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User talk:Nick15
Still interested in the Pokémon Fandom at all Nick? We could use someone of your abilities to help us develop the TCG section here both on Bulbapedia and on our forums. --Archaic 00:36, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
> Yes. God knows that we're clueless when it comes to the TCG. ;_; - Zeta
Almost all of us, at least. I have a nigh-complete collection up to Neo Destiny, and I can probably help with them.... surskitty 20:34, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I'll post whenever I can... I really don't have much time to, truthfully. ... Of course, you're free to pick and choose from what I've already written. It's all at http://www.fakecard.com/pokemon/tcg/ ... Just be sure the text get rewritten, best take out all the Hmmm!'s and other personalized stuff, just so it seems more like an official encyclopedia piece, y'know? -nick
Little heads up
Slow down on the userspace editing ok.--Midnight Blue 01:55, 9 October 2009 (UTC)