James's Cacnea
Cacnea (Japanese: サボネア Sabonea) was the first Pokémon caught by James of Team Rocket during his travels through Hoenn, immediately after releasing his Weezing. Its voice actor in Japanese is Katsuyuki Konishi, and its English voice actor is unknown.
Cacnea was caught by James in the episode A Poached Ego. In the episode, Team Rocket found a group of Ekans and Koffing being hunted by a Pokémon poacher; Jessie and James permanently released their Arbok and Weezing to protect the Ekans and Koffing. After being defeated by the poacher, Team Rocket encountered Cacnea on a road, thankful for some chips that James gave it earlier in the episode. James asked Cacnea if it would like to join him, and it agreed.
Since James' Chimecho does not battle, Cacnea is James' fighting Pokémon. To James' frustration, each time it is called out to battle, Cacnea turns around and affectionately hugs James, causing him to remind it that it is supposed to be fighting. When it does battle, it is fairly formidable, but as Team Rocket is the major antagonistic force of the series, it usually loses to Ash or one of his friends.