Gordor (Ragou) is the leader of Go-Rock Squad, the criminal team in Fiore. He is first seen in a mission where the player has to escort him out of Lyra Forest.
He is later seen testing the Power Styler, by capturing an Entei in the Jungle Relic. The player has to then capture Entei to finish the mission.
At the end of the game, he faces the player with Raikou, Suicune and Entei one at a time in that order by using the Power Styler to control them. After being beaten, Plusle and Minun destroy the Power Styler.
At the end of the mission to recover the Manaphy egg, Gordor returns to stop the last Go-Rock underling(after giving him[the grunt] the worst ear-pulling of his life) and return the player to Professor Hastings.
Near the end of the game, it is revealed that Hastings and Gordor went to school together and at one point worked as colleagues. However, Gordor felt that he kept falling in second place behind Hastings all the time, so he broke away and started his own team with the intent of trouncing Hastings. Gordor had a falling-out with Hastings, when Gordor wanted to use the Capture Styler they invented to control wild Pokémon instead of helping them. Gordor is the father of the Go-Rock Quads.
![]() Raikou |
![]() Entei |
![]() Suicune |