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These are Rachel's quotes in the Pokémon games.
In the spin-off games
Pokémon Masters EX
Rachel uses a different set of voice clips during story areas and battles added before she became playable, denoted here as "NPC".
- Menu interface (voice clips)
- After being recruited
- "Oh, hey. I'm Rachel. My job's to, like, do stuff for Master Lear. Sooo, yeah!"
- Sync pair viewer
- "Huuuuuh! Jawdrop."
- "My master's seriously the best. I'd do, like, anything for him!"
- Selection screen (forming team)
- "I got thiiis! ♪"
- Selection screen (disbanding team)
- "Byeeee!"
- Upon learning a new lucky skill
- "This is gonna be crazy!"
- Upon leveling up
- "Whoa! Pat on the back, me!"
- Upon reaching max level
- "Where's our gold star? Hm! ♪"
- Upon unlocking a new level cap
- "Work it 'til it's perfect!"
- During conversation
- "Helloooo!"
- "Hey!"
- "Uhuh!"
- "Heh, hh!"
- "Hehahahahahahah!"
- "Bee-do-bee-do-beee! ♪"
- "Humph."
- "Eheh, heh."
- "Beautiful!"
- "Like, whoa!"
- "Congrats!"
- "You got this!"
- "Wha?"
- "Someone's about to get crushed!"
- "Come on!"
- "Haaaugh!"
- "Aaah-haah..."
- "Ohh..."
- "Huuh."
- "Huh?"
- "You serious?!"
- "Aaaah!"
- "Uhhh."
- "Seriously?"
- "Hmm."
- "Awright!"
- "Shaaanks!"
- "Sowwy..."
- "Mkay!"
- "Uh-uh."
- "Owwww!"
- "Countin' on ya!"
- "Ohhhh."
- "Whoa!"
- "Uheheheheheh!"
- "Byeeee!"
- "Let's do the thing!"
- "When I start somethin', I finish it."
- During conversation (NPC)
- "Helloooo!"
- "'Scuse me!"
- "Uh, yeah?"
- "Ehuh."
- "Ahahahahahaha!"
- "Hah-huh-ha-uh-hh! ♪"
- "Uhuh."
- "Eheheheheh."
- "Lookin' good!"
- "Bravo!"
- "Like, congrats!"
- "You can do it!"
- "Huh?"
- "Don't push me!"
- "No way."
- "Hah."
- "Ehahahahahah, hh..."
- "Duh!"
- "Huuuuoooh."
- "Hm?"
- "Whoa."
- "Aaah."
- "Blegh."
- "Seriously?"
- "Hmmm..."
- "Eh."
- "Thanks a buuunch!"
- "My bad."
- "Roger that!"
- "Nuh-uh!"
- "Ouch."
- "Take care o' that, 'kay?"
- "Oh, uhuh."
- "Whaaat?!"
- "Ehehehehe."
- "See ya!"
- "You, like, lookin' for a battle?"
- "You're, like, in our way."
- During special log-in conversation (morning)
- "*yawn* Y'know what would reeeally help me wake up this morning? A nap... I'm gonna go do that..."
- During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
- "Lunchtiiime! I don't know if you know this, but Sawyer's cooking is, like, disgustingly good. Wanna eat with us today?"
- During special log-in conversation (evening)
- "Today was, like, craaazy fun, huh? I hope me 'n' Master Lear totally crush it tomorrow, too."
- During special gift conversation
- "Want this?"
- Battle interface (voice clips)
- Co-op match screen
- "Awright!"
- VS screen
- "It's showtime!"
- VS screen (NPC)
- "I'm gonna cruuush youuu!"
- Sending out Pokémon
- "Mmkay!"
- Sending out Pokémon (NPC)
- "Yes!"
- Using Pokémon move
- "Go, go!"
- "Crush 'em!"
- Using Pokémon move (NPC)
- "Here we gooo."
- "Let's turn it up!"
- Using item
- "Bam! Eheheh!"
- Using item (NPC)
- "Waaatch me!"
- Using Trainer move
- "I know what to do!"
