Waterfall Cave

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Waterfall Cave is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2. It has eight floors and is unlocked after beating Drowzee on Mt. Bristle, and performing sentry duty at the Wiggltuff Guild.

On the first visit, the hero and the partner were asked by Wigglytuff to explore the dungeon. Upon reaching the bottom, they stumble into in an alcove filled with gems and a giant gem is at the back. The partner wants to take the gem back to the guild but found it difficult to remove. It is at this point when the hero experiences another dizzy spell and sees an image of the past. A Pokémon had pushed the gem and accidentally set off a trap that caused a flood to wash it away. Unfortunately, the hero was too late to warn the partner Pokémon as he/she pushes the gem and triggered the flood. However, they were carried away to the Hot Springs where they first meet Torkoal.

Pokémon Encountered