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These are Rachel's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Rachel has a different set of voice clips in battle as an opponent.

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Oh hey. I'm Rachel. My job's to like, do stuff for Master Lear. Soooo yeah!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"*Gasp* Jawdrop!"
"My master's seriously the best, I'd do like, anything for him!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"I got this!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Upon learning a new move / lucky skill
"This is gonna be crazy!"
  • Upon leveling-up
"Whoa! Pat on the back, me!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Where's our gold star? Hmm?"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Work it 'til it's perfect!"
  • During conversation
"You can do it!"
"Seee ya!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"*yawn* Y'know what would reeeally help me wake up this morning? A nap... I'm gonna go do that..."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Luunchtime! I don't know if you know this, but Sawyer's cooking is like, disgustingly good. Wanna eat with us today?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Today was like, craazy fun, huh? I hope me and Master Lear totally crush it tomorrow too."
  • During special gift conversation
"Want this?"
"Got a present for ya!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
"It's showtime!"
  • Battle start
  • Battle start (As opponent)
  • Using Pokémon move
"Go go!"
"Crush 'em!"
  • Using Pokémon move (As opponent)
"Let's turn it up."
  • Using item
"Bam! Ehehe!"
  • Using Trainer move
"I know what to do!"
  • Using Sync Move
  • Using Sync Move (As opponent)
"I'm gonna crush youuu!"
  • Unity Move
"Crush 'em!"
  • Switching in
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Wait, what?"
  • "Nice!" emote
  • "Watch out!" emote
"Whoa whoa whoa!"
  • "Let's do this!" emote
"Whoa! Love it!"
  • "Thanks!" emote
  • Defeat
"Aw, guess we're donesies."
  • Victory
"Aha, victory!"
Main Story Chapter 5 - The High-Flying Girl
  • Dead Set on Victory
"Good for you, Master Lear."
Main Story Chapter 19 - Rematch vs. Lear!
  • More Precious than Victory
"Uh-oh! Better watch out. Lear's Staraptor is waaay stronger than the Krookodile you fought with Haxorus."
"We'll toootally support you in this battle, Master Lear. You can count on me 'n' Sawyer--"
"Master Lear..."
  • Until Next We Battle
"Master Lear..."
"Stone, shmone! Master Lear's been crushin' it battle after battle for a long time without having to use one."
"It is a liiittle lonely..."
See you in the tournament, Lear!: "<Player>..."
"Awww, cheer up, Master Lear."
"It's making me sad to see you all down in the dumps like this. Where'd all o' your arrogant laughter go?"
"Sawyer? What's going on?!"
Main Story Chapter 20 - Shifting Shadows
  • Big Sis
"Oof! Hope they didn't spot me..."
Main Story Interlude 3 - The Truth about Pasio
  • King of Solitude
"...And then supposedly this suuuper strong Trainer named Cynthia rolled in and defeated pretty much all of Team Break!"
"Long story short: the hideout I found was a dud."
"Anyways...are you sure it was a good idea to ditch the opening ceremony so you could keep searchin', Master Lear?"
"Hm? Did you say something?"
"Mmm... I'm sure he'll thunder into this cave any minute now."
"His name's Cheren. He's one of <player>'s teammates."
"Uhhh, so what if we did? You tryin' to accuse us of some kinda crime?"
"For your information, Hoopa was totally happy to do it for us when we gave it donuts. It's, like, mutually beneficial or whatever."
"Master Lear..."
Main Story Interlude 4 - The Once-Charming Prince
  • Rachel, Sawyer and Lear
"Yeah, like, let us give you a ha--"
"You again? Whyyy do you keep, like, barging in wherever we go?"
"Sorry, but your teacherly instincts are nooot our style. We don't need your help, like, at all."
"Right, Sawyer?"
"Heeey. You, like, falling asleep over there?"
"Whaaat?! What are you even saying?"
"Like...I guess, but still..."
"If you're really that sure, Sawyer, then I guess it's fine... Not that I'm, like, bursting with confidence in this guy."
"Yeeeah, back in the day. He could count on us for anything, and he was a real sweetheart to Pokémon, too."
"But things were never really the same after Her Majesty the queen passed away."
"We were, like, shocked. Our little Master Lear suddenly couldn't trust anyone but himself."
"He started saying awful things, like, like telling people and Pokémon they were just dead weight dragging him down."
"Kiiinda like what he said back there."
"You haven't won my trust juuust yet, you know."
"But if you're gonna do it, like, give it all you got. This is Master Lear we're talking about."
"Did HE stutter? We're saying, like, so long."
"Yeah, sooo, peace out..."
"Master Lear."
Main Story Interlude 5 - What Makes a King
  • Cheren's Intervention
"Hey, Sawyer, are you suuure this is a good idea?"
"I know Cheren said to, like, keep our distance from Master Lear, but I dunno..."
