Overcoat (Ability): Difference between revisions

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(9 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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|jptrans=Dust Proof
|text5=Protects the Pokémon from damage from weather.
|text6=Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail and powder.
|text7=Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.
|text8=Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.
'''Overcoat''' (Japanese: '''ぼうじん''' ''Dust Proof'') is an [[Ability]] introduced in [[Generation V]].
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|V|Protects the Pokémon from damage from weather.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VI|Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VII|Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder. }}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VIII|Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|IX|The Pokémon takes no damage from sandstorms. It is also protected from the effects of powders and spores.}}
'''Overcoat''' (Japanese: '''ぼうじん''' ''Dustproof'') is an [[Ability]] introduced in [[Generation V]].

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==Pokémon with Overcoat==
==Pokémon with Overcoat==
{{Ability/entry|090|Shellder|Water|Water|Shell Armor|Skill Link|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0090|Shellder|Water|Water|Shell Armor|Skill Link|Overcoat|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation IV|Gen IV}}+}}
{{Ability/entry|091|Cloyster|Water|Ice|Shell Armor|Skill Link|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0091|Cloyster|Water|Ice|Shell Armor|Skill Link|Overcoat|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation IV|Gen IV}}+}}
{{Ability/entry|372|Shelgon|Dragon|Dragon|Rock Head|None|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0372|Shelgon|Dragon|Dragon|Rock Head|None|Overcoat}}
{{ability/entry|412|Burmy|Bug|Bug|Shed Skin|None|Overcoat|Plant Cloak}}
{{ability/entry|0412|Burmy|Bug|Bug|Shed Skin|None|Overcoat|Plant Cloak}}
{{Ability/entry|413|Wormadam|Bug|Grass|Anticipation|None|Overcoat|Plant Cloak}}
{{ability/entry|0413|form=-Plant|Wormadam|Bug|Grass|Anticipation|None|Overcoat|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Burmy and Wormadam|Plant Cloak}}}}
{{ability/entry|0413|form=-Sandy|Wormadam|Bug|Ground|Anticipation|None|Overcoat|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Burmy and Wormadam|Sandy Cloak}}}}
{{Ability/entry|541|Swadloon|Bug|Grass|Leaf Guard|Chlorophyll|Overcoat}}
{{ability/entry|0413|form=-Trash|Wormadam|Bug|Steel|Anticipation|None|Overcoat|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Burmy and Wormadam|Trash Cloak}}}}
{{Ability/entry|577|Solosis|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|0541|Swadloon|Bug|Grass|Leaf Guard|Chlorophyll|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|578|Duosion|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|579|Reuniclus|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|0577|Solosis|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|589|Escavalier|Bug|Steel|Swarm|Shell Armor|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0578|Duosion|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|616|Shelmet|Bug|Bug|Hydration|Shell Armor|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0579|Reuniclus|Psychic|Psychic|Overcoat|Magic Guard|Regenerator}}
{{Ability/entry|629|Vullaby|Dark|Flying|Big Pecks|Overcoat|Weak Armor}}
{{Ability/entry|0589|Escavalier|Bug|Steel|Swarm|Shell Armor|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|630|Mandibuzz|Dark|Flying|Big Pecks|Overcoat|Weak Armor}}
{{Ability/entry|0616|Shelmet|Bug|Bug|Hydration|Shell Armor|Overcoat}}
{{Ability/entry|0629|Vullaby|Dark|Flying|Big Pecks|Overcoat|Weak Armor}}
{{Ability/entry|0630|Mandibuzz|Dark|Flying|Big Pecks|Overcoat|Weak Armor}}
{{Ability/entry|905|form=-Therian|Enamorus|Fairy|Flying|Overcoat|None|None|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Forces of Nature|Therian Form}}}}
{{Ability/entry|942|Varoom|Steel|Poison|Overcoat|None|Slow Start}}
{{Ability/entry|0905|form=-Therian|Enamorus|Fairy|Flying|Overcoat|None|None|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Forces of Nature|Therian Form}}}}
{{Ability/entry|0965|Varoom|Steel|Poison|Overcoat|None|Slow Start}}
===Pokémon that formerly had Overcoat===
{{Ability/entry|0705|form=-Hisui|Sliggoo|Steel|Dragon|Sap Sipper|Overcoat|Gooey|formlink={{color2|000|Hisuian form|Hisuian Form}}|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation VIII|Gen VIII}}}}
{{Ability/entry|0706|form=-Hisui|Goodra|Steel|Dragon|Sap Sipper|Overcoat|Gooey|formlink={{color2|000|Hisuian form|Hisuian Form}}|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation VIII|Gen VIII}}}}
* In the [[Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]'s internal code, {{rf|Hisuian}} {{p|Sliggoo}}'s and {{p|Goodra}}'s Ability is Overcoat instead of {{a|Shell Armor}}.
* In [[Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]'s internal code, {{rf|Hisuian}} {{p|Sliggoo}}'s and {{p|Goodra}}'s Ability is Overcoat instead of {{a|Shell Armor}}.

