Transistor (Ability)

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Transistor トランジスタ
Flavor text
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Transistor (Japanese: トランジスタ Transistor) is an Ability introduced in Generation VIII.


In battle

The effects of Unseen Fist are currently unknown.

Pokémon with Transistor

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0??? Regieleki Regieleki
Electric Electric Transistor None None
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other languages

Language Title
French Transistor
German Transistor
Italian Transistor
Korean 트랜지스터 Teuraenjiseuteo
Spanish Transistor

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.