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Buena (Japanese: アオイ Aoi) is the host of Buena's Password Show, an independent radio broadcast introduced in Pokémon Crystal, which becomes part of the Variety Channel in HeartGold and SoulSilver. In Generation II, this radio show is only broadcast at night until midnight (every three hours between 2 AM and 11 PM in Generation IV), and the player must remember the password to earn a point.

Players can obtain her phone number by talking to her after getting 30 Blue Card points. When Buena makes a phone call to the player, she will tip the player off that one of the slot machines in Goldenrod Game Corner is 'lucky', and the player will win more times while playing on it compared to the other slot machines; however, she does not say which one it is.

Prize List

Generation II Prizes

Prizes were awarded when the player had obtained a certain amount of points.

Generation IV Prizes

Prizes were awarded when the player had obtained a certain amount of points.


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