EX Deoxys (TCG)
EX Deoxys (Japanese: 蒼空の激突 Crash of the Green Sky) was the 8th EX expansion set for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is notable for introducing Pokémon ☆ and being the first set to be released in a different position in English and Japanese.
Set Size
Deoxys contained 82 cards in the Japanese release, alongside two different Half Decks, containing another 23 different cards. There were 108 cards in the English Language release, Gentleman Outing was removed, replaced by a reprint of Lady Outing (Ruby & Sapphire), as well as Potion and Switch. The cards added were three different Deoxys, representing normal, attack and defence forms, Rayquaza, and finally Rocket's Raikou ex as the Box topper.
23rd English Language set and 26th set in Japan.
Release Date
- July 1st - Japanese Half Decks
- July 1st - Japanese main expansion
- February 14th - English Language commercial release
English Language PreReleases were held on the weekends of the 5th/6th and 12th/13th of February, 2005.
- EX Deoxys was the first set to contain Pokémon ☆, a type of card similar to Shining Pokémon, both of which are based off of the Alternate color Pokémon found in the video games.
- EX Deoxys, alongside EX Team Rocket Returns were released in a different order in English and Japanese. This is due to this set's close ties with Destiny Deoxys, and it was decided to hold this set back until it could be released at around the same time as the film. This idea was repeted with EX Legend Maker and EX Delta Species.
- The PreRelease Promo for this set was Manectric.
Theme Decks
Jetstream and Starcharge.
Card List
North America
- 1 Altaria
- 2 Beautifly
- 3 Breloom
- 4 Camerupt
- 5 Claydol
- 6 Crawdaunt
- 7 Dusclops
- 8 Gyarados
- 9 Jirachi
- 10 Ludicolo
- 11 Metagross
- 12 Mightyena
- 13 Ninjask
- 14 Shedinja
- 15 Slaking
- 16 Deoxys
- 17 Deoxys
- 18 Deoxys
- 19 Ludicolo
- 20 Magcargo
- 21 Pelipper
- 22 Rayquaza
- 23 Sableye
- 24 Seaking
- 25 Shiftry
- 26 Skarmory
- 27 Tropius
- 28 Whiscash
- 29 Xatu
- 30 Donphan
- 31 Golbat
- 32 Grumpig
- 33 Lombre
- 34 Lombre
- 35 Lotad
- 36 Lunatone
- 37 Magcargo
- 38 Manectric
- 39 Masquerain
- 40 Metang
- 41 Minun
- 42 Nosepass
- 43 Nuzleaf
- 44 Plusle
- 45 Shelgon
- 46 Silcoon
- 47 Solrock
- 48 Starmie
- 49 Swellow
- 50 Vigoroth
- 51 Weezing
- 52 Bagon
- 53 Baltoy
- 54 Barboach
- 55 Beldum
- 56 Carvanha
- 57 Corphish
- 58 Duskull
- 59 Electrike
- 60 Electrike
- 61 Goldeen
- 62 Koffing
- 63 Lotad
- 64 Magikarp
- 65 Makuhita
- 66 Natu
- 67 Nincada
- 68 Numel
- 69 Phanpy
- 70 Poochyena
- 71 Seedot
- 72 Shroomish
- 73 Slakoth
- 74 Slugma
- 75 Slugma
- 76 Spoink
- 77 Staryu
- 78 Surskit
- 79 Swablu
- 80 Taillow
- 81 Wingull
- 82 Wurmple
- 83 Zubat
- 84 Balloon Berry
- 85 Crystal Shard
- 86 Energy Charge
- 87 Lady Outing
- 88 Master Ball
- 89 Meteor Falls
- 90 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
- 91 Space Center
- 92 Strength Charm
- 93 Boost Energy
- 94 Heal Energy
- 95 Scramble Energy
- 96 Crobat ex
- 97 Deoxys ex
- 98 Deoxys ex
- 99 Deoxys ex
- 100 Hariyama ex
- 101 Manectric ex
- 102 Rayquaza ex
- 103 Salamence ex
- 104 Sharpedo ex
- 105 Latias ☆
- 106 Latios ☆
- 107 Rayquaza ☆
- 108 Rocket's Raikou ex
Main Expansion
- 1 Zubat
- 2 Golbat
- 3 Koffing
- 4 Weezing
- 5 Crobat ex
- 6 Wurmple
- 7 Silcoon
- 8 Beautifly
- 9 Surskit
- 10 Masquerain
- 11 Shroomish
- 12 Nincada
- 13 Ninjask
- 14 Tropius
- 15 Slugma
- 16 Magcargo
- 17 Numel
- 18 Camerupt
- 19 Goldeen
- 20 Seaking
- 21 Staryu
- 22 Starmie
- 23 Magikarp
- 24 Gyarados
- 25 Lotad
- 26 Lombre
- 27 Ludicolo
- 28 Wingull
- 29 Pelipper
- 30 Barboach
- 31 Corphish
- 32 Electrike
- 33 Manectric ex
- 34 Plusle
- 35 Minun
- 36 Natu
- 37 Xatu
- 38 Shedinja
- 39 Solrock
- 40 Duskull
- 41 Dusclops
- 42 Beldum
- 43 Metang
- 44 Metagross
- 45 Deoxys ex
- 46 Deoxys ex
- 47 Breloom
- 48 Makuhita
- 49 Hariyama ex
- 50 Nosepass
- 51 Lunatone
- 52 Whiscash
- 53 Baltoy
- 54 Claydol
- 55 Taillow
- 56 Swellow
- 57 Slakoth
- 58 Vigoroth
- 59 Slaking
- 60 Swablu
- 61 Altaria
- 62 Bagon
- 63 Shelgon
- 64 Salamence ex
- 65 Latias ☆
- 66 Latios ☆
- 67 Rayquaza ☆
- 68 Poochyena
- 69 Mightyena
- 70 Sableye
- 71 Carvanha
- 72 Sharpedo ex
- 73 Crawdaunt
- 74 Skarmory
- 75 Jirachi
- 76 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
- 77 Crystal Shard
- 78 Space Center
- 79 Meteor Falls
- 80 Scramble Energy
- 81 Heal Energy
- 82 Boost Energy
Rayquaza Half Deck
- 1 Slugma
- 2 Magcargo
- 3 Lotad
- 4 Lombre
- 5 Ludicolo
- 6 Electrike
- 7 Manectric
- 8 Rayquaza ex
- 9 Energy Charge
- 10 Potion
- 11 Switch
- 12 Master Ball
- 13 Gentleman Outing
- 14 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
- 15 Balloon Berry
5 Fire Energy 5 Water Energy 5 Lightning Energy
Deoxys Half Deck
- 1 Seedot
- 2 Nuzleaf
- 3 Shiftry
- 4 Spoink
- 5 Grumpig
- 6 Deoxys ex
- 7 Phanpy
- 8 Donphan
- 9 Energy Charge
- 10 Potion
- 11 Switch
- 12 Master Ball
- 13 Gentleman Outing
- 14 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
- 15 Strength Charm