EX Deoxys (TCG): Difference between revisions

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Zedbill (talk | contribs)
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Dennou Zenshi (talk | contribs)
m defenCe
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File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Normal front.jpg|English booster pack (Normal Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Normal front.jpg|English booster pack (Normal Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Attack front.jpg|English booster pack (Attack Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Attack front.jpg|English booster pack (Attack Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Defence front.jpg|English booster pack (Defence Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Pack - Deoxys Defence front.jpg|English booster pack (Defense Forme {{p|Deoxys}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Rayquaza.jpg|English booster pack ({{p|Rayquaza}})
File:Ex Deoxys Booster Rayquaza.jpg|English booster pack ({{p|Rayquaza}})

Revision as of 16:16, 29 June 2011

← EX Team Rocket Returns
TCG expansions
EX Emerald →
EX Deoxys
Cards in set English: 109
Japanese: 82
Set number English: 23
Japanese: 24
Release date English: February 14, 2005
Japanese: July 1, 2004
Theme Decks

Starcharge (GrassPsychic)
Jetstream (FireWaterLightning)

Flight of Legends
Clash of the Blue Sky
Team Rocket Strikes Back

EX Deoxys (Japanese: 蒼空の激突 Clash of the Blue Sky) is the name given to an expansion of cards and Theme Decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This set centers around the mysterious Pokémon Deoxys and its various formes.


The release of EX Deoxys was delayed to coincide with the release of the movie Destiny Deoxys. Because of this, Nintendo released EX Team Rocket Returns before EX Deoxys, throwing the English sets out of sequence with the Japanese sets and causing the confused set number gap between the two languages. Nintendo would also later do this with EX Legend Maker, albeit due to translation errors.

The set marks the English TCG debut of the final Generation III Pokémon, Deoxys. All Deoxys cards have the Poké-Power Form Change that allows players to switch between its various formes as featured in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.


  • EX Deoxys was the first set to focus on and be named after one specific Pokémon. This would later be applied in Platinum: Arceus, which also centralised around a movie and focused on the final Pokémon of its current generation.
  • Deoxys cards that portray different formes are still treated as one card, as they share the same name. Forme differences did not bear an effect on the name until Deoxys cards released in Legends Awakened.
  • The reverse-holographic design for this set features a 'wheel' pattern and the EX Deoxys set logo.
  • The secret box topper for this set is Rocket's Raikou ex.
  • The Prerelease card for this set is Manectric.

Theme decks

English Theme Decks

Japanese Half Decks

Card lists

English expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Altaria Colorless Rare Holo
2 Beautifly Grass Rare Holo
3 Breloom Fighting Rare Holo
4 Camerupt Fire Rare Holo
5 Claydol Fighting Rare Holo
6 Crawdaunt Darkness Rare Holo
7 Dusclops Psychic Rare Holo
8 Gyarados Water Rare Holo
9 Jirachi Metal Rare Holo
10 Ludicolo Water Rare Holo
11 Metagross Psychic Rare Holo
12 Mightyena Darkness Rare Holo
13 Ninjask Grass Rare Holo
14 Shedinja Psychic Rare Holo
15 Slaking Colorless Rare Holo
16 Deoxys [Normal] Psychic Rare
17 Deoxys [Attack] Psychic Rare
18 Deoxys [Defense] Psychic Rare
19 Ludicolo Water Rare
20 Magcargo Fire Rare
21 Pelipper Water Rare
22 Rayquaza Colorless Rare
23 Sableye Darkness Rare
24 Seaking Water Rare
25 Shiftry Grass Rare
26 Skarmory Metal Rare
27 Tropius Grass Rare
28 Whiscash Fighting Rare
29 Xatu Psychic Rare
30 Donphan Fighting Uncommon
31 Golbat Grass Uncommon
32 Grumpig Psychic Uncommon
33 Lombre Water Uncommon
34 Lombre Water Uncommon
35 Lotad Water Uncommon
36 Lunatone Fighting Uncommon
37 Magcargo Fire Uncommon
38 Manectric Lightning Uncommon
39 Masquerain Grass Uncommon
40 Metang Psychic Uncommon
41 Minun Lightning Uncommon
42 Nosepass Fighting Uncommon
43 Nuzleaf Grass Uncommon
44 Plusle Lightning Uncommon
45 Shelgon Colorless Uncommon
46 Silcoon Grass Uncommon
47 Solrock Psychic Uncommon
48 Starmie Water Uncommon
49 Swellow Colorless Uncommon
50 Vigoroth Colorless Uncommon
51 Weezing Grass Uncommon
52 Bagon Colorless Common
53 Baltoy Fighting Common
54 Barboach Water Common
55 Beldum Psychic Common
56 Carvanha Darkness Common
57 Corphish Water Common
58 Duskull Psychic Common
59 Electrike Lightning Common
60 Electrike Lightning Common
61 Goldeen Water Common
62 Koffing Grass Common
63 Lotad Water Common
64 Magikarp Water Common
65 Makuhita Fighting Common
66 Natu Psychic Common
67 Nincada Grass Common
68 Numel Fire Common
69 Phanpy Fighting Common
70 Poochyena Darkness Common
71 Seedot Grass Common
72 Shroomish Grass Common
73 Slakoth Colorless Common
74 Slugma Fire Common
75 Slugma Fire Common
76 Spoink Psychic Common
77 Staryu Water Common
78 Surskit Grass Common
79 Swablu Colorless Common
80 Taillow Colorless Common
81 Wingull Water Common
82 Wurmple Grass Common
83 Zubat Grass Common
84 Balloon Berry T Uncommon
85 Crystal Shard T Uncommon
86 Energy Charge T Uncommon
87 Lady Outing T Uncommon
88 Master Ball T Uncommon
89 Meteor Falls T Uncommon
90 Professor Cozmo's Discovery T Uncommon
91 Space Center T Uncommon
92 Strength Charm T Uncommon
93 Boost Energy E Uncommon
94 Heal Energy E Uncommon
95 Scramble Energy E Uncommon
96 Crobat ex Grass Rare Holo ex
97 Deoxys ex [Normal] Psychic Rare Holo ex
98 Deoxys ex [Attack] Psychic Rare Holo ex
99 Deoxys ex [Defense] Psychic Rare Holo ex
100 Hariyama ex Fighting Rare Holo ex
101 Manectric ex Lightning Rare Holo ex
102 Rayquaza ex Colorless Rare Holo ex
103 Salamence ex Colorless Rare Holo ex
104 Sharpedo ex Darkness Rare Holo ex
105 Latias Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
106 Latios Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
107 Rayquaza Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
108 Rocket's Raikou ex Darkness Rare Holo ex

