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Revision as of 19:20, 22 June 2008 by AaronV28 (talk | contribs) (Debuts)


Tracey Gets Bugged
Strike Soldier's Pride
First broadcast
Japan May 20, 1999
United States April 1, 2000
English themes
Opening Pokémon World
Japanese themes
Opening ライバル!
Ending タイプ・ワイルド
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 井上修 Osamu Inoue
Assistant director 井上修 Osamu Inoue
Animation director 梶浦紳一郎 Shin'ichirō Kajiura
No additional credits are available at this time.

Tracey Gets Bugged (Japanese: ストライクせんしのほこり Strike Soldier's Pride) is episode 97 of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 20, 1999 and in the United States on April 1, 2000.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Major events





Who’s That Pokémon?: Pinsir


  • Tracey's capture of Scyther marks the first and only time that he is seen capturing a Pokémon in the anime.
  • Professor Oak's lecture: Ekans, Oak discusses Ekans' ability to sense temperature and swallow prey ten times its own size whole. Oak tries to feed an Ekans some Pokémon food, but gets swallowed whole.
  • Pokémon senryu summary: Swallowing whole, strong-stomached Ekans.
  • Starting from this episode Rikako Aikawa takes over as James's Victreebel screams
  • Ash decided to catch a Caterpie in this episode but was quickly dragged off by Misty, which was the only time where he wanted to catch a Pokémon from the same species that he had successfully caught before.


  • In the Pokédex picture of Scyther, it shows that it has a third wing on its right side when it should be just two on each side. This made that Scyther have a total of five wings.
  • When Tracey explains how well Venonat and Marill work as a team, Misty comments "At least they're not Bug-types." This is untrue in the sense that Venonat is indeed a Bug-type.
  • In the English dub Jessie tells Arbok to use "Poison Needle" rather than Poison Sting. Coincidently, "Poison Needle" is actually the translation of どくばり, the Japanese name of Poison Sting.

Dub edits

In other languages

  • French: Histoire de bé-bêtes
  • Italian: Alla conquista degli insetti
  • Latin American Spanish: ¡Tracey se apasiona!
  • Spanish: Tracey captura un insecto

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