
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 03:13, 8 December 2009 by HoennMaster (talk | contribs)

A season of the Pokémon anime is a collection of dubbed episodes that air for the first time between September and June (Seasons 1-9), or between April or May through the following Spring (Seasons 10-present). They usually share an opening, and are often 52 or less episodes long. There is no distinction between these dubbed seasons in the original Japanese airings, except when the seasons' beginnings and endings coincide with those of a new series in Japan. Each season also has a movie that corresponds to it, though the pairing of a movie with a specific anime season is merely due to the annual release they undergo in Japan.

List of seasons

Original series

Advanced Generation series

Diamond & Pearl series

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.