Talk:Golden Lure Module

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Revision as of 18:14, 8 April 2023 by Unowninator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Since nobody made this yet, I thought I'd give some details to help get started. * It spawns Pokemon for 30 minutes. * Events that prolong lures (ie, community days) will NOT...")
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Latest comment: 8 April 2023 by Unowninator

Since nobody made this yet, I thought I'd give some details to help get started.

  • It spawns Pokemon for 30 minutes.
  • Events that prolong lures (ie, community days) will NOT affect Golden Lures, as I learned the hard way.
  • Turns Pokestops gold until it wears off.
  • Seems to spawn extra items.
  • Can give Gimmighoul Coins (5, 10, 15, 20 or 25)
  • Supposedly can spawn Gimmighoul itself, but I haven't had it happen to me.

Is this enough to write the article? ¿¡Unowninator?! (talk) 18:14, 8 April 2023 (UTC)Reply