Hitmonlee (Fossil 7)

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サワムラー Sawamular
[[File:Fighting-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|25px]]
File:103 106 SAWAMULAR.jpg
Illus. Ken Sugimori
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" width="100px" | Evolution stage style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Basic Pokémon
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Card name style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Bulbasaur
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Type style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | [[Fighting (TCG)|Fighting]]
style="text-align:right; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | HP 60
colspan="2" style="background: #{{tcg Fighting color }}" |
style="background: #{{tcg Psychic color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | weakness
[[File:Psychic-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|20px]]×2
style="background: #{{tcg Fighting color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | resistance
retreat cost
[[Category:Pokémon cards with a Retreat Cost of  ]] [[Category:Fighting-type Pokémon cards]]
Set Fossil
Rarity Rare HolographicH
English Card No. 7/62, 22/62 (Non-holo)
Card GB set Laboratory
Card GB ID D28
Card GB 2 set Sky Flying Pokémon
Card GB 2 ID F36

Hitmonlee (Japanese: サワムラー Sawamular) is a Fighting-type Basic Pokémon card. It is part of the Fossil set.

Card text




Pokédex data

Species Kicking Pokémon
Length 4'11" (1.5m)
Weight 110 lbs (49.8Kg)
Pokémon No. 106
Entry When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides.

Release information

The holographic version of this card was reprinted in the Legendary Collection reprint set, which was only released outside of Japan.



Hi Jump Kick is a move in the Pokémon games that Hitmonlee can learn. On the card, the attack's name uses the word "high" instead of the shortened "hi". The card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Red and Blue Versions. Template:Project TCGDex notice