
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
ツクシ Tsukushi
""The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia""
[[File:File:HGSS Bugsy Art.png|{{{size}}}]]
Art from HeartGold and SoulSilver
Gender Male
Eye color Lavender
Hair color Lavender
Hometown Azalea Town
Region Johto
Trainer class Gym Leader
Generation II, IV
Games Gold, Silver, Crystal, Stadium 2, HeartGold, SoulSilver
Leader of Azalea Gym
Badge Hive Badge
Anime debut Gettin' the Bugs Out
English voice actor Tara Jayne
Japanese voice actor Hiromi Ishikawa

Bugsy (Japanese: ツクシ Tsukushi) is the Gym Leader of Azalea Town's Gym, known officially as the Azalea Gym. He hands out the Hive Badge to Trainers which defeat him. He specializes in Template:Type2 Pokémon.

In the games

Headshot of Bugsy from Pokémon Gold and Silver

Bugsy's title is "The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia".

Because of his research on Bug Pokémon, Bugsy's knowledge makes him an authority on them. He claims to never lose when it comes to Bug Pokémon, but admits his research isn't finished upon a loss.

Although still young, Bugsy discovered the move Fury Cutter, which gets stronger as a battle goes on for longer. In addition to the Hive Badge, Bugsy gives out TM49 (Fury Cutter), or TM89 (U-Turn) in HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Trainers in his Gym: Twins Amy & May, Bug Catcher Al, Bug Catcher Benny, Bug Catcher Josh.


This listing is of Bugsy's Pokémon in the games he has appeared in.

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Gym match

Second battle (Rematch)

Pokémon Stadium 2

Round 1

Round 2


File:SpriteBugsy.gif File:BugsyHGSS.gif
Bugsy's sprite from
Generation II
Bugsy's sprite from
Generation IV
Bugsy's VS sprite from
Generation IV

"I'm Bugsy! I never lose when it comes to bug Pokémon. My research is going to make me the authority on bug Pokémon! Let me demonstrate what I've learned from my studies."

"Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokémon! My research isn't complete yet. Ok, you win. Take this Badge."

In the anime

Bugsy in the anime

Bugsy's only anime appearance was in the episode Gettin' the Bugs Out.

Bugsy trains in a large, greenhouse-like Gym filled with trees and bugs. He has a affinity for Bug-type Pokémon.

His Scyther can use Swords Dance to deflect Template:Type2 attacks. However, Ash figured out it was vulnerable from above, and Cyndaquil was able to knock it out, winning Ash the Hive Badge.


This listing is of Bugsy's Pokémon in the Pokémon anime.

Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]

At Azalea Gym




Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 石川寛美 Hiromi Ishikawa
English Tara Jayne
Italian Monica Bonetto
Polish Grzegorz Pawlak
European Spanish Amelia Jara

In the Pokémon Special manga

File:Falkner and Bugsy.png
Bugsy and his Heracross (right) with Falkner and his Skarmory (left)

In Pokémon Special, Bugsy is a ruins explorer. He meets Gold at the Ruins of Alph, who at first mistakes the Gym Leader for a girl and asks him out on a date.

Bugsy uses a special multi-Poké Ball capture net made for him by Kurt.


This listing is of Bugsy's Pokémon in the Pokémon Special manga.






(given to research colleagues)

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Bugsy or his Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Bugsy's Butterfree Grass - Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 8/141
Bugsy's Beedrill Grass - Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 9/141
Bugsy's Pinsir Grass - Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 10/141
Bugsy's Ledian Grass - Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 11/141
Bugsy's Yanma Grass - Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 12/141
Bugsy's Scizor Metal - Rare HolographicH Pokémon VS (no English release) 13/141
Bugsy's TM 01 - - Uncommon Pokémon VS (no English release) 105/141
Bugsy's TM 02 - - Uncommon Pokémon VS (no English release) 106/141


  • Bugsy is the only Gym Leader to use any Pokémon in battle that cannot learn any TMs or HMs.
  • In the anime, Bugsy's Metapod is the only Metapod to be shown using Tackle (or indeed, any move other than Harden).
    • This can also apply to the games, as all wild Metapod and Kakuna (as well as trainer's Metapod and Kakuna) only had Harden as the only move available to them.
  • All of Bugsy's Pokémon changed from male in Gold, Silver, and Crystal to female in HeartGold and SoulSilver. This only applies for the gym battle. All of his Pokémon in the rematch with him are male with the exception of Vespiquen and Shedinja.
    • Similarly to Saturn and Will, his Pokémon are the opposite gender of himself despite having a 50-50 gender ratio.
  • Bugsy is the only Johto gym leader that does not have an elemental type advantage on the next Gym Leader. (Falkner trains Template:Type2 Pokémon, which are strong against Bug-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, Whitney's Template:Type2 Pokémon are immune to Template:Type2 moves of Morty.)


Language Name Origin
Japanese ツクシ (Tsukushi) 土筆 tsukushi, a horsetail. つくつく法師 tsukutsukubōshi is a type of cicada.
English Bugsy Refers to the word bug.
French Hector Similar to insecte, insect.
German Kai Refers to the word Käfer, coleopter.
Italian Raffaello Similar to farfalla, butterfly.
Spanish Antón Similar to antena, antenna.
Korean 호일 Ho-il
Chinese 阿筆/阿笔 Ā Bǐ 筆 is taken from 土筆 tsukushi.

External links

Gym Leaders of the Johto region
Violet Gym Zephyr Badge
Azalea Gym Hive Badge
Goldenrod Gym Plain Badge
Ecruteak Gym Fog Badge
Cianwood Gym Storm Badge
Olivine Gym Mineral Badge
Mahogany Gym Glacier Badge
Blackthorn Gym Rising Badge

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.