Tracey's Marill (Japanese: ケンジのマリルKenji's Maril) was one of the two Pokémon owned by Tracey Sketchit before he met Ash. It was the second Generation II Pokémon to be owned by a main character, the first being Togepi.
Marill along with Tracey, as seen in the official artwork
Orange Islands
Marill was first called upon in The Crystal Onix to help locate the mythical Crystal Onix using its superior hearing abilities after Venonat failed to locate it with its sight. In a matter of seconds, Marill picked up on Onix's voice and led the group to its secret den located on the other side of Sunburst Island. As a Water Pokémon, it was also able to find Onix hiding underwater.
Tracey loaned Marill and Scyther to Misty to help fight a fire on Ascorbia Island while he went to search for Captain Aidan's missing Wartortle in The Pokémon Water War. It managed to help out long enough for Team Wartortle to come and take care of the rest.
On the day that Tracey announced that he would leave the group in order to be Professor Oak's assistant, he used Marill to help send Team Rocket blasting off after Scyther had rescued Pikachu from them.
Marill ready to battle alongside its child, Azurill
Generally, Marill is shown to be a friendly Pokémon with nurturing instincts. While the group was on a deserted island in A Way Off Day Off, it used its tail to keep Togepi entertained. Marill is also generally obedient unless it is faced with an opponent that is big and scary, as seen in In the Pink. In such instances, Marill will jump in Tracey's arms for protection.
Marill helps Tracey as a Pokémon watcher as its ears can hear Pokémon from far away and locate where the Pokémon are found. He has also used it to help find Ash's Pikachu and Misty's Togepi when they became separated from their Trainers.