- Using sync move
- "I'm gonna crush you!"
- Using sync move (NPC)
- "I'm gonna cruuush youuu!"
- Unity attack / theme skill
- "Ehehe!"
- "Bam!"
- "Crush 'em!"
- Switching in
- "Helloooo!"
- Recalling fainted Pokémon
- "Wait, what?"
- "Nice" emote
- "Bra-vo!"
- "Watch out" emote
- "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
- "Let's do this" emote
- "Ohhh, love it!"
- "Thanks" emote
- "Shaaanks!"
- Defeat
- "Ohh... Guess we're donesies."
- Defeat (NPC)
- "How'd this happen?"
- Victory
- "Heh, hh!"
- "Ahaaah. Victory!"
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 3 - Rise beyond the Flames
- The Creator of Pasio
- "Uhhh, not like anybody asked, but I'm Rachel. See ya around."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 5 - The High-Flying Girl
- Dead Set on Victory
- "Good for you, Master Lear."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 9 - The Beauty of Friendship
- A Clash of Wills
- "Of cooourse he is."
- "I mean, Master Lear's a genius... Plus, he trains suuuper hard."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 10 - A Matter of Pride
- An Unexpected Collaboration
- "Heyyy, look who just showed up at the right place at the right time."
- "Hey, Sawyer... How 'bout we get these guys to help us out?"
- "Duhhh. I know. But don't you think Master Lear will be wayyy happier if we can get the job done even faster?"
- Is something wrong?: "Heh heh, I think I'll take that curiosity as a sign that you'd be willing to help us sniff out those Team Break goons..."
- Can we help out somehow?: "Is today my lucky day? Yeah! You can help us sniff out those Team Break goons. You've gotta be pretty fed up with them, too, right?"
- "Oh, hush. It's fiiine! Let's just get this over with. Come on, <player>. Let's gooo!"
- If spoken to in the second area
- "I knew there'd be more of them slinking around... And look, here they are. Surprise, surprise."
- After defeating the Team Break members in the second area
- "Ugh, fiiinally. I thought that would never end. Come on. Let's hurry up and report back to Master Lear."
- "Did you hear that, <player>? Sounds like we need your help for a li'l bit longer..."
- If spoken to in the third area
- "Not too shabby, <player>! Let's keep up the pace!"
- "Sooo true. Master Lear's not just a genius–he's a hard worker, too."
- If spoken to in the fourth area
- "He'll/She'll be fiiine. Even Master Lear has his eye on him/her lately. Right, <player>? This'll be, like, a piece of cake for you."
- "I mean, if we're being toootally honest here, the two of us are lookin' forward to seeing what you can do, too."
- "I know, I knooow... Only be nice if it benefits Master Lear..."
- "Hmm... Think we did good enough to squeeze a compliment out of Master Lear for once?"
- "I knowww, but he never says it to my face... I'm just saying, a li'l compliment here and there would be nice."
- "Yeahhh, Master Lear does seem pretty passionate about it. He says he's gonna create a whole new way to battle, starting here on Pasio."
- "Yeahhh. We do it because we love him, huh, Sawyer."
- "Saaame thing.... Anyways, thanks a bunch for helping us out, <player>."
- "Well, maaaybe we could root for you a li'l bit, too. Juuust a li'l bit."
- "See you around."
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 1 - Brock's Grit
- Let the Tournament Begin!
- "Uhh, did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning, Master Lear? You're even crankier than usual."
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 2 - A Stubborn Obstacle
- Stand Up as a Team
- "Ugh, why don't you just disqualify them? I'm sure you could, as the founder and all..."
- "Master Lear..."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 19 - Rematch vs. Lear!
- More Precious than Victory
- "Uh-oh! Better watch out. Lear's Staraptor is waaay stronger than the Krookodile you fought with Haxorus."
- "We'll toootally support you in this battle, Master Lear. You can count on me 'n' Sawyer–"
- "Master Lear..."
- Until Next We Battle
- "Master Lear..."
- "Stone, shmone! Master Lear's been crushin' it battle after battle for a long time without having to use one."
- "Huh?"
- "It is a liiittle lonely..."
- See you in the tournament, Lear!: "<player>..."
- "Awww, cheer up, Master Lear."
- "It's making me sad to see you all down in the dumps like this. Where'd all o' your arrogant laughter go?"
- "Sawyer? What's going on?!"
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 20 - Shifting Shadows
- Big Sis
- As "???"
- "Oof! Hope they didn't spot me..."
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 3 - The Truth about Pasio
- King of Solitude
- "...And then supposedly this suuuper strong Trainer named Cynthia rolled in and defeated pretty much all of Team Break!"
- "Long story short: the hideout I found was a dud."
- "Anyways...are you sure it was a good idea to ditch the opening ceremony so you could keep searchin', Master Lear?"
- "Hm? Did you say something?"
- "Mmm... I'm sure he'll thunder into this cave any minute now."
- "His name's Cheren. He's one of <player>'s teammates."
- "Uhhh, so what if we did? You tryin' to accuse us of some kinda crime?"
- "For your information, Hoopa was totally happy to do it for us when we gave it donuts. It's, like, mutually beneficial or whatever."
- "Master Lear..."
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 4 - The Once-Charming Prince
- Rachel, Sawyer, and Lear
- "Yeah, like, let us give you a ha–"
- "You again? Whyyy do you keep, like, barging in wherever we go?"
- "Sorry, but your teacherly instincts are nooot our style. We don't need your help, like, at all."
- "Right, Sawyer?"
- "Heeey. You, like, falling asleep over there?"
- "Whaaat?! What are you even saying?"
- "Like...I guess, but still..."
- "Weeell..."
- "If you're really that sure, Sawyer, then I guess it's fine... Not that I'm, like, bursting with confidence in this guy."
- Off-screen
- "Yeeeah, back in the day. He could count on us for anything, and he was a real sweetheart to Pokémon, too."
- "But things were never really the same after Her Majesty the queen passed away."
- On-screen
- "We were, like, shocked. Our little Master Lear suddenly couldn't trust anyone but himself."
- "He started saying awful things, like, like telling people and Pokémon they were just dead weight dragging him down."
- "Kiiinda like what he said back there."
- "You haven't won my trust juuust yet, you know."
- "But if you're gonna do it, like, give it all you got. This is Master Lear we're talking about."
- "Did HE stutter? We're saying, like, so long."
- "Yeah, sooo, peace out..."
- "Master Lear."
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 5 - What Makes a King
- Cheren's Intervention
- "Hey, Sawyer, are you suuure this is a good idea?"
- "I know Cheren said to, like, keep our distance from Master Lear, but I dunno..."
- "But, like, come on..."
- "Heeey! No fair! Here I was trying to be patient!"
- "Master Leeear! Just so you know, I'm way more worried about you than Sawyer is!"
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 6 - Royally Alone
- A Less-Than-Perfect Reunion
- "Like, what were you thinking?! Why'd you let him dooo that?"
- "You help, too, Umbreon! We're toootally counting on you!"
- "Whaaat? Seriouslyyy? Do we have to do this, like, right now?"
- Main Story PML Arc - Interlude 7 - Shining Bonds
- The End of the PML
- In flashback, off-screen
- "Yeah! We'd have him cheered up in no time if you'd just let us taaalk to him! Come on!"
- In flashback, on-screen
- "Whoooa! Not gonna lie–that's pretty amazing, Master Lear. Where'd you manage to find one?!"
- "Uhhh..."
- "Aww, shh! Don't cry, sweetie! We'll get you back home to your parents right now..."
- Things Forgotten
- "Master Leeear! Is it really you?!"
- "Oh... That was totally just a ruse."
- "Master Lear..."
- "We're just suuuper glad you're OK, OK?"
- "*sob sob*"
- The Power of Friendship
- "Let's do this, Umbreon!"
- "Totes!"
- "It's, like, toootally our win!"
- "So is he, like, the boss or what?"
- "Lear..."
- "Lear's sync stone is glowing?"
- A King Who Cares
- "Omigosh, Lear! You toootally crushed it!"
- "Master Lear..."
- "Master Lear... Waaaghhhhh!"
- "Of course! I'll follow you foreverrrr!"
- "We...didn't get a chance to tell you..."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 28 - Change of Heart
- PML Defenders
- Off-screen
- "Master Leeear!"
- On-screen
- "I know we're the ones to blame for getting hurt and delaying your arrival, but..."
- "Master Lear..."
- "You got it, sir! We'll make sure we're a thousand percent healed up and ready for the match, 'K?"
- Team Break Ambush! Part 3
- Before the first battle
- "Ugh! Come on! We're s'pposed to be resting up so we can be perfect-o before the semifinaaals!"
- We've gotta save Rachel!: "<player>..."
- After the first battle
- "... ... ..."
- "Well, I mean, they DID save us, but..."
- "We can't get all soft and thankful just yet! What if that makes it harder to battle them?"
- "<player>..."
- "Thanks..."
- A Match to Remember
- "Those Team Break losers were sooooo annoying. I'm super glad they're, like, finally gonna be out of our hair."
- "Hmm... Shall we, like, take turns beating 'em up? A li'l payback for all the trouble they've caused? Oooh! How 'bout a lifetime prison sentence?"
- "M-Master Lear?"
- "Master Lear..."
- Off-screen
- "Master Lear! Big news, big news!"
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 29 - Semifinal Showdown
- Semifinal Showdown: Part 1
- "Oh, for suuure. They won't know what hit 'em!"
- "Wuh-woh! Did he strike a nerve, Master Lear?"
- "Wha–? Master Lear!"
- "Hear that? Everyone's cheerin' for Master Lear!"
- "That's, like, never happened before! Right, Sawyer?!"
- "Heh! You're one to talk, Master Lear! You're, like, totally blushing right now!"
- "Kinda nice, though, right? Havin' all those people supportin' you like that."
- "Somethin' the matter, Master Lear?"
- "Hmm... How weird are we talkin'?"
- Semifinal Showdown: Part 2
- "These pip-squeaks don't stand a chaaance against us, Master Lear! Let's do this!"
- "Master Lear..."
- "Roger, rogerrr!"
- Semifinal Showdown: Part 3
- "No waaay! I'm the one who botched it for us! If my feints had been better, we coulda outmaneuvered 'em..."
- "I'm so sorry, Master Lear..."
- "Master Lear..."
- "*sniffle* Sorry! Don't mind meee... Just gonna need a minute to, like, stop myself from crying, that's all..."
- Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 30 - The Road to Victory
- The Road Goes Ever On
- "'Sup, <player>! Havin' fun?"
- "There's gonna be a huuuuge announcement, too! So, like, get excited for that!"
- "Hehe. You'll just have to wait and seeee!"
- "C'mon! Let's roll!"
- "Weeeeeelp, guess he finally cracked."
- "Even with his coronation postponed, Master Lear looks, like, sooo excited right now!"
- "Oooooooh! Bet that knocked his socks off, huh!"
- "Hopefully this'll start to mend that rift that formed between them when the queen passed away."
- Legendary Adventures - The Beast That Devours the Sun
- The Sunrise Calls
- As "???"
- "Huh? Did those goons just teleport another sync pair to Pasio? I guess I should go welcome whoever it is..."
- "Whoa... Uhh, OK. Wow. Is that Pokémon what I think it is? Uhh, Team Break definitely upped their game this time!"
- "M-maybe this'll be a good thing... More for people to celebrate, right? I mean, as long as it'll help us stir up some excitement, right?"
- Battle Villa
- Before battle
- "Whaaat? Is that you, <player>? Did you, like, teleport up here or something? How'd you get here so fast?"
- "Greeeat... Guess that means I gotta follow Master Lear's orders now."
- "Come on. Slide on over here, and show me what you can dooo!"
- "I'm gonna, like, crush you now, 'kay? So, y'know, hope you're ready!"
- After being defeated
- "Whoooa, <player>! That was craaazy."
- "Keep this up, and you'll be climbin' the ranks in no time. You can dooo it!"'
- Story Event - Summer Superstars
- One Summer's Day
- "Ah! Sooorry."
- "But it's, like, summer, y'know? The time for playing in the water and going to festivals and all that fun stuff."
- "It's enough to make me wanna sing a little song, y'knooow?"
- "Huuuh? Did I just do something right?"
- The Sync Pair Music Festival!
- "I'm sooooo jealous. You guys better show some gratitude to Master Lear, 'kay?"
- Endless Summer!
- "Master Lear looks toootally happy."
- "That's totally craaazy, Master Lear. I'm sooo jealous."
- Solo Event - Lear Takes the Lead
- Follow My Lead!
- "C'mon... Send her back to where she came from alreadyyy..."
- "Buuut...if Lisia was having a concert, wouldn't it be, like, kinda weird to be spotted here?"
- Can't Wait to Be King
- "That concert was a huuuge hit! You did awesome, Master Lear!"
- "I totes got your back, too, Master Lear!"
- Costume Event - Poké War Games
- Capture the Golden Spheres!
- "Yeah, and if you, like, still don't get it after that, we'll tooootally answer any questions you’ve got later on!"
- "Uh...quick question! How're the spectators gonna know what's going on if the battles are spread out all over Pasio?"
- "Cooliooo. Thanks for that, Master Lear!"
- "Okie dokie, that's all for now! See you all on the battlefield, everyone!"
- Story Event - Pasio Friendiversary
- Raihan's Photo Op
- "This is, like, really bad..."
- "What's wrong with it? Look! The crowd is going suuuper wild!"
- "Wait. You can't be serious. Just this one picture?"
- Sincere Thanks
- "It called us here and then, like, went away."
- Special Event - The Classic Thunderbolt
- Use Thunderbolt!
- "Yeah. He totes didn't have aaaany issues taking down Team Break."
- Costume Event - Super Tour Guide Rosa
- Pasio Tourism Ambassador!
- "Master Lear's getting suuuper good at giving compliments, huh."
- Sync Pair Story - A Day with Rachel
- "Ugh! Seeeriously? How did I lose?!"
- "*gasp* Whaaat? Did we just get a compliment from a Champion, Umbreon?"
- "Heh, I see those starry eyes! You must've been blown away by my battle prowess, too, huh, <player>!"
- "And now that my popularity's exploding, you're probably dying to know, like, all the juicy deets about me, right?"
- "Well, your wish is my command. Get ready to hear my suuuper dramatic backstory!"
- "Awright! Sooo, when I was younger, I used to work as a maid in Master Lear's castle."
- "Y'know, like the classic tale where an orphan gets, like, taken in by a rich family? Yeah, that was meee."
- "Yep! Betcha didn't expect that, huh! You don't have to, like, feel bad for me or anything, though."
- "It was my destiny, y'know? And I'm suuuuper OK with that!"
- "For suuure. Anyways, so when I was little, I had this suuuper thick accent from the countryside where I was born."
- "I didn't wanna get teased for it, so I spent, like, literally foreeever learning how to talk like I do now."
- "But one day, Sawyer called me out on it–told me I had to drop the slang and speak more respectfully..."
- Did you push back?: "I couldn't! I was just a junior maid back then."
- What do you mean?: "Well, he probably thought I was doing it on purpose to be rude or something."
- "I was freakin' out 'cause I didn't know what I was supposed to do..."
- "and that's when Master Lear came to my rescue!"
- "He told me he liked the way I talked–gave me his official stamp of approval!"
- "Man, he was so coooool that day..."
- "Huh?! Whoops, totally spaced out there for a sec."
- "Anyway, back to the story!"
- "So, after all thaaat happened, me and Master Lear started hanging out a bunch."
- "We had SO much fun together. Like, seriously. This was back when Umbreon was still an Eevee."
- "I used to talk to him about Master Lear a loooot. Like, how I hoped he would evolve into his favorite Evolution and stuff."
