Lanturn Lanturn
Water Electric Volt Absorb Illuminate Water Absorb
0186 Politoed Politoed
Water Water Water Absorb Damp Drizzle
0194 Wooper Wooper
Water Ground Damp Water Absorb Unaware
0195 Quagsire Quagsire
Water Ground Damp Water Absorb Unaware
0226 Mantine Mantine
Water Flying Swift Swim Water Absorb Water Veil
0331 Cacnea Cacnea
Grass Grass Sand Veil None Water Absorb
0332 Cacturne Cacturne
Grass Dark Sand Veil None Water Absorb
0458 Mantyke Mantyke
Water Flying Swift Swim Water Absorb Water Veil
0535 Tympole Tympole
Water Water Swift Swim Hydration Water Absorb
0536 Palpitoad Palpitoad
Water Ground Swift Swim Hydration Water Absorb
0537 Seismitoad Seismitoad
Water Ground Swift Swim Poison Touch Water Absorb
0556 Maractus Maractus
Grass Grass Water Absorb Chlorophyll Storm Drain
0592 Frillish Frillish
Water Ghost Water Absorb Cursed Body Damp
0593 Jellicent Jellicent
Water Ghost Water Absorb Cursed Body Damp
0721 Volcanion Volcanion
Fire Water Water Absorb None None
0751 Dewpider Dewpider
Water Bug Water Bubble None Water Absorb
0752 Araquanid Araquanid
Water Bug Water Bubble None Water Absorb
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In the anime


The Pokémon gets healed if a Water-type attack is used on it.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Wooper When a Water-type attack is used on Wooper, the injuries on its body fade away.
A Wooper Matt was Pokésitting Pinch Healing! Debut

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 儲水 Chyúhséui
Mandarin 儲水 / 储水 Chúshuǐ
Danish Vandabsorbering
French Absorb Eau
German H2O-Absorber
Italian Assorbacqua
Korean 저수 Jeosu
Portuguese Absorve Água
Spanish Absorbe Agua*
Absor. Agua*
Vietnamese Hút Nước

Abilities that alter damage taken
Dry SkinFlash FireSap SipperLightning RodMotor DriveStorm DrainVolt AbsorbWater Absorb

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.