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< Template:MastersInfobox
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{{MastersInfobox}} is used to display information about a character from Pokémon Masters EX.

This template will automatically add Category:Masters EX characters.


Parameter Allowed values Notes
type NormalFireFightingWaterFlyingGrassPoisonElectricGroundPsychicRockIceBugDragonGhostDarkSteelFairy The type of the first sync pair's sync move this version of the character debuted with.
name String The character's English name
jname String The character's Japanese name, in Japanese script.
jtrans String The character's romanized Japanese name, in English script.
image Filename The filename for the character's model, including extension. Do not include File:.
size String The image size.
caption String The image caption. Ideally should be similar to <name>'s model
num Number The character's in-game Dex number.
enva String The character's English voice actor. Should also include a reference.
java String The character's Japanese voice actor. Should also include a reference.
desc String The description of the character from the in-game Dex.


Sygna Suit Blue
マジコス グリーン Serious Costume Green
Spr Masters Blue Sygna.png
Sygna Suit Blue's model
No. 65
English voice actor Billy Kametz
Japanese voice actor Ryōta Ōsaka
Description Blue is looking stylish in his sygna suit. With his Blastoise by his side, he has faced many strong opponents in his pursuit to become the greatest Trainer.
|name=Sygna Suit Blue
|jname=マジコス グリーン
|jtrans=Serious Costume Green
|image=Spr Masters Blue Sygna.png
|caption=Sygna Suit Blue's model
|enva=[[Billy Kametz]]
|java=Ryōta Ōsaka
|desc=Blue is looking stylish in his sygna suit. With his Blastoise by his side, he has faced many strong opponents in his pursuit to become the greatest Trainer.