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Revision as of 14:42, 6 September 2006 by Alberto Cruz (talk | contribs)
File:FL Erika.png
Art of Erika from Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Erika is the Gym Leader of the Celadon City Gym. She hands out the Rainbowbadge to trainers who defeat her. She is a serene young woman who specializes in Grass-type Pokémon. She sometimes dresses in elegant kimonos and seems to represent traditional Japanese beauty, and perhaps geisha culture.


Language Name Reference to
Japanese エリカ Erika エリカ属 erika-zoku, the Erica genus - heathers.
English Erika Refers to the Erica genus - heathers.
French Erika As above.
Hebrew אריקה Transliteration of Erika.
Russian Эрика Èrika Transliteration of Erika.
Chinese 艾莉嘉 Ài Lì Jiā Transliteration of Erika.
Korean 에리카 Erika Transliteration of Erika.

In the Anime

Erika in street clothes from the Anime

Erika appeared in Pokémon Scent-sation.

Erika runs a cosmetics store in Celadon City where she sold a special brand of perfume made from the essence of her favorite Pokémon, Gloom. Misty, Brock, and Pikachu were enamoured with the scents, but Ash insulted the perfume. In protest, Erika, who revealed herself to be the Gym Leader, had him banned from her cosmetics store and thus the Celadon Gym.

Jessie and James were sneaking into the gym trying to steal the perfume scents for selling them, but they are stamped with a red X and banned from the gym too. Ash found them and help they out in exchange to enter the gym.

As a girl, Ash signed up as a student at the Gym. Erika was reading a fairy tale to some Grass-type Pokémon when Pikachu instantly recognized Ash and exposed him. Erika finally agreed to a battle for the Gym Badge. However, their match was interrupted when Team Rocket started a fire in the Gym in revenge of being thrown out of the gym.

Ash risked his life to run in and rescue Erika's beloved Gloom, who had once saved her from a wild Grimer when she was a little girl. Out of thanks, Erika awarded Ash with the Rainbowbadge.

She is voiced by Leah Applebaum in the English version of the anime, and by 氷上恭子 Kyoko Hikami in the original Japanese version.


This listing is of Erika's Pokémon in the Pokémon anime.

In the Games

Art of Erika from Pokémon Red and Blue

Erika's title is The Nature-Loving Princess.

Erika is ladylike, and a teacher of flower-arranging. She is a quiet girl, but she's well-known in Celadon City.

Erika only collects Pokémon because she considers them attractive. She also tends to doze off quite a bit, but will become inspired after a good match.

In addition to the Rainbowbadge, Erika gives out TM21, Mega Drain, in Pokémon Red, Blue, Pokémon Green, and Pokémon Yellow. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, she gives out TM19, Giga Drain. She also gives out the same TM in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Pokémon Crystal.


This listing is of Erika's Pokémon in the video games she has appeared in.

Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen

Pokémon Yellow

Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Pokémon Stadium

  • Round 1 Pokémon
    • Gloom
    • Victreebel
    • Tangela
    • Vileplume
    • Weepinbell
    • Exeggcute

Pokémon Stadium 2

In the Pokémon Special Manga


In the Pokémon Special manga, Erika is an elegant young princess who gives lectures at universities and practices archery.

She sent Red out on a quest to capture an unusual Eevee that could change at will between its three elemental forms.

Erika threatened to kill Eevee; however, it turned out that she was just testing Red's character.

Erika is allied with the "good" Gym Leaders of Kanto, and often assists Misty and Brock during crises.


This listing is of Erika's Pokémon in the Pokémon Special manga.

In the TCG

In the TCG, the card version of Erika allows each player to draw up to three cards. Another card, "Erika's kindness" demonstrates her kindness, depicting her as helping a Growlithe out of the rain."Erika's maids" enables the player to trade two pokemon in hand for other two in the deck, both with Erika in their names. Charity is attached to a defending opponent pokemon, and if that pokemon is not knocked out the card returns to the owner's hand; it reduces by 10 the damage taken. Erika's perfume allows the player to peek the hand of the opponent and summon a basic pokemon from the hand to the bench.

Like in the anime, she also appears to make fragrences, such as LeAF, depicted in Erika's perfume.

There is a Theme Deck named for Erika in the Gym Heroes expansion. It has two versions, English and Japanese.


This listing is of Erika's Pokémon in the Pokémon TCG.

  • Level 17 Clefairy
  • Level 35 Clefable
  • Level 12 Jigglypuff
  • Level 12 Oddish
  • Level 15 Oddish
  • Level 24 Gloom
  • Level 28 Gloom
  • Level 34 Vileplume
  • Level 12 Bellsprout
  • Level 15 Bellsprout
  • Level 26 Weepinbell
  • Level 30 Weepinbell
  • Level 37 Victreebel
  • Level 12 Exeggcute
  • Level 15 Exeggcute
  • Level 31 Exeggutor
  • Level 21 Tangela
  • Level 14 Dratini
  • Level 32 Dragonair

In the Vs set, she also has

  • Bellossom
  • Jumpluff


In the How I Became a Pokémon Card manga, Erika was childhood friends with Kaede, who had an unfortunate reaction to a flower wreath Erika gave her at a party and ran off in shame. They met again later when Kaede, now a Team Rocket agent, invaded Erika's Gym. Erika was overjoyed to see her old friend and seemed to disregard any and all ill plots.

Gym Leaders of the Kanto region
Pewter Gym Boulder Badge
Cerulean Gym Cascade Badge
Vermilion Gym Thunder Badge
Lt. Surge
Celadon Gym Rainbow Badge
Fuchsia Gym Soul Badge
Koga Janine
Saffron Gym Marsh Badge
Cinnabar Gym Volcano Badge
Viridian Gym Earth Badge
Giovanni Blue