Pyrite Town

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Pyrite Town appears to be hewn out of a crimson colored canyon. Not exactly the cleanest town you'll find, bits of old trash and mining debris are scattered everywhere. Most buildings and machinery found withing the town are saturated with rust.

An honorable town of thugs and scoundrels where Shadow Pokémon were once distributed before Wes and Rui, the protagonists of Pokémon Colosseum, put a stop to it.

Located in South-West Orre, Pyrite Town is known as "the town of earth, wind, and money" to the locals. People who stay there for a long time supposedly take on the towns characteristics.

At the very south edge of the town is Fateen's Fortune Telling. The old woman, Fateen is also known as "the mother of Pyrite Town". Most of the locals look to her for advice in nearly every aspect of their lives.

Farther north in a non-descript building there is a police station and jail manned by the incompetent Sherles and Johnson.

Duking's house is to the north-west, sort of acting as an unofficial "mayor's house". Underneath Duking's house is one of the Kid's Grid nodes. Duking is the closest thing Pyrite town has to a leader or mayor. Although that appears to be because of his size rather than an election.

Farther north is the Pyrite Super Grand Hotel, where visitors to Pyrite have to pay to refresh their Pokémon. It's actually a fairly upscale establishment for Pyrite Town.

Immediately east of that is Pyrite Town's PokéMart.

Farther north, in the center of Pyrite Town, is Duel Square - where roughneck Pokémon Trainers gather for battles. Outsiders to Pyrite Town soon find that they literally can't say "no" to the challenges of the local Pokémon Trainers.

Before the chasm of Pyrite Town to the north is a power station, where an old windmill supplies power to most of the town. Particularly the Colosseum.

West of the power station is an abandoned building that was once Miror B.'s Hideout.

The gap in the northern central area of Pyrite Town supposedly leads all the way down into the Under. The Under and Pyrite Town were once twin cities of a mining community. However, since the mine dried up, traffic between the Under and Pyrite Town has slowed to a trickle.

In the northernmost part of town is Pyrite Colosseum. Although it appears to be dilapadated, it is still functional. Miror B. once dispensed Shadow Pokémon to Trainers who won challenges in the Colosseum.

Once a mining town, most of the residents have resorted to a life of crime since the town's livelihood began to wane. Truthfully though, rumors about the levels of crime in Pyrite appear to be exaggerate slightly.
