Heat R Energy (Darkness Ablaze 174)

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Revision as of 18:58, 29 April 2020 by Flygon 7 (talk | contribs)
The title of this article is incorrect because of technical limitations. The correct title is Heat Fire Energy (Explosive Walker 70).
This article is about a Pokémon Trading Card Game card which has not yet been officially released in English. As such, this article may contain translated Japanese terms instead of English terms.

Energy Fire
Heat Fire Energy
ヒート炎エネルギー Heat Fire Energy
Illus. Unknown
Classification Special Energy card
Provides Fire
Additional effect Yes
Japanese expansion Explosive Walker
Japanese Rarity U
Japanese card no. 070/070

Heat Fire Energy (Japanese: ヒート炎エネルギー Heat Fire Energy) is a Special Energy card. It is part of the Explosive Walker subset.

Card text

All prints
This card provides Fire Energy only while this card is attached to a Fire Pokémon.

The Fire Pokémon this card is attached to gets +20 HP.



This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.