East Paldean Sea: Difference between revisions

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Qzekrom (talk | contribs)
Add furigana for Japanese name
Oneofthosedf (talk | contribs)
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{{Trainerentry|VSOffice Worker SV.png{{!}}x100px|game=9|Office Worker|Yago|2,944|1|0976|Veluza|♂|32|None|36=キラト|37=Kirato}}
{{Trainerentry/suffix|VSOffice Worker SV.png{{!}}x100px|game=9|Office Worker|Yago|2,944|1|0976|Veluza|♂|32|None|36=キラト|37=Kirato}}

Latest revision as of 20:02, 20 November 2023

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Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.

East Paldean Sea (ひがし)パルデア(かい)
East Paldea Sea
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Eastern Paldea
Region: Paldea
Generations: IX

Location of East Paldean Sea in Paldea.
Pokémon world locations

The East Paldean Sea (Japanese: (ひがし)パルデア(かい) East Paldea Sea) is the ocean adjacent to the East Province of the Paldea region, as well as Levincia. It is one of Paldea's four seas. It connects to the South Paldean Sea in the south.



Pokémon Games Terrain Levels Probability Weight Group Rate Group Pokémon
Land Water surface Underwater Overland Sky Morning Day Evening Night
S V 15-36 60
S V 35-36 10
S V 14-36 60
S V 20-36 5
S V 15-36 30
S V 15-25 60 70%
S V 14-30 20
S V 28-36 40 100%
S V 34-36 60
S V 23-36 60
S V 16-36 60
S V 20-36 30
S V 14-30 60
S V 26-36 20 100%
S V 15-36 30 30%
S V 14-29 60 60%
S V 28-36 30 40%
S V 18-26 20
S V 18-26 30
S V 18-26 80
S V 20-26 10
S V 18-26 60
S V 26 20
S V 18-26 60 60%
S V 18-26 15
S V 25-28 1
S V 25-28 30 30 30 0
S V 20-25 40 90%
S V 25-28 30
S V 20-23 60 50%
S V 20-23 60 50%
S V 20-23 60 50%
S V 20-23 60 50%
S V 20-23 6 50%
S V 20-28 55 40%
S V 20-28 55 40%
S V 20-28 55 40%
S V 20-28 55 40%
S V 20-28 3 40%
S V 25-28 10 100%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Probability weight indicates the likelihood that a Pokémon will spawn at a certain point in this location relative to others that can spawn there. A higher probability weight generally indicates that a Pokémon is more likely to spawn.
Pokémon with the highest or lowest level requirements may not spawn in every possible location within this area.
A bolded level range replaces the Pokémon's non-bolded level range after the player has completed The Way Home.
  1. This Pokémon's form can changed by receiving postcards from Pokémon GO

  • There are few valid "Flower" biome spawn point in this area, which can make it more difficult to find specific Pokémon that only spawn from that point.
  • The sandy island near the coast is considered a beach by the game. The eastern island however, is considered to be an ocean aside from its few flower patches.


Trainer Pokémon
Yago the Office Worker
Yago the Office Worker
キラト Kirato
Reward: $2,944
Veluza Veluza Lv.32
No item

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 東帕底亞海 Dūng Paakdáia Hói
Mandarin 東帕底亞海 / 东帕底亚海 Dōng Pàdǐyǎ Hǎi / Dōng Pàdǐyà Hǎi
French Mer de l’Est de Paldea
German Östliches Meer von Paldea
Italian Mare di Paldea (est)
Korean 동팔데아해 Dong Paldea Hae
Spanish Mar Oriental de Paldea

This article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.

South: Cabo PocoMesagoza (Naranja Academy/Uva Academy)
Los PlatosCortondoAlfornadaPokémon League
East: ArtazonLevinciaZapapico
West: CascarrafaPorto MarinadaMedali
North: Montenevera
South Province
Area OneArea TwoArea Three
Area FourArea FiveArea Six (Alfornada Cavern)
Poco PathInlet GrottoSouth Paldean Sea
East Province
Area One (Schedar Squad's Base) • Area TwoArea Three
Tagtree Thicket (Navi Squad's Base) • East Paldean Sea
West Province
Area One (Segin Squad's Base) • Area TwoArea Three
Asado DesertWest Paldean Sea
North Province
Area OneArea Two (Caph Squad's Base) • Area Three (Ruchbah Squad's Base)
Casseroya Lake (Socarrat Trail) • Glaseado Mountain (Dalizapa Passage)
North Paldean Sea
Great Crater of Paldea
Area Zero
Zero GateZero LabArea Zero Underdepths
Ten Sights of Paldea (Colonnade Hollow)
Grasswither ShrineIcerend Shrine
Groundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Access to
KitakamiBlueberry Academy

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.