Girafarig (Mysterious Treasures 49)

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Revision as of 17:26, 11 October 2009 by Maverick Nate (talk | contribs)
Girafarig LV.27
キリンリキ Kirinriki
File:Mysterious Treasures 49 Girafarig.png
Illus. Midori Harada
Evolution stage Basic Pokémon
Card name Girafarig
Type Colorless
HP 70
retreat cost
Expansion Mysterious Treasures
Rarity Uncommon
English card no. 49/123
Japanese Half Deck Bastiodon Half Deck
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Girafarig.

Girafarig (Japanese: キリンリキ Kirinriki) is a Colorless-type Basic Pokémon card. It is part of the Mysterious Treasures set.

Card text


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Pokédex data

Pokémon No. 203
Species Long Neck Pokémon
Height 4'11" (1.5m)
Weight 91.5 lbs (41.5kg)
Entry Its tail also has a small brain. It bites to repel any foe trying to sneak up on it from behind.

Release information

Alternate release
Alternate release

This card was released in the Bastiodon Half Deck with different artwork by the same artist.



Psybeam is a move in the Pokémon games that Girafarig can learn. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Diamond.

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