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This article is about the glitch Pokémon 94. For other uses of the number 94, see 094.
Not to be confused with the glitch Pokémon 94 h.
▼イ゙ ゴ▼ゲ Igoge

's sprite
Types Category
 Normal  Ghost  IIII Pokémon
Hexadecimal identifier Exp. at Lv. 100
F1 Unknown
Unova (BW)
Unova (B2W2)
Games found in
Pokémon Red and Blue
Special stat for Mew glitch Time Capsule exploit Pokémon
N/A Wobbuffet
Equivalent in Yellow
' B' ゥ
Height Weight
23'0" 880.6 lbs.
Hybrid of Catch rate
N/A 0
Gender ratio
Egg Groups Egg cycles
Unknown Unknown
EV yield

(Japanese: ▼イ゙ゴ▼ゲ) is a dual type Normal/Ghost glitch Pokémon in Pokémon Red and Blue. It can be obtained by performing the Time Capsule exploit with Wobbuffet. It is index number 241 (0xF1). It becomes a ' B' ゥ if traded to Pokémon Yellow. Its cry is a short tune. It shares its type combination with 94 h, which has a different index number of 249 (0xF9). 4, ゥァ and 4 89 4 are also Ghost/Normal glitch Pokémon which appear in Pokémon Yellow. learns a large amount of moves, including more than any non-glitch Pokémon in existence, but it unfortunately also learns the highly volatile Super Glitch move a large number of times.

It cannot be obtained via the Ditto glitch, as encountering a directly in the wild will cause a Gentleman to appear instead. When is sent out on the opponent's side via the Cable Club black out glitch, or a glitch Trainer, its sprite is initially solid black, later revealing its real colors at a random point within the battle. If the player is defeated by , the colored parts of it turn into a light gray color.

Glitches caused

is an item mutation glitch Pokémon. When the player encounters it in battle, by using the Cable Club escape glitch with a Trainer who owns a , the item in the fourth slot in the player's inventory will be transformed into an entirely different item, equivalent to the item identifier of the current item +16 (2^4). In this way, it is possible to obtain glitch items, however the item identifier will not be altered if the item identifier is greater than equal to 16 (Full Restore).[1]

's front sprite is consistent, but its back sprite varies depending on the defending Pokémon at the time it is sent out. Some back sprites, such as the one triggered by an enemy Pidgey or Geodude cannot be shown properly by the game and cause it to lock up. This renders unusable against those Pokémon; however, the glitch Pokémon can still be safely used if the trainer knows when not to send it into battle. In addition to this, one back sprite in particular causes slight graphical glitches in the overworld, after the battle in which it appeared ends. This can be fixed simply by going to another area.

Game data

Pokédex entry

's Pokédex entry.

Game locations

Generation I
Red Blue
Time Capsule exploit (Wobbuffet)
Becomes ' B' ゥ in Yellow

Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
202 - 248 394 - 487
147 - 193 289 - 382
144 - 190 283 - 376
152 - 198 299 - 392
150 - 196 295 - 388
(860 on other generations' scale)
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs and IVs of 0.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 63001 EVs and IVs of 15.
  • Total on other generations' scale counts this Pokémon's Special stat as both Special Attack and Special Defense.

Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation I, this Pokémon is:
normally by:
Poison ½×
Bug ½×
Weak to:
Poison ½×
Bug ½×
Immune to:
Poison ½×
Bug ½×
Resistant to:
Poison ½×
Bug ½×


