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So there's a guard at the entrance to Canalave City who mentions he's thirsty in Gen IV. Anyone know what he's thirsty for? I tried water, lemonade, soda, and milk to no avail. Maybe it's just a joke referencing the earlier games? Czeano

Probably, theres one in Emerald too. The guy on the roof of the department store also says he's thirsty but doesn't take anything.

Berry Juice?

The article mentions that attaching a Berry or Oran Berry to Shuckle will eventually turn it to Berry Juice. However, it doesn't mention this for D/P/P. Does the Berry Juice thing still work in Generation IV? Also, under Shuckle's article, it says that in GSC attaching a Berry to Shuckle will make it into Berry Juice, but waiting even longer will make it a Rare Candy. Does this also work in Generations III and IV? Blueapple128 20:28, 11 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thats what I'd like to know :c ~~Takoto - サソデイ 12:14, 11 November 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'm also researching on that subject, but no one seems to be able to provide an answer to wether Shuckle can produce Berry Juice, or even in how much time, exactly, it would(in GSC, for example). What bugs me further is that Berry Juice is not on the List of items unobtainable in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, so either it aimply can't be traded in, or it is obtainable, but people ain't talking. On an unrelated note, my Shuckle is carrying an Oran Berry for 48 hours now. =P -- Professional Mole (Talk here) 22:58, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
I believe a Berry gets converted to Berry Juice in GSC whenever Shuckle gains a level. However, I haven’t ever tried it, nor have I heard of anyone else doing it. IIMarckus 23:06, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
See, that's our problem. Luckily, I'll try it as soon as I get a Shuckle on my recently-gotten Pokémon Crystal! =D But as you're already here... any info on how it happens on R/S/E/FR/LG? -- Professional Mole (Talk here) 23:39, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Not a clue, but if it works in GSC it may well work for the others as well. IIMarckus 23:40, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Been trying this in Pearl today. I've had a Shuckle level up several times while holding an Oran Berry. Nothing happened. It says "over time", however... Maybe if I leave the Shuckle in my party overnight.... Yeah, it could be like Pokérus! That wears off if the afflicted Pokemon is in your party at midnight, so maybe Berry Juice works similarly! And then, we need someone to test the Berry Juice into Rare Candy rumor. - unsigned comment from Missingno. Master (talkcontribs) 22:39, 21 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Been trying this on Diamond for some time, already. Not got any juice, though. On Crystal, things are going, it wasn't level up, and not little time(maybe some days, I'll try). On Diamond, I'm EV training Sheldon holding an Oran Berry, and also leveled up a female Shuckle from level 1 to 10, to no avail. Here: I'm documenting -- Professional Mole (Talk here) 23:39, 21 December 2008 (UTC)Reply


Soda Pop is a clear reference to the Japanese drink Ramune. ( ) You can especially tell by looking at the Gen 3 icon. It's also a popular summer drink, which is why they were serving it on Slateport's beach. I think it'd be interesting to say so in the article. What do you think? ~~ Erilily

What is ミックスオレ (Lemonade)?

I just read on the main page that the item labelled "Lemonade" in English is actually orange juice, but this is not the case. ミックスオレ when written in the Roman alphabet would be "mixed au lait", with the last "オレ" part meaning the French "au lait", i.e. with milk.

A quick search for the Japanese term came up with this link, which handily not only proves my argument but also links it with Pokemon, since this particular "Mix au lait" is from the Pokemon Centre. (It's the glass on the left.) Incidentally, the difference between "mix" and "mixed" is not all that important here. Japanese loan words rarely reflect the proper English tense, so it is quite reasonable to change the English translation to make for better English. I also found quite a few references around the net theorising that ミックスオレ is an abbreviation, with another word implied in front of it. (Notably .) So it likely is short for "mixed fruit au lait" or something like that. Thorf 15:20, 24 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Mix is French for mixture, it isn't mistensed. And ミックスオレ in Romaji (a.k.a. in the Roman alphabet) is Mikkusuore, that can is simply written in French. So really it depends on what Mikkusuore actually means, not what that can says. But I don't speak Japanese. Myles (talk - contrib) 09:20, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
You seem to be a bit confused about this. If I am understanding you correctly, you don't see the relationship between the can and the in-game Pokemon item...? It seems pretty plain to me. If you had checked, you would even see that the can lists below "Mix au lait" ポケモンセンターのミックスオレ. Even if you don't speak Japanese (which does make me wonder why you're trying to correct those who do, but never mind), surely you can recognise that the last six characters are ミックスオレ, i.e. the item that's called Lemonade in English.
"Mikkusuore" would be the base transliteration, certainly, but that's irrelevant. What's important is what foreign words the Japanese have borrowed and represented with those sounds, which is made 100% clear by that can. It is of course possible that there are other valid derivations, but the one provided on the official can seems like a very good candidate. Plus, with this being a drink the オレ part is almost certain to be the same オレ as in カフェオレ (cafe au lait). Also, I'm pretty sure that most if not all English speakers know that "au lait" refers to milk, so I don't see a problem with keeping it in an English translation. It was borrowed into English long ago.
The "mix" part is a little less clear, but as I said before it almost certainly refers to mixed fruit. You can call this "fruit mixture" if you like - it's the same thing anyway. I confirmed this with my wife (who is a native Japanese speaker) and she confirmed that it most likely means mixed fruit juice with milk. We might just call it fruit milk in English, I guess, if you don't like the "au lait". That would probably make the connection we want, which is to say that this drink is like strawberry milk, though perhaps with different fruits. Thorf 13:06, 30 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
I was just going based off what you said and you wrote the French name for it in the article, mix au lait being French for mixture with milk or rather milk mixture. It's suppose to be an English translation. And I didn't correct you, I just wrote what you wrote in English, instead of French. au lait was never borrowed into English (find a definition for it in an English dictionary), regardless of however well known it is. Myles (talk - contrib) 13:24, 30 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
It should be "mix au lait". The fact that it's French doesn't matter. It's the name of the drink. And it's not like people don't say cafe au lait in English.—Loveはドコ? (talk contribs) 14:24, 30 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

I've been wondering this for a while

I do wonder why the translation for the Soda Pop's listed as "Supreme Soda" on the page instead of "Psycho Soda".. but I don't really know much about common translations or if there's a reference somewhere with Supreme Soda, hence why I haven't touched the page yet. →Tinā 22:20, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Simple: the word "saiko" (最高) in Japanese means "supreme", "great", "best", and the like. Thorf 13:07, 30 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Ah, I actually wonder about this, too. Even though that's quite possibly correct, wouldn't that set of kanji be more like saikō (saikou, if you prefer)? Seeing as the 'saiko' presented lacks the final 'u' sound, I'm thinking they may be different words. Just as well, this particular 'saiko' is in katakana... and it could just be that one is supposed to stress that part, but I'm leaning more towards the katakana representing a loan word (as it tends to do). Soramimi 14:25, 30 October 2009 (UTC)Reply