==In other games==
==In other games==
Line 69: Line 80:
|zh_cmn=防塵 / 防尘 ''{{tt|Fángchén|Dustproof}}''
|zh_cmn=防塵 / 防尘 ''{{tt|Fángchén|Dustproof}}''
|de=Partikelschutz{{tt|*|Generation VIII onwards}}<br>Wetterfest{{tt|*|Generations V-VII}}
|ko=방진 ''{{tt|Bangjin|Dustproof}}''
|ko=방진 ''{{tt|Bangjin|Dustproof}}''
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}

Latest revision as of 17:29, 8 July 2024

Overcoat ぼうじん
Flavor text
Generation V
Protects the Pokémon from damage from weather.
Generation VI
Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.
Generation VII
Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.
Generation VIII
Protects the Pokémon from things like sand, hail, and powder.
Generation IX
The Pokémon takes no damage from sandstorms. It is also protected from the effects of powders and spores.

Overcoat (Japanese: ぼうじん Dustproof) is an Ability introduced in Generation V.


In battle

Generation V

A Pokémon with Overcoat does not take damage from the weather conditions sandstorm and hailstorm.

Generation VI onward

Overcoat now also protects from powder and spore moves, as well as Effect Spore.

Outside of battle

Overcoat has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Overcoat

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water Water Shell Armor Skill LinkGen IV+ Overcoat
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice Shell Armor Skill LinkGen IV+ Overcoat
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug Bug Sturdy None Overcoat
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel Sturdy None Overcoat
0372 Shelgon Shelgon
Dragon Dragon Rock Head None Overcoat
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug Bug Shed Skin None Overcoat
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Plant Cloak
Bug Grass Anticipation None Overcoat
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Sandy Cloak
Bug Ground Anticipation None Overcoat
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Trash Cloak
Bug Steel Anticipation None Overcoat
0540 Sewaddle Sewaddle
Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
0541 Swadloon Swadloon
Bug Grass Leaf Guard Chlorophyll Overcoat
0542 Leavanny Leavanny
Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
0577 Solosis Solosis
Psychic Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
0578 Duosion Duosion
Psychic Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
0579 Reuniclus Reuniclus
Psychic Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
0589 Escavalier Escavalier
Bug Steel Swarm Shell Armor Overcoat
0616 Shelmet Shelmet
Bug Bug Hydration Shell Armor Overcoat
0629 Vullaby Vullaby
Dark Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
0630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz
Dark Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
0782 Jangmo-o Jangmo-o
Dragon Dragon Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat
0783 Hakamo-o Hakamo-o
Dragon Fighting Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat
0784 Kommo-o Kommo-o
Dragon Fighting Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat
0905 Enamorus Enamorus
Therian Form
Fairy Flying Overcoat None None
0965 Varoom Varoom
Steel Poison Overcoat None Slow Start
0966 Revavroom Revavroom
Steel Poison Overcoat None Filter
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

Pokémon that formerly had Overcoat

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0705 Sliggoo Sliggoo
Hisuian Form
Steel Dragon Sap Sipper OvercoatGen VIII Gooey
0706 Goodra Goodra
Hisuian Form
Steel Dragon Sap Sipper OvercoatGen VIII Gooey
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDGtI Protects the Pokémon from weather that would damage it.*
The Hail and Sandstorm weather conditions won't damage the Pokémon!*
SMD Hail or a sandstorm won't damage the Pokémon! It also prevents the effects of the Effect Spore Ability and moves such as Poison Powder and Powder .


  • Six of the Pokémon able to have this Ability are already immune to one of the damage-dealing weather conditions by virtue of their type (Seven if Wormadam's Sandy and Trash Cloaks are counted as separate Pokémon).
  • Four of the Pokémon able to have this Ability are already immune to powder moves by virtue of their type.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 防塵 Fòhngchàhn
Mandarin 防塵 / 防尘 Fángchén
French Envelocape
German PartikelschutzVIII+
Italian Copricapo
Korean 방진 Bangjin
Spanish Funda
This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.