Help (Play It!)

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The Learn menu in Pokémon Play It!, as well as the Help menu in Pokémon Play It! Version 2, contain information about the Pokémon Trading Card Game.


Play It!

"Learn" menu
(Pokémon Play It!)

In Pokémon Play It!, the "Learn" option is found at the main menu.

  • The first battle
  • What's a Pokémon?
  • What's an Energy card?
  • What's a Trainer card?
  • Card review
  • The playing field
  • How do I start a game?
  • How do I retreat my Pokémon?
  • How do I evolve my Pokémon?
  • Advanced rules

Play It! 2

"Help" menu
(Pokémon Play It! 2)

In Pokémon Play It! Version 2, the "Help" option is found at the main menu. It contains fewer options than the previous game, because some options were moved to the "Play" menu.

  • What's a Pokémon?
  • What's an Energy card?
  • What's a Trainer card?
  • Card review
  • The playing field

Comparison between games

Some options are found in the "Learn" menu in Pokémon Play It! and also the "Help" menu of Pokémon Play It! 2. Some other options from the first game were removed or moved elsewhere in the second game.

Pokémon Play It! Pokémon Play It! 2
The first battle Moved to the Machop stage (Basic stage 1) of the "Play" menu
What's a Pokémon? Remained in the "Help" menu
What's an Energy card? Remained in the "Help" menu
What's a Trainer card? Remained in the "Help" menu
Card review Remained in the "Help" menu
The playing field Remained in the "Help" menu
How do I start a game? Moved to the Seel stage (Basic stage 2) of the "Play" menu
How do I retreat my Pokémon? Expanded with a longer gameplay
Adapted into the Hitmonchan stage (Basic stage 4) of the "Play" menu
How do I evolve my Pokémon? Removed option
Advanced rules Removed option
This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TCG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TCG, respectively.