Rival twins glitch

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Two copies of Blue on Route 22

The rival twins glitch is a sequence of glitches in Pokémon Red and Blue that causes two copies of the rival to appear together in Route 22.

Depending on additional circumstances, this can also cause Blue to remain permanently in this route, or freeze the game.

Setting up the rival twins

In normal gameplay, Blue should appear in this route at two different points in time. If the player uses other glitches to set up the conditions for both appearances at the same time, Blue would appear be in two places at once at this route.

  • If the player skips the Pewter Gym with the Pewter Gym skip glitch, the first version of Blue should remain available there unless the player defeats him. (in normal gameplay, Blue would disappear once the player defeats Brock at the Pewter Gym)
  • If the player enters Viridian Gym early by walking through walls and defeats Giovanni, the second version of Blue should appear in this route as well. (the player would be normally required to own all other seven Badges before entering the Viridian Gym, but this can be bypassed by the walking through walls glitch)

Glitch results

Blue permanently on Route 22

The player has passed by the rival without a battle on Route 22

If the player defeats Brock after defeating Giovanni (reversing the normal gameplay order), then a single version of Blue will remain permanently on Route 22, without walking to or battling with the player. This effectively skips the second Route 22 battle against Blue (which would be mandatory in normal gameplay).

If spoken to, Blue will say his challenge dialogue associated with the second Route 22 battle, but this battle will not start and the player will be able to walk freely through Route 22.

This does not affect other battles against Blue. For instance, Blue will also still appear as the Champion in the Indigo Plateau as usual, even though he will also always be found at Route 22.

Battling against early Blue

If the player has not yet restarted the game after defeating Giovanni (and has not defeated Brock yet), then it is possible to go and battle the early version of Blue (where Blue still has an unevolved starter) on Route 22, while the later version of Blue is also present.

Once this battle is done, the early version of Blue will go away while the later version of Blue will remain permanently on Route 22 (the same way as defeating Brock would do).

Freezing the game

If both versions of Blue are on Route 22, but the player has already saved and restarted the game after defeating Giovanni, then it will not be possible to battle either version of Blue anymore.

Once the player enters Route 22 (where both copies of Blue are present), the early version of Blue will challenge the player to a battle, but then he will say the after-battle text without any battle. After this is done, the player will remain stuck in place (in front of the Blue who challenged him) until restarting from the last saved game, with no option to leave or open the menu. (even with the walking through walls glitch active, the player would be permanently stuck here)

The player remains unable to go into the Pokémon League because the Route 22 is effectively blocked, unless the player causes Blue to be stuck permanently on Route 22 by defeating Brock or uses the walking through walls glitch to walk through the Route 22 while bypassing the two versions of Blue.

Rival twins in the same spot

It is possible to see the two versions of Blue in the same overworld tile by walking through walls and approaching them from the left side when they are both present on Route 22.

See also

Transform glitchesGlitch TrainersCloning glitchesError messagesArbitrary code execution
Generation I GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
--0 ERRORBroken hidden itemsCable Club escape glitchDual-type damage misinformation
Experience underflow glitchFight Safari Zone Pokémon trickGlitch CityItem duplication glitchItem underflow
Mew glitchOld man glitchPewter Gym skip glitchPokémon merge glitchRhydon glitchRival twins glitch
Select glitches (dokokashira door glitch, second type glitch) • Super Glitch
Time Capsule exploitWalking through wallsZZAZZ glitch
Generation II GlitchesBattle glitches
Bug-Catching Contest glitchCelebi Egg glitchCoin Case glitchesExperience underflow glitch
Glitch dimensionGlitch EggTeru-samaTime Capsule exploitTrainer House glitchesGS Ball mail glitch
Generation III GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Berry glitchDive glitchPomeg glitchGlitzer Popping
Generation IV GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Acid rainGTS glitchesPomeg glitchRage glitch
Surf glitchTweakingPal Park Retire glitch
Generation V GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Frozen Zoroark glitchSky Drop glitch
Generation VI GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Lumiose City save glitchSymbiosis Eject Button glitchToxic sure-hit glitch
Generation VII GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitch
Generation VIII Glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitchParty item offset glitch
Generation IX Glitches
Glitch effects Game freezeGlitch battleGlitch song
Gen I only: Glitch screenTMTRAINER effectInverted sprite
Gen II only: Glitch dimension
Lists Glitches (GOHOMEMystery DungeonTCG GBSpin-off)
Glitch Pokémon (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII)
Glitch moves (Gen I) • Glitch types (Gen IGen II)

This article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.