Flygon Constructed Starter Deck (TCG)

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The Flygon Half Deck (Japanese: 構築済みスターター フライゴンデッキ Pre-built Starter Flygon Deck) complements the Rulers of the Heavens Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and was released in Japan only. The Half Deck predominantly focuses on Grass, Lightning and Colorless type Pokémon and contains the following cards: -

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Nincada Grass
2 Nincada Grass --
3 Ninjask Grass --
4 Magnemite Lightning --
5 Magnemite Lightning --
6 Magneton Lightning --
7 Trapinch Fighting --
8 Trapinch Fighting
9 Vibrava Colorless --
10 Vibrava Colorless --
11 Flygon Colorless H
12 Latios ex Colorless ex
13 Energy Recycle System T --
14 Potion T --
15 PokéNav T --
16 Poké Ball T --
17 TV Reporter T --
18 Balloon Berry T --
19 Low Pressure System T --
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Lightning Energy E --
-- Rainbow Energy E --

  • The majority of these cards could not be found in the main Expansion. Those that were not were added to the main set when the English version was made.

Like others, the Flygon Half Deck also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters and custom coin (Flygon).

Template:Half Deck EX Series