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Pokémon | Name | Nickname |
Dracozolt | Abomination | |
Armaldo | Anomaly | |
Archeops | Archetype | |
Clefable | Aria | |
Starmie | Aster | |
Xatu | Barada Nikto | |
Crobat | Batter Up | |
Crabominable | Beatboxer | |
Roserade | Belladonna | |
Tranquill | Bird Brain | |
Emboar | Boarbeque | |
Flareon | Bolero | |
Marowak | Bonefire | |
Galvantula | Bug Zapper | |
Incineroar | Catastrophe | |
Bisharp | Checkmate | |
Claydol | Clay-Doh | |
Altaria | Cloud Nine | |
Blaziken | Cluck Norris | |
Sandslash | Cold Cuts | |
Crobat | Combatant | |
Cursola | Coral Reap | |
Toxicroak | Diet Croak | |
Krookodile | Dile Tone | |
Gengar | Doppel | |
Dusknoir | Duskbunny | |
Carracosta | Duvall | |
Skarmory | Excalibird | |
Scyther | Exponent | |
Rotom | Fanatique | |
Arcanine | Fluffy | |
Salazzle | Fluorane | |
Golduck | Fowl Play | |
Greninja | Frog Legs | |
Starmie | Gemini | |
Honchkrow | Godfeather | |
Granbull | Grand Maw | |
Heracross | Gratitude | |
Reuniclus | Gummy | |
Cinderace | Hare Dryer | |
Golurk | Hauntomaton | |
Scrafty | Hoodwink | |
Scrafty | Hoodlum | |
Meganium | Honeydew | |
Houndoom | Hot Dog | |
Ribombee | Humblebee | |
Malamar | Imperius | |
Azumarill | Jimmy Carter | |
Lapras | Lazuli | |
Hawlucha | Libre Office | |
Dragonite | Lifeguard | |
Luxray | Lyncis | |
Magnezone | Magnate | |
Metagross | Metaphor | |
Leafeon | Minuet | |
Flygon | Mirage | |
Primeape | Mittens | |
Runerigus | Nightmare | |
Umbreon | Nocturne | |
Rampardos | Numbskull | |
Pangoro | Pandamonium | |
Rillaboom | Percusimian | |
Mamoswine | Permafrost | |
Pikachu | Pikahontas | |
Snorlax | Pipsqueak | |
Froslass | Polargeist | |
Politoed | Politician | |
Gallade | Praetorian | |
Golduck | Quackers | |
Reuniclus | Quotient | |
Empoleon | Reign | |
Decidueye | Robin Hoot | |
Scizor | Rock Paper | |
Grimmsnarl | Rogaine | |
Samurott | Ronin | |
Crustle | Scrabble | |
Araquanid | Scuba Dew | |
Vaporeon | Serenade | |
Ampharos | Shoop | |
Palossand | Siltadel | |
Swampert | Skipper | |
Gyarados | Skulkraken | |
Donphan | Sleepy | |
Muk | Sludgehammer | |
Musharna | Snoozy | |
Tangrowth | Spagyeti | |
Steelix | Spielix | |
Staraptor | Starstruck | |
Weezing | Stinkerbell | |
Cradily | Sudo | |
Mamoswine | Swine Flu | |
Jellicent | Tentaghoul | |
Lunatone | Termina | |
Azumarill | Thug Life | |
Primarina | Timberlake | |
Togekiss | Toge Party | |
Lickitung | Tonguetyd | |
Snivy | Trash | |
Treecko | Tree Diddy | |
Exeggutor | Treemendous | |
Toxtricity | Vitriol | |
Aggron | W | |
Lucario | Whiskey | |
Sigilyph | Wingdings | |
Probopass | Wordpass | |
Magnezone | Zone 51 | |
Magnezone | Zonehenge |