Hot Water (TCG)

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Hot Water Box

The Hot Water Theme Deck from Base Set 2 of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Fire and Water type Pokémon and contains the following cards: -

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
4x Poliwag Water Common
2x Poliwhirl Water Uncommon
1x Poliwrath Water Rare HolographicH
3x Goldeen Water Common
3x Charmander Fire Common
1x Charmeleon Fire Uncommon
2x Magmar Fire Uncommon
3x Doduo Colorless Common
1x Dodrio Colorless Uncommon
1x Gust of Wind T Common
3x Energy Removal T Common
2x Poké Ball T Common
3x Potion T Common
2x Energy Retrieval T Uncommon
1x Pokémon Trader T Rare
15x Water Energy E --
13x Fire Energy E --

Like other Theme Decks, Hot Water also includes a rulebook, damage counters, a custom coin (Pikachu) and card list. Template:ThemeDeck1