Wailmer (EX Sandstorm 83): Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
Line 32: Line 32:
cost={{e|Colorless}}{{e|Colorless}} |
cost={{e|Colorless}}{{e|Colorless}} |
name=Rollout |
name=Rollout |
jname= |
jname=ころがる |
jtrans= |
jtrans=Roll |
damage=20 |
damage=20 |
effect= |
effect= |
Line 40: Line 40:
cost={{e|Water}}{{e|Colorless}}{{e|Colorless}} |
cost={{e|Water}}{{e|Colorless}}{{e|Colorless}} |
name=Super Hypno Wave |
name=Super Hypno Wave |
jname= |
jname=みずのはどう |
jtrans= |
jtrans=Water Pulse |
damage=30 |
damage=30 |
effect=The Defending Pokémon is now {{TCG|Asleep}}. |
effect=The Defending Pokémon is now {{TCG|Asleep}}. |
Line 47: Line 47:

*Super Hypno Wave's Japanese name is the same as {{m|Water Pulse}}'s, which is a move that Wailmer can learn in the games.

Revision as of 19:04, 28 November 2008

ホエルコ Hoeruko
[[File:Water-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|25px]]
Illus. Ken Sugimori
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" width="100px" | Evolution stage style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | Basic Pokémon
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | Card name style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | Bulbasaur
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | Type style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | [[Water (TCG)|Water]]
style="text-align:right; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Water color }};" | HP 80
colspan="2" style="background: #{{tcg Water color }}" |
style="background: #{{tcg Lightning color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | weakness
[[File:Lightning-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|20px]]×2
style="background: #{{tcg Water color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | resistance
retreat cost
[[Category:Pokémon cards with a Retreat Cost of    ]] [[Category:Water-type Pokémon cards]]
Set EX Sandstorm
Rarity Common
English Card No. 83/100

Wailmer (Japanese: ホエルコ Hoeruko) is a Water-type basic Pokémon card. It is part of the EX Sandstorm set.

Card text


Template:Cardattack Template:Cardattack


  • Super Hypno Wave's Japanese name is the same as Water Pulse's, which is a move that Wailmer can learn in the games.


Template:Project TCGDex notice