"But, like, come on..."
"Heeey! No fair! Here I was trying to be patient!"
"Master Leeear! Just so you know, I'm way more worried about you than Sawyer is!"
Legendary Event - The Beast That Devours the Sun
  • The Sunrise Calls
"Huh? Did those goons just teleport another sync pair to Pasio? I guess I should go welcome whoever it is..."
"Whoa... Uhh, OK. Wow. Is that Pokémon what I think it is? Uhh, Team Break definitely upped their game this time!"
"M-maybe this'll be a good thing... More for people to celebrate, right? I mean, as long as it'll help us stir up some excitement, right?"
Story Event - Summer Superstars
  • One Summer's Day
"Ah! Sooorry."
"But it's, like, summer, y'know? The time for playing in the water and going to festivals and all that fun stuff."
"It's enough to make me wanna sing a little song, y'knooow?"
"Huuuh? Did I just do something right?"
  • The Sync Pair Music Festival!
"I'm sooooo jealous. You guys better show some gratitude to Master Lear, 'kay?"
  • Endless Summer!
"Master Lear looks toootally happy."
"That's totally craaazy, Master Lear. I'm sooo jealous."
Costume Event - Super Tour Guide Rosa
  • Pasio Tourism Ambassador!
"Master Lear's getting suuuper good at giving compliments, huh."
Battle Villa
  • Before battle
"Whaaat? Is that you, <player>? Did you, like, teleport up here or something? How'd you get here so fast?"
"Greeeat... Guess that means I gotta follow Master Lear's orders now."
"Come on. Slide on over here, and show me what you can dooo!"
"I'm gonna, like, crush you now, 'kay? So, y'know, hope you're ready!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoooa, <player>! That was craaazy."
"Keep this up, and you'll be climbin' the ranks in no time. You can dooo it!"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"Like how I talk? Hehe. It's probably 'cause I know, like, all the latest slang and buzzwords and stuff."
"Knowing what's trending is pretty much like a full-time job, though. Seriously. I may not look like it, but I'm a suuuper hard worker."
  • Random conversation
"Sawyer does it aaall. He works all day, he cooks, he's a bodyguard... I mean, the dude can do anything!"
"There's, like, nooo way I could do all that. But I know one thing I CAN do..."
"Make people smile! Hehe. I'm like the happiness fairy, spreadin' happiness wherever I go!"
  • Random conversation
"There are sooo many Trainers on Pasio with killer fashion sense, it's, like, not even funny. I've been keeping my eye out."
"I've seen kimono-inspired looks, aqua-blue bodysuits... Like, seriously. These girls are cruuushing it."
"Kinda makes me wanna start up a fashion boutique... I could sell all kinds of unique styles like that."
  • Random conversation
"Ugh! Me 'n' Sawyer ended up buttin' heads again today over nothing!"
"I mean, “Who cares about Master Lear the most?” Is that even a question?!"
"It's totally ME! Next time I see him, I'm gonna prove I'm right and he's wrong!"
  • Random conversation
"D'you ever feel like there's, like, not enough fun stuff to do on Pasio?"
"We need more, like, make-you-wanna-SCREAM kinda fun! Fun that makes you wanna get up and DANCE! WOOT WOOT! "
"Don't you think, <player>?! I'm gonna have to sit down and have a reeeal talk with Master Lear about this soon."
  • Random conversation
"I've been working for Master Lear foreeeever. Since I grew up at the castle, I pretty much watched him grow up, too!"
"He's all cool and handsome nowadays, but he was a li'l cutie when he was younger!"
"Aww... *chuckle* Just thinking about those days is making me blush!"
  • If spoken to again
"Master Lear's always gonna be number one in my heart! No one else'll ever come close!"
"Never give up, Rachel! Your love is reeeal!"
  • Random conversation
"Y'know, I can't really say this when Master Lear's around...but I like you, kid!"
"Like, nowhere near as much as I like Master Leeear, but yeah!"
"So, like...if you ever need something, lemme know. Maybe I can help you out. If you're lucky."
  • If spoken to again
"Glasses are pretty boss, huh. These are, like, my favorite pair. Don't they make me look smart?""
"Ooooh, I should shop around for a pair that'll go with your style. You're gonna look sliiick!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh heyyy! How goes it, <player>?"
"We should, like, do something together today! I mean, YOLO, right?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"*yawn* Y'know what would reeeally help me wake up this morning? A nap... I'm gonna go do that..."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Lunchtiiime! I dunno if you know this, but Sawyer's cooking is, like, disgustingly good. Wanna eat with us today?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Today was, like, craaaazy fun, huh? I hope me 'n' Master Lear totally crush it tomorrow, too."
  • Special gift conversation
"Heyyy, good timing! Here, take this."
"Promise me you won't let it go to waste, 'kay!"