Hello, this would be Zonn13, as my username suggests. I have actually wanted to join this site for quite a while, so I am now doing so.
Basic Pokemon Info
I have been a fan of Pokemon for quite a while. The first Pokemon game I ever played was Pokémon Yellow, though the first one I ever owned was Silver Version. After playing a bit through Silver, I did not play Pokemon much until 2005, when I got Sapphire Version. I actually beat it twice, but then restarted my game. In 2007, I got Diamond Version the day it was released, and, about a year later, I got Pearl. And, of course, I got Platinum the day it was released, and I am quite addicted to it, now.
Favorite Characters
Once I took a look at this guy, I loved him instantly. I seem to have some kind of thing for snobbish looking characters, so... yeah. XD Also, without a doubt, he's my favorite character of all time (tied with someone else). I even cosplayed him at Sakura-Con 09.
I don't know why, but she scares me... a lot. XD
My second favorite Brain. I just find him awesome, especially in the manga.
I find him awesome, with his strange. squiggly hair. XD
Others I Like
She is a very unique age for a Pokemon character.
I'm clearly biased to the Sinnoh Brains. XD But I find her funny, and the manga got me to like her.
He is totally a hybrid of Kristoph Gavin from Apollo Justice and Harley. XD
This guy needs more love, a lot of people hate him. (I like him, though.)
I find her hilarious, with her bored, unhappy personality.
Favorite Pokemon
My favorite Pokemon is Gallade, though there are a lot of other Pokemon that I am fond of, such as:
Just to name a few.
Pokemon I find a Bit Annoying
Most people have at least one or two Pokemon that they don't like. Here are a few I am not too fond of.
Before I get started, I just want to let you guys know that I do not want to offend anyone, and I am sorry if I do.
- Medicham, weak, has a bad movepool, and, in my opinion, quite ugly.
- Lucario, I don't really have a problem with the Pokemon itself, so much as the fact that I'm tired of seeing this dog left and right, it is extremely overused.
- Gardevoir, same reason as Lucario.
- Weavile, annoying to fight.
This user identifies as female. |
☆ This user's favorite character is Thorton. ☆ |
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Gallade. ☆ |
☆ This user's second favorite Pokémon is Giratina. ☆ |
More info coming soon...