A gigantic Pokémon (Japanese: 巨大ポケモンgigantic Pokémon) is a Pokémon that takes up nine tiles rather than the usual one in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
A gigantic Pokémon has a larger reach with its attacks, and some attacks are completely different, such as Outrage. Gigantic Pokémon are also immune to Sketch. The player can only bring one gigantic Pokémon into a dungeon at a time. However, it is possible to have up to three gigantic Pokémon on the player's team at one time if the player brings the Djinn's Bottle into a dungeon and uses it to call Hoopa Unbound, who can further call a gigantic Legendary Pokémon.
All moves have their one-tile range moves altered to hit the three tiles in the direction the gigantic Pokémon is facing. Also, moves which pierce through enemies, such as Hydro Pump, will pierce through walls as well (with the exception of Sky Attack).
Some moves are completely altered when used by gigantic Pokémon: