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These are Will's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal

  • Before battle
"Welcome to Pokémon League, <player>. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Will. I have trained all around the world, making my psychic Pokémon powerful. And, at last, I've been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only keep getting better! Losing is not an option!"
  • Being defeated
"I… I can't… believe it…"
  • After being defeated
"Even though I was defeated, I won't change my course. I will continue battling until I stand above all trainers! Now, <player>, move on and experience the true ferocity of the Elite Four."

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

  • Before battle
"Welcome to the Pokémon League! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Will. I have trained all around the world, making my Psychic-type Pokémon powerful. And, at last, I've been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only keep getting better! Losing is not an option!"
  • After sending out last Pokémon
"We Psychics don't give up even when we're down to the last Pokémon. That's what makes us so formidable!"
  • Last Pokémon at critical health
"Until we reach zero, our power is limitless. I'm not giving up yet!"
  • Being defeated
"I… I can't…believe it…"
  • After being defeated
"Even though I was defeated, I won't change my course. I will continue battling until I stand above all Trainers! Now move on and experience the true ferocity of the Elite Four."

In the side series

Pokémon Stadium 2

  • Before battle
"I have observed your battle techniques. I'm ready for you!"
"Have you studied up on Psychic-type Pokémon?"
"So, you have finally reached me. All right. Prepare for battle!"
  • Sending out first Pokémon
  • Sending out a new Pokémon
"Switch to <Pokémon>!"
"<Pokémon>, go!"
"<Pokémon>, fight!"
"Attack, <Pokémon>!"
"Come back, <Pokémon>!"
"<Pokémon>, that will do!"
"That was good!"
"You earned a reward!"
  • Own Pokémon faints
"I blew it all!"
"Hmm... Not bad."
  • Player's Pokémon faints
"Did that surprise you?"
"We're taking aim at its weak spot. How do you like that?"
  • Player's Pokémon lands a critical hit
"I felt that. That connected with a weak spot."
"Hmm... This can't be helped."
  • Commanding his Pokémon to use Psychic
"Here's an attack on the psyche!"
"You really are unlucky."
"Now what are your options?"
  • If the player is defeated
"That decided it."
  • After being defeated
"Of all the opponents I've faced, you're the best without a doubt."
"I'm impressed. I have no regrets about this. Go on ahead."
"I've expended all my power. I have no regrets about losing this way."
  • After winning
"That was close. I wonder what it is that you lack."
"Sorry about that, but I'm shooting for the top myself."
"I never thought you could come this far."
  • If the battle ended in a draw
"This battle will go down in history. I'm sure of it..."
  • If the player runs from the battle
"You're quitting? After all you've done to get here?"

In spin-off games

Pokémon Puzzle Challenge

050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Quotes seem to vary, perhaps depending on how well the player did.

  • Normal
"Do you wish to challenge the Elite Four? It won't be easy to defeat us! Let the match begin!"
"You got me! Keep going to see the true power of the Elite Four!"
  • Hard
"I have become stronger! There's no way I'll lose now!"
"You got me. But don't think losing will change my ways. To reach the top, you must continue on to face the true might of the Elite Four!"
  • Super Hard
"I have become stronger! There's no way I'll lose now!"
"You got me. But don't think losing will change my ways. To reach the top, you must continue on to face the true might of the Elite Four!"
  • Intense
"I have become stronger! There's no way I'll lose now!"
"You got me. But don't think losing will change my ways. To reach the top, you must continue on to face the true might of the Elite Four!"

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Will (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm Will, of Indigo Elite Four fame. I'm here to show the world the true ferocity of my psychic powers!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Psychic users like me never give up, even when we're hanging on by the skin of our teeth. That's what makes us so formidable."
"Until we reach zero, our power is limitless!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Let's go train together!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"My, oh marvelous."
  • Upon leveling up
"I will continue to grow stronger."
  • Upon reaching max level
"Nothing stands a chance against my psychic powers."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Our psychic powers are even more intense now!"
  • During conversation
"A moment, please."
"Congratulations are in order."
"No problem."
"Pardon me."
"Would you kindly oblige?"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Hello there. Would you care to do some early morning training with me?"
"They say the early Pidgey catches the Weedle. Like myself, you seem to have taken that lesson to heart."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hi there. Would you be interested in seeing some of my psychic powers in action?"
"My Pokémon loves to stare up at the sun. She'll do it all day if she can!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"It could be my imagination, but I feel like my psychic powers intensify at night."
"My Pokémon never stops gazing at the world—even at night."
  • During special gift conversation
"I want you to have this!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right!"
  • VS screen
"Let us begin!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Using Pokémon move
"That's it!"
  • Using item
"Allow me."
  • Using Trainer move
"Watch this."
  • Using sync move
"Our power is limitless!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"Shall we?"
  • Switching in
"Here we go!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"How depressing."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Be careful!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Our power is limitless!"
  • "Thanks" emote
  • Defeat
"Suppose we didn't train enough."
  • Victory
"Pause for applause."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 24 - A Shining Spotlight
  • A Dazzling New Stage: Part 3
"There aren't too many teams left. It's possible we'll face <player>'s team in the next round."
"I'm sure he'll/she'll be surprised to find out you're on our team..."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 25 - A Glorious Gambit
  • A Glorious Gambit: Part 1
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"I sincerely hope you're not thinking about leaving Pasio."
  • After appearing, as Will
"It's far too soon for you to even consider that!"
"I'll cut to the chase, then."
"Why don't you join our team, Grimsley?"
"Your battle style speaks to me."
"The way you relentlessly pursue victory, no matter who your opponent is or what obstacles appear in your path..."
"There aren't many Trainers out there who have your resolve."
"We're on the cusp of qualifying for the finals. But if we want to keep our winning streak once we're in, we'll need you."
"Who better than a thrill seeker to channel our yearning for victory and swing the odds in our favor?"
"Please, Grimsley! Be our trump card!"
"I'm not going to answer that question."
"Or should I say, do I even need to answer?"
"Think of the ceaseless training and effort I put in just so I could climb high enough to finally join the Elite Four!"
"I traveled the world, training every waking hour for days on end..."
"I didn't do all that just to have you doubt the unwavering strength I've gained from all that experience!"
"I won't even let you get to the point where you have to consider hurting my partner to win!"
"We never pass up a chance to improve, and we never stop fighting to win, either!"
"So come scale this peak with us, Grimsley!"
"Heh heh! We've been watching your battles, you know."
"You've fought tremendously–especially when you went toe-to-toe with Elesa's team!"
Thank you!: "What a nice, sincere answer. No doubt that attitude of yours is how you managed to motivate all those sync pairs to take a stand."
"Heh heh. It seems you're every bit as tough to pin down as I've heard, Nanu."
"From a man I think you might know."
  • A Glorious Gambit: Part 2
"I won't argue with that, Grimsley."
"But having lost doesn't change what I...what we aim to do."
"We're going to keep fighting until we reach the peak, no matter how many losses it takes."
Main Story Villain Arc - Johto - Team Rocket's Revival
  • Resuming Operations
"Well... If we let it show, we'd just be revealing to you what our weaknesses are."
  • Off-screen
"Hm? Is that a Togepi?"
"I don't see a Trainer around... Why's it all alone?"
  • The Cruelest and Scariest
"What a tongue twister..."
"Well... I actually did notice that."
"But I felt it would be smarter if we dealt with it once we got back together with the group. He wasn't showing any signs of attacking at the time."
"They're a dangerous bunch. I'll stay with Professor Sonia for extra protection, just in case."
Story Event - Shining Star
  • Part 3: A Head-Spinning Twist
  • As "???"
"A Team Break what, you say?!"
"You've got it all wrong! I'm not a member of that loathsome crew!"
"Perhaps, but as I said before, I'm not a member of–"
Let's turn this show up to 11!/Let's do it for the audience!: "Wha–?!"
"O...K... I think I see what you're trying to do."
"All right, then. I hope you're prepared for the power I'm about to bring to this stage!"
"How about some applause, people? It's show time!"
  • Part 4: A Genuine Supermodel
  • As Will
"Marvelous... You're far more skilled than I gave you credit for."
"Clad in a sygna suit, a Gym Leader from Unova managed to unleash a power greater than my own."
"I had complete confidence in my ability to win... But this time, I failed."
"However, as I've already pointed out, I'm in no way, shape, or form connected to Team Break. I'm–"
"Correct! My name is Will, and I do happen to be a member of the Indigo Elite Four, as a matter of fact."
"I've traveled all over the world on a journey to strengthen my Psychic-type Pokémon. We train to be the best of the best."
"Since coming to Pasio, I've been mistaken for a member of Team Break more times than I care to count, and I've been challenged just as many."
"Allow me to set the record straight here and now. I'm NOT with Team Break!"
"Do you see the exquisite curves of this mask?"
"How could such an elegant design as this be mistaken for what those crude bullies wear?!"
"You decided to challenge me in the hopes that a battle would make your show a success, and <player> backed you up."
"I knew that the battle had to be exciting, so as your opponent, I made sure to funnel every ounce of strength I had into the battle..."
"But I was defeated by the pure confidence that sparkled all around you in your sygna suit... You completely annihilated me!"
"Are you seeking another Pokémon battle?"
"Oh, it's Xatu's and my help you require. I see... That should be no problem at all."
  • Will's Foresight
"Oh, you sure have an eye for fashion, don't you?"
"But I can say the same about you. Your show was absolutely fantastic."
"I don't remember the last time I felt such passion from an audience like that."
"By the way, you and I aren't finished yet."
"We'll be battling again in the future. I'm sure of it."
"Heh... I don't need to see the future to know this."
"I just want to challenge you again sometime. That's all there is to it."
"It's up to us to create the future we want, right?"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Will
"Hey, <player>. Come over here."
"Hehe, all according to plan."
Plan?/I felt like somebody was calling me.: "I see that my psychic powers reached you."
"I thought this would be a good opportunity for us to get better acquainted with each other. So I set up this meeting so we could chat."
"I thought...that I might need your help in order to become stronger."
But you're so strong already.: "I thought so, too...but I was wrong."
You need me?: "That's right. I sense raw power sleeping inside of you."
"I trained vigorously in order to become a member of the Elite Four. And at long last, I was able to become one."
"I was confident that nobody but the Champion could defeat me."
"But one day, a random Trainer was able to defeat me easily."
"I was much weaker than I had thought."
"That is why I want to find new power at the PML."
"I want to defeat that Trainer with that power!"
"I shall show you how I am training to do so. Look into Xatu's eyes."
"It is said that Xatu is gazing at both the past and the future."
"By looking into her eyes, you can feel like you're able to predict what will happen in battle!"
I don't feel a thing.: "Well, that's strange."
I saw something!: "I appreciate you taking me seriously, but please don't lie."
"I wonder why it's not working."
"Well, this is a predicament. I thought you'd be able to feel something, but..."
"Hm? What's wrong, Xatu?"
"*gasp* What is this power?!"
"<player>! Look into her eyes again!"
"Did you feel it, too? Like the cheers and excitement of thousands of people!"
I did!/What was that...?: "That might be our future!"
"A vision of us facing each other at the PML. At least that is how I interpreted it."
"As I thought, I need you."
"As two Trainers who were gifted with a vision from Xatu..."
"let's keep moving forward toward that future!"
"Hm? No, you shouldn't stare into her eyes too long!"
"You might accidentally see the result of our battle."
"That would take the fun out of it, wouldn't it?"
"We may be able to forecast the future, but it is up to us to be able to pave the way to it!"
"I'm looking forward to our future!"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"After some training, my skill was recognized by the Pokémon League and I joined the Elite Four."
"I can only keep getting better! The possibilities are limitless!"
"If you have the desire to progress, that will be your drive to acquire more strength."
  • If spoken to again
"To me, becoming a member of the Elite Four is important but it isn't my goal."
"What I'm aiming for is even higher. I want to be the pinnacle of all Pokémon Trainers!"
  • Random conversation
"Sometimes, we Elite Four have Pokémon battles among ourselves."
"We all know each other's tactics, so it always comes down to the skin of our teeth."
"The key to my winning all of my battles... I want to find it here on Pasio!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are people all over the world that my Pokémon can't beat yet..."
"That's what gets me fired up. I want to beat all of them!"
  • Random conversation
"Xatu is a very mysterious Pokémon."
"One time, I thought she disappeared..."
"But then three days later, I found her in the same spot as if nothing had happened."
"Now this is just hypothetical, but she might have transcended time and space!"
"Even if that's not the case, it's possible that Xatu have amazing powers we don't know of yet."
  • If spoken to again
"Xatu's eyes are seeing both the past and the future."
"I wonder how she sees the present."
  • Random conversation
"As a member of the Indigo Elite Four, I need reliable Pokémon to take on all my challengers. One of mine is Jynx."
"Before I became an Elite Four member, I went to the Ice Path in the Johto region."
"I slipped and was about to be stranded, but then I heard somebody's voice..."
"That was when I met Jynx!"
"I instantly liked her humanlike voice and strange dance, and so I decided to train one."
  • If spoken to again
"I feel as if Jynx's dance has a mysterious power to it."
"I can count on her even when I battle as an Elite Four member."
  • Random conversation
"If you want to become even stronger, I'll teach you an easy training method."
"Just concentrate really hard on the tree in front of us."
"You can train your concentration like that, and if you can train your concentration like that, you will be able to concentrate in battle better, too!"
"Your strength of mind–your strength of will–becomes your advantage in battle. Try it out sometime!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are more ways to train, but I'm going to keep those a secret."
"If I tell you how I train, you'll figure out the secrets to my strength!"
  • Random conversation
"After all of my travels and training, there was something I came to feel."
"That is the strength of Psychic-type Pokémon! The mysterious powers they hold is very strong!"
"But willpower is not the only appeal of Psychic-type Pokémon. They also have strength of mind!"
"I can count on them in any battle. That is what I was attracted to."
  • If spoken to again
"I train to better myself and to not disappoint my Pokémon."
"My Pokémon always give me a splendid performance!"
"The reason I can keep fighting as a member of the Elite Four is my Pokémon try hard, too. That's why I have to work just as hard as them."
  • Random conversation
"You're growing strong so quickly. I have to watch my back!"
"I'd like to have a race with you to see which of us reaches the pinnacle of all Trainers first!"
"I'm grateful for the chance to not only meet you but to be on a team with you as well!"
  • If spoken to again
"I'll keep you in mind when I train with my Pokémon in the future."
"Because I want to beat you specifically! Losing is not an option, after all!"
"So if you could keep our future battle in mind as well, that would be great!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"I had a feeling that you would be coming here, <player>."
"Well then, let's start today's training!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Hello there. Would you care to do some early morning training with me?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"They say the early Pidgey catches the Weedle. Like myself, you seem to have taken that lesson to heart."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hi there. Would you be interested in seeing some of my psychic powers in action?"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"My Pokémon loves to stare up at the sun. She'll do it all day if she can!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"It could be my imagination, but I feel like my psychic powers intensify at night."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"My Pokémon never stops gazing at the world—even at night."
  • Special gift conversation
"Xatu brought me an item, but you can have it!"
  • After giving out item
"Xatu brings back items that have a mysterious power to them!"
"At least I think they do. But I want you to be able to feel that, too."
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Sabrina and Bianca
"Yes. If you stop trying because you know the answer, it may change your future."