A message of attention from S1tHSL4y3r:
Unfortunately, due to circumstances involving school, exams and activities, my presence on Bulbapedia may appear redundant for the next number of weeks (as it perhaps already has been for the past few), however I will occasionally return to check on messages, and anything of immediate concern. Communication with me for the time being would be best via email. Rest assured when life has settled down, I shall resume my regularity. Thank you.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
Who in Great Bulbasaur's Name Am I?
That's a good question. In fact that's a great question. One that even you can't answer. That's right. You can't. *smirk*
Though if you can... then that's sort of disturbing >_>
Male ♂
22nd Jan 1993
I'm commonly known throughout the Intarwebz as S1tHSL4y3r, or less confusingly SithSlayer, or even less confusing, just Sith, though that completely contradicts the meaning of the name, as you'll notice since the "Slayer" part implies that I am somewhat involved in destroying the Sith, thus most probably making me a Jedi... but this is going on to Star Wars which is completely irrelevant (and most likely inappropriate even) seeing as this is an online Encyclopedia mostly about Pokémon, if not entirely.
Whiteness :D
Contributions to Bulbapedia
I stumbled upon Bulbapedia from the likes of, surprise, Google, several times due to my exasperating hunger for Pokémon knowledge, and Rare Candy. Or rather it might have just been the fact that everytime I googled a Pokémon after simultaneously encountering it in the game I was playing, guess what ruled the top result? No not McDonalds, THIS EPIC PLACE!! And not just with Pokémon did this happen, but with Routes as well, Cities, Towns, and even Gyms... AND their Leaders. It was almost like Bulbapedia was stalking me.
So after some thought, I began stalking IT. To my dismay, I found that I was constantly threatened to click the edit button BEFORE signing up, which, as most people will with agree with me, results in the summoning of Elmos at the same time, plus a 27.9% chance of a cross-breed between Jigglypuff and Mario. In case that actually did happen, I took the smarter option and of course signed up first. From there, the relationship began to blossom exponentially.
I am currently involved in the following Projects:
Another section
And another section
Plus one more