Talk:Ballonlea Stadium

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Revision as of 10:25, 22 November 2019 by Nescientist (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Stat increases== I only did one attempt (so I'm not sure what the script does), but the first correct answer yielded a Atk&SpAtk boost, the second one gave Speed, the third...")
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Latest comment: 22 November 2019 by Nescientist in topic Stat increases

Stat increases

I only did one attempt (so I'm not sure what the script does), but the first correct answer yielded a Atk&SpAtk boost, the second one gave Speed, the third gave Def&SpDef (first turn of each Gym Trainer). In the Opal battle, there was Speed+2 (first turn), then Def&SpDef+2 (when her Alcremie came in), and Atk/SpAtk+2 (-2 for me, when it stopped Gigantamaxing). Nescientist (talk) 10:25, 22 November 2019 (UTC)Reply