By leveling up

Generation I
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Power   Accuracy   PP 
00Start Flash Normal 0000 070}}70% 20
00Start Leech Life Bug 02020 100}}100% 15
00Start Lovely Kiss Normal 0000 075}}75% 10
00Start Petal Dance Grass 07070 100}}100% 20
011 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
022 TM50 Glitch 05656 028}}28% 25
033 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
044 TM13 Ice 03030 002}}2% 10
055 Pay Day Normal 04040 100}}100% 20
066 Slam Normal 08080 075}}75% 20
077 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
088 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
099 TM24 Glitch 118118 031}}31% 0
1212 -- Cooltrainer♀ 0000 —}}—%
1313 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
1414 Pay Day Normal 04040 100}}100% 20
1515 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
1717 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
1818 TM29 Normal 0000 000}}0% 0
1919 TM07 Ghost 131131 020}}20% 0
2020 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
2222 -- Cooltrainer♀ 0000 —}}—%
2323 Seismic Toss Fighting 0000 100}}100% 20
2424 Ice Punch Ice 07575 100}}100% 15
2525 Double Team Normal 0000 —}}—% 15
2626 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
2727 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
3131 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
3232 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
3333 Supersonic Normal 0000 055}}55% 20
3535 Fire Blast Fire 120120 085}}85% 5
4040 Fire Punch Fire 07575 100}}100% 15
4242 TM54 Normal 0022 008}}8% 62
4545 TM15 Normal 0000 000}}0% 0
4646 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
4949 Thunder Shock Electric 04040 100}}100% 50
5151 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
5252 Pin Missile Bug 01414 085}}85% 20
5353 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
5555 Aurora Beam Ice 06565 100}}100% 20
5656 Comet Punch Normal 01818 085}}85% 15
5757 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
6161 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
6262 Karate Chop Normal 05050 100}}100% 25
6464 Horn Drill Normal 0000 030}}30% 5
7171 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
7272 Water Gun Water 04040 100}}100% 25
7373 Psybeam Psychic 06565 100}}100% 20
7979 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
8484 Double Kick Fighting 03030 100}}100% 30
8585 TM04 Water 0000 018}}18% 39
8787 SonicBoom Normal 0000 090}}90% 20
8989 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
9292 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
9393 Double Team Normal 0000 —}}—% 15
9595 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
102102 TM03 Glitch 0099 032}}32% 57
103103 Double Kick Fighting 03030 100}}100% 30
104104 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
107107 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
109109 Aurora Beam Ice 06565 100}}100% 20
111111 TM01 Normal 03737 000}}0% 3
119119 TM01 Normal 03737 000}}0% 3
120120 Double Kick Fighting 03030 100}}100% 30
121121 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
122122 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
123123 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
124124 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
125125 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
126126 TM25 Normal 0000 000}}0% 0
135135 Hypnosis Psychic 0000 060}}60% 20
139139 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
140140 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
141141 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
142142 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
143143 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
146146 TM08 Glitch 03030 017}}17% 20
166166 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
167167 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
171171 BubbleBeam Water 06565 100}}100% 20
174174 Ember Fire 04040 100}}100% 25
175175 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
183183 Acid Poison 04040 100}}100% 30
184184 TM40 Normal 01010 —}}—% 63
185185 Horn Drill Normal 0000 030}}30% 5
192192 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
194194 TM40 Normal 01010 —}}—% 63
195195 TM14 Glitch 08585 029}}29% 29
199199 SonicBoom Normal 0000 090}}90% 20
200200 TM50 Glitch 05656 028}}28% 25
201201 Tackle Normal 03535 095}}95% 35
203203 Water Gun Water 04040 100}}100% 25
204204 Aurora Beam Ice 06565 100}}100% 20
205205 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
206206 TM18 Flying 0077 017}}17% 46
207207 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
208208 TM01 Normal 03737 000}}0% 3
209209 TM01 Normal 03737 000}}0% 3
211211 TM04 Water 0000 018}}18% 39
213213 TM17 Glitch 01313 017}}17% 0
214214 Flamethrower Fire 000 000}}%
215215 TM03 Glitch 0099 032}}32% 57
218218 TM01 Normal 03737 000}}0% 3
220220 TM21 Glitch 06767 0<1}}<1% 0
223223 Twineedle Bug 02525 100}}100% 20
224224 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
225225 HM05 Glitch 102102 038}}38% 6
226226 TM05 Glitch 0000 —}}—% 33
227227 TM28 Glitch 08585 046}}46% 54
229229 TM13 Ice 03030 002}}2% 10
231231 Night Shade Ghost 0000 100}}100% 15
232232 Acid Poison 04040 100}}100% 20
234234 PoisonPowder Poison 0000 075}}75% 35
235235 Water Gun Water 04040 100}}100% 25
238238 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
239239 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
240240 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
242242 HM05 Glitch 102102 038}}38% 6
243243 Super Glitch Glitch 0000 —}}—%
244244 Mist Ice 0000 —}}—% 30
245245 TM50 Glitch 05656 028}}28% 25
248248 Aurora Beam Ice 06565 100}}100% 20
249249 Double Kick Fighting 03030 100}}100% 30
250250 Fly Flying 07070 095}}95% 15
252252 TM34 Normal 0000 009}}9% 10
254254 TM25 Normal 0000 000}}0% 0
255255 HM05 Glitch 102102 038}}38% 6
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation I
Other generations:
 TM   Move   Type   Power   Accuracy   PP 
TM01 Mega Punch Normal 80 85% 20
TM05 Mega Kick Normal 120 75% 5
TM08 Body Slam Normal 85 100% 15
TM10 Double-Edge Normal 100 100% 15
TM11 BubbleBeam Water 65 100% 20
TM12 Water Gun Water 40 100% 25
TM16 Pay Day Normal 40 100% 20
TM18 Counter Fighting 100% 20
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric 95 100% 15
TM26 Earthquake Ground 100 100% 10
TM28 Dig Ground 100 100% 10
TM32 Double Team Normal —% 15
TM37 Egg Bomb Normal 100 75% 10
TM39 Swift Normal 60 —% 20
TM43 Sky Attack Flying 140 90% 5
TM44 Rest Psychic —% 10
TM48 Rock Slide Rock 75 90% 10
HM02 Fly Flying 70 95% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations


