Dynamax Crystal

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Dynamax Crystal
Dai Crystal
Bag Dynamax Crystal Sprite.png
Dynamax Crystal
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation VIII
Generation VIII Bag Other Items pocket icon.png Other Items

A Dynamax Crystal (Japanese: ダイクリスタル Dai Crystal) are a type of item introduced in Generation VIII.

There are 300 varieties of Dynamax Crystals, each named in the format of a star (★), one of the official three-letter abbreviations of the IAU designated constellations, and a number ranging from 15 to 8974.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
SwSh N/A $10


When used from the Bag at the Watchtower Lair, a Pokémon Den at the base of the Watchtower Ruins in the Wild Area, the den will become active with a Dynamax Pokémon until midnight of the day it was used.

The following Pokémon have been made available so far:


Games Description
SwSh An item that causes <Pokémon> to appear from the Watchtower Lair in the Wild Area until the end of the day.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SwSh ★And458: Event
★And15: Event


  • Of the 88 modern constellations, only 57 of them are used in Dynamax Crystal names:
And: Andromeda
Sgr: Sagittarius
Del: Delphinus
Psc: Pisces
Lep: Lepus
Boo: Boötes
Hya: Hydra
Eri: Eridanus
Tau: Taurus
CMa: Canis Major
UMa: Ursa Major
Vir: Virgo
Ari: Aries
Ori: Orion
Cas: Cassiopeia
Cnc: Cancer
Com: Coma Berenices
Crv: Corvus
Aur: Auriga
Pav: Pavo
Cet: Cetus
Cep: Cepheus
Cen: Centaurus
CMi: Canis Minor
Equ: Equuleus
Vul: Vulpecula
UMi: Ursa Minor
Crt: Crater
Lyr: Lyra
Ara: Ara
Sco: Scorpius
Tri: Triangulum
Leo: Leo
Gru: Grus
Lib: Libra
Pup: Puppis
Cyg: Cygnus
Oct: Octans
Col: Columba
Gem: Gemini
Peg: Pegasus
Oph: Ophiuchus
Ser: Serpens
Her: Hercules
Per: Perseus
Phe: Phoenix
Vel: Vela
Aqr: Aquarius
Cru: Crux
PsA: Piscis Austrinus
TrA: Triangulum Australe
Cap: Capricornus
Sge: Sagitta
Car: Carina
Dra: Draco
CVn: Canes Venatici
Aql: Aquila
The remaining 31 constellations are largely in the Southern Hemisphere:

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 極巨結晶 Gihkgeuih Gitjīng
Mandarin 極巨結晶 / 极巨结晶 Jíjù Jiéjīng
France Flag.png French Cristal Géant
Germany Flag.png German Dynakristall
Italy Flag.png Italian Dynacristallo
South Korea Flag.png Korean 다이크리스탈 Dai Crystal
Spain Flag.png Spanish Cristal Dinamax

Project ItemDex logo.png This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.