Panula Cave

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Panula Cave is the location of the eighth mission in Pokémon Ranger. It is an ice-covered cave that is connected to the Krokka Tunnel.

The player must travel through the cave, and then along the North Road to reach Wintown after traveling to the entrance by submarine from Summerland. However, the Go-Rock Squad are causing trouble there and a raging Steelix must be calmed to reveal it was Go-Rock Squads Steelix. The mission is completed after the player returns to Wintown.

Wild Pokémon

This is a listing of the Pokémon found in Panula Cave after the credits:

RingtownFall CitySummerlandWintown
East RoadNorth Road
Lyra ForestKrokka TunnelWaterworksSafra SeaOlive JungleJungle Relic
Kisara PlainDusk FactoryPanula CaveSekra RangeGo-Rock BaseFiore Temple