Japanese expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Zubat Grass Common
2 Golbat Grass Uncommon
3 Koffing Grass Common
4 Weezing Grass Uncommon
5 Crobat ex Grass Rare Holo ex
6 Wurmple Grass Common
7 Silcoon Grass Uncommon
8 Beautifly Grass Rare Holo
9 Surskit Grass Uncommon
10 Masquerain Grass Rare
11 Shroomish Grass Common
12 Nincada Grass Uncommon
13 Ninjask Grass Rare Holo
14 Tropius Grass Rare Holo
15 Slugma Fire Common
16 Magcargo Fire Rare
17 Numel Fire Common
18 Camerupt Fire Rare Holo
19 Goldeen Water Common
20 Seaking Water Rare
21 Staryu Water Common
22 Starmie Water Rare
23 Magikarp Water Common
24 Gyarados Water Rare Holo
25 Lotad Water Uncommon
26 Lombre Water Rare
27 Ludicolo Water Rare Holo
28 Wingull Water Common
29 Pelipper Water Rare
30 Barboach Water Common
31 Corphish Water Uncommon
32 Electrike Lightning Common
33 Manectric ex Lightning Rare Holo ex
34 Plusle Lightning Rare
35 Minun Lightning Rare
36 Natu Psychic Common
37 Xatu Psychic Rare
38 Shedinja Psychic Rare Holo
39 Solrock Psychic Rare
40 Duskull Psychic Uncommon
41 Dusclops Psychic Rare Holo
42 Beldum Psychic Uncommon
43 Metang Psychic Rare
44 Metagross Psychic Rare Holo
45 Deoxys ex [Attack] Psychic Rare Holo ex
46 Deoxys ex [Defense] Psychic Rare Holo ex
47 Breloom Fighting Rare Holo
48 Makuhita Fighting Common
49 Hariyama ex Fighting Rare Holo ex
50 Nosepass Fighting Rare
51 Lunatone Fighting Rare
52 Whiscash Fighting Rare Holo
53 Baltoy Fighting Common
54 Claydol Fighting Rare Holo
55 Taillow Colorless Common
56 Swellow Colorless Rare
57 Slakoth Colorless Common
58 Vigoroth Colorless Rare
59 Slaking Colorless Rare Holo
60 Swablu Colorless Uncommon
61 Altaria Colorless Rare Holo
62 Bagon Colorless Uncommon
63 Shelgon Colorless Rare
64 Salamence ex Colorless Rare Holo ex
65 Latias Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
66 Latios Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
67 Rayquaza Star Colorless ShinyRare Holo
68 Poochyena Darkness Common
69 Mightyena Darkness Rare Holo
70 Sableye Darkness Rare
71 Carvanha Darkness Uncommon
72 Sharpedo ex Darkness Rare Holo ex
73 Crawdaunt Darkness Rare Holo
74 Skarmory Metal Rare Holo
75 Jirachi Metal Rare Holo
76 Professor Cozmo's Discovery T Uncommon
77 Crystal Shard T Uncommon
78 Space Center T Uncommon
79 Meteor Falls T Uncommon
80 Scramble Energy E Uncommon
81 Healing Energy E Uncommon
82 Boost Energy E Uncommon


Template:TCG Expansions