Does not evolve
 Normal  Ghost 


Front sprite Front sprite 2 Front sprite 3 Back sprite Menu sprite


  • 94 has the largest learnset of any Pokémon.

Video (94 appears at 6:40)

By WillisTheUnbreakable
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

External links


Red/Blue: 'M (00)MissingNo.▶ Aaゥ (C1)ゥ .4h POKé
PokéWTrainerPkMn (C5)ゥL ゥM 4♀Pゥ ゥゥTゥU?◣ゥ 8PC4SH
PPkMn ◣ nTrainer▼ W G dOPkMn4XPkMn PkMn T4B 8 4 8
ゥ 'M p'u ゥAゥ GPゥ ゥ ゥ4 hGlitch (D7)PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk
PkMnRPkMn "B (DA)Glitch (DB)Glitch (DC)7PkMn 'v-PkMn.PkMn
/PkMn ▼PkMn'v……ゥ (E3)Glitch (E4)C- -
Pゥ 4$X CcA (EA)Glitch (EB)Glitch (EC)hゥ
.gゥ$'Mゥ$ (F0)94ゥ l (F2)ゥ l (F3)ゥ$ (F4)
ゥ (F5)G'Mp'Ng'Mp'Ng ゥ$94 hGlitch (FA)'M 'N gO
ゥ$ 6ゥ'M (FE)'M (FF)
Yellow: 3TrainerPoké $MissingNo.4 44 4 Hy♀ .pPkMnp' 'ゥ ( Z4
X ゥ- xゥ,4. .ァ7gug gァ / g J 1Glitch (CA)
. pゥ.8ゥ. BPkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (CE)4, ゥァ (CF)ゥ'B ァ h
PkMn ? Aゥゥ)ゥ (D4)'ゥ.PkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (D6)B (D7)PkMn (D8)
ゥ (D9)]ゥ' BPkMn (DC)4, ゥァ (DD)8 (DE)p ID
8 P ァ'r 'r 4(h4to894 89 48B 4 8Z ゥ9
ゥHIゥ.4(h4hi?$4HI?'r ゥ$ Pゥ. 4(?/4(h4?
ゥ► ゥ▼ ゥh 4Pゥ ゥ.... ゥ ( .I' .' B' ゥゥ ゥェ ゥ ▷ゥ $ A (F3)♂ p ゥ
▼ pゥゥ $ A (F6)PkMn (F7)ゥ 4- 4$ゥ▾ ゥ♂F q ,
ゥ$ 4MN ゥ× 'rゥ. 4-ゥ/ 4ァ 4,Q ◣
Glitch EggGlitch Unown
Generation III: -???????????Bad Egg
Generation IV: -----Bad EggGeneration IV hybrid
Generation V: -----Bad EggGlitch Unown
Generation VI: Bad EggGeneration VI 724+ glitch Pokémon
This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.