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Treasure boxes (Japanese: たからばこ Treasure box) are items in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, that first appeared in Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness. They can be dropped from defeated Pokémon or found on the floor.
In Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Explorers of Sky, treasure boxes can be opened at Xatu Appraisal located in Treasure Town for 150
. They contain different kinds of items that range from common food items to rare trade items. In certain dungeons, there will be locked sections in which the player must use a key to obtain the box. There may also be water blocking the box. These boxes will hold items such as legendary specialized items and Wonder Gummis. All boxes, with the exception of end-of-the-dungeon Deluxe Boxes and locked room boxes have random contents, though certain items will be unlocked as the game continues. There is also a chance of a hidden stairway appearing in dungeons, which lead to a hidden room with 5 deluxe boxes and a stairway leading to the next floor.
In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games for WiiWare, treasure boxes are unlocked after reaching second rank and can appear across all versions linked to the save file in any dungeon.
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, the boxes can be opened by Rampardos Box Buster for 150
. Unlike in previous games, Gummis do not exist and Max Elixirs are often obtained instead, although it is still possible to find other items such as held items, and Gold Bars in amounts from one to five. Treasure boxes can also contain Team Skills. The Team Skill, Collector, enables the player to find more treasure boxes from defeated enemies. There is a 15 floor DLC Map named Skill Treasury that enables more boxes to be dropped by defeated Pokemon as well. Boxes can also be found in chambers that either require keys and/or a specific Pokémon type to enter. These chambers can be found with Upgrade 2 of the Detour Guide. Upgrade 3 of the Detour Guide also sells the keys required to enter these chambers for 1650
. These keys can also be bought by exchanging 5 Gold Bars at Glorious Gold in Post Town. Treasure boxes are stored in a space separate from items in the Deposit Box.
In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, the boxes can be opened at Rockin' Lock in Lively Town. Blue-colored boxes are the most common and can be opened for 150
while the rarer red-colored boxes can be opened for 300
. Like the previous game, treasure boxes are stored in their own space in the Deposit Box.
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, all treasure boxes in the player's Toolbox are automatically opened upon exiting a dungeon. Treasure boxes cannot be deposited in Kangaskhan Storage.
In all Generations, contents of the boxes are predetermined at the moment it's generated, meaning that opening the box will always have the same result.
List of treasure boxes
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is amazingly adorable. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is amazingly adorable. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is amazingly adorable. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Dainty Box かわいいはこ Sweet Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is dainty and fashionable. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is dainty and fashionable. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is dainty and fashionable. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Deluxe Box ごうかなはこ Luxury Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items, different and more valuable than those from other boxes (such as Golden Apple or Sitrus Berry).
A box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is extravagant and opulent. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is extravagant and opulent. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Glittery Box きらめくはこ Glittery Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that glitters with dazzling light. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that glitters with dazzling light. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that glitters with dazzling light. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Gorgeous Box うつくしいはこ Beautiful Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that's beautiful beyond measure. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is beautiful beyond measure. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is beautiful beyond measure. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is impenetrably hard. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that glitters with dazzling light. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box with a very hard surface. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is unbelievably heavy. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is unbelievably heavy. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is unbelievably heavy. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is surprisingly light. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is surprisingly light. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is somewhat light. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Nifty Box かっこいいはこ Cool Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is completely impressive. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is completely impressive. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is completely impressive. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Pretty Box きれいなはこ Pretty Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is startlingly pretty. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is startlingly pretty. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is startlingly pretty. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Shiny Box かがやくはこ Shiny Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that sparkles and shines. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that sparkles and shines. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that sparkles and shines. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Sinister Box あやしいはこ Suspicious Box
Cannot be bought
Sell for: 200* 300*
Contains various items.
A box that is suspiciously sinister. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily. Take it to Xatu in Treasure Town for appraisal.
A box that is suspiciously sinister. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Box Buster to open it.
A box that is suspiciously sinister. It looks like something is inside. Take it to Klefki's Rockin' Lock to open it.
Cute, Dainty, Nifty, and Sinister Box from the Explorers series
Hard, Heavy, and Light Box from the Explorers series
Deluxe, Glittery, Gorgeous, Pretty, and Shiny Box from the Explorers series
Gorgeous, Heavy, Nifty, Pretty, and Hard Box from Gates to Infinity
Shiny, Dainty, Glittery, Light, Cute, and Sinister Box from Gates to Infinity
Deluxe Box from Gates to Infinity
Gorgeous, Heavy, Nifty, Pretty, and Hard Box from Super Mystery Dungeon
Shiny, Dainty, Glittery, Light, Cute, and Sinister Box from Super Mystery Dungeon
Deluxe Box from Super Mystery Dungeon*
Treasure box
In other languages
Treasure box
Cute Box |
Coffre Mignon |
Süße Box |
Tecacarina |
Cofre Lindo |
큐티상자 Kyuti Sangja
Dainty Box |
Coffre Délicat |
Schicke Box |
Tecafine |
Cofre Gusto |
귀여운상자 Gwiyeoun Sangja
Deluxe Box |
Coffre Luxe |
Luxusbox |
Tecalusso |
Cofre Lujoso |
호화로운상자 Hohwaroun Sangja
Glittery Box |
Coffre Rutilant |
Glitzerbox |
Tecasfavillio |
Cofre Espejo |
반짝반짝상자 Banjjakbanjjak Sangja
Gorgeous Box |
Coffre Faste |
Schöne Box |
Tecabella |
Cofre Divino |
아름다운상자 Areumdaun Sangja
Hard Box |
Coffre-Fort |
Harte Box |
Tecasolida |
Cofre Sólido |
딱딱한상자 Ttakttakhan Sangja
Heavy Box |
Coffre Lourd |
Schwere Box |
Tecapesante |
Cofre Macizo |
무거운상자 Mugeoun Sangja
Light Box |
Coffre Léger |
Leichte Box |
Tecaleggera |
Cofre Ligero |
가벼운상자 Gabyeoun Sangja
Nifty Box |
Coffre Chic |
Coole Box |
Tecachic |
Cofre Gracia |
근사한상자 Geunsahan Sangja
Pretty Box |
Coffre Élégant |
Hübsche Box |
Tecagraziosa |
Cofre Bello |
예쁜상자 Yebbeun Sangja
Shiny Box |
Coffre Luisant |
Funkelbox |
Tecabrillio |
Cofre Lucero |
빛나는상자 Binnaneun Sangja
Sinister Box |
Coffre Sinistre |
Finsterbox |
Tecatetra |
Cofre Sombra |
괴상한상자 Goesanghan Sangja