- "I know, right?! And it probably woulda been if things hadn't gone all wrong again!"
- "'Cause one night, Eevee evolved into Umbreon outta nowhere!"
- "I thought we were gonna plan it out and make a decision together, but nooope! I was, like, super upset about it."
- "But then..."
- "Guess who came to my rescue again?! Master Lear!"
- "He told me he thought Umbreon was great! All it took was one word and I went from, like, full-on despair to, like, suuuper happy!"
- "Man, he was so coooool that day..."
- Earth to Rachel!: "Wha–! Did I just space out again?!"
- Uhh, you spacing out again?: "Huh? Who's what?"
- "Duh! Sooo, yeah, that's my crazy backstory!"
- "Well, at least the first chapter, anyways. There's still waaay more story left to go!"
- "My story, featuring Umbreon and Master Lear, will continue!"
- Pokémon Center
- Random conversation
- "Like how I talk? Hehe. It's probably 'cause I know, like, all the latest slang and buzzwords and stuff."
- "Knowing what's trending is pretty much like a full-time job, though. Seriously. I may not look like it, but I'm a suuuper hard worker."
- Random conversation
- "Sawyer does it aaall. He works all day, he cooks, he's a bodyguard... I mean, the dude can do anything!"
- "There's, like, nooo way I could do all that. But I know one thing I CAN do..."
- "Make people smile! Hehe. I'm like the happiness fairy, spreadin' happiness wherever I go!"
- Random conversation
- "There are sooo many Trainers on Pasio with killer fashion sense, it's, like, not even funny. I've been keeping my eye out."
- "I've seen kimono-inspired looks, aqua-blue bodysuits... Like, seriously. These girls are cruuushing it."
- "Kinda makes me wanna start up a fashion boutique... I could sell all kinds of unique styles like that."
- Random conversation
- "Ugh! Me 'n' Sawyer ended up buttin' heads again today over nothing!"
- "I mean, "Who cares about Master Lear the most?" Is that even a question?!"
- "It's totally ME! Next time I see him, I'm gonna prove I'm right and he's wrong!"
- Random conversation
- "D'you ever feel like there's, like, not enough fun stuff to do on Pasio?"
- "We need more, like, make-you-wanna-SCREAM kinda fun! Fun that makes you wanna get up and DANCE! WOOT WOOT! "
- "Don't you think, <player>?! I'm gonna have to sit down and have a reeeal talk with Master Lear about this soon."
- Random conversation
- "I've been working for Master Lear foreeeever. Since I grew up at the castle, I pretty much watched him grow up, too!"
- "He's all cool and handsome nowadays, but he was a li'l cutie when he was younger!"
- "Aww... *chuckle* Just thinking about those days is making me blush!"
- If spoken to again
- "Master Lear's always gonna be number one in my heart! No one else'll ever come close!"
- "Never give up, Rachel! Your love is reeeal!"
- Random conversation
- "Y'know, I can't really say this when Master Lear's around...but I like you, kid!"
- "Like, nowhere near as much as I like Master Leeear, but yeah!"
- "So like...if you ever need something, lemme know. Maybe I can help you out. If you're lucky."
- If spoken to again
- "Glasses are pretty boss, huh. These are, like, my favorite pair. Don't they make me look smart?"
- "Ooooh, I should shop around for a pair that'll go with your style. You're gonna look sliiick!"
- Special log-in conversation (generic)
- "Oh heyyy! How goes it, <player>?"
- "We should, like, do something together today! I mean, YOLO, right?"
- Special log-in conversation (morning)
- "*yawn* Y'know what would reeeally help me wake up this morning? A nap... I'm gonna go do that..."
- Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
- "Lunchtiiime! I dunno if you know this, but Sawyer's cooking is, like, disgustingly good. Wanna eat with us today?"
- Special log-in conversation (evening)
- "Today was, like, craaaazy fun, huh? I hope me 'n' Master Lear totally crush it tomorrow, too."
- Special gift conversation
- "Heyyy, good timing! Here, take this."
- After giving out item
- "Promise me you won't let it go to waste, 'kay!"