Huh? Uhhh...what time is it? 6:30 PM? Oh, you must be one of the guests. Erm, lemme see...Nono, no need to sign on the guestlist. I have your name right here.... Oh, the dinner? I...Oh no! The chicken!!! Uhh, okay. Before I go save my kitchen, I must ask you not to touch my diary on the table.
This user identifies as male.
Username: What? Real Name: Ivan Hoshikawa, Shōnan-tō (Ivan Hoshikawa of Singapore, Light of the South) Userage: A year. ALthough I've only been editing half that time...Gah. Real Age: 5 times 2 = 12 (South Park joke) Main edits: Manga. Chuang Yi makes too many mistakes. Favorite Anime: Ryusei no Rockman/Shooting Star Rockman. Favorite Manga: ポケットモンスター☆SPECIAL/Pokémon Adventures Favorite Game: ポケットモンスター プラチナ/Pokémon Platinum Favorite Pokémon Episode: Pregnant Ash Favorite Pokémon Character: Platina Berlitz. What, I can't like Special characters? Favorite Girl: What? Quote: Not even Bush can save me now...
Talking to myself...
So you no Christian?
Unfortunately, no.
Why not? I think you make good Christian.
Oh, sure, I try to act like a Christian to please my parents and stuff. I believe there's a God somewhere. Out there. I just can't bring myself to believe that that God would actually send his own son to die (Plan B happened to be raising him up again) and forgive humanity's sins. I can't believe in grace. So you could call me a theist, but I don't believe in grace. I doubt I ever will.
To-do list
- Try and make a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon standard so that moves like Discharge will be identified to PMD-ers.
- Complete the tables on IQ.
- Complete the tables on Trade items. Going to take a while, there are at least 104 items. I'll probably do them like Generation starter at a time, then the other starters, then the babies, then the legends. But it'll still take a long time.
- Get a table for Appendix:List of tiers. But it isn't my top priority as it isn't a good page.
- Finish Blood's Only Light and Umbreon's Quest.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- And get over writer's block.
Message for everyone
Seriously, guys. There's a userspace abuser in Bulbapedia, somewhere. He's, like, editing his userpage with crap and stuff and has tons of subpages. Isn't he abusing the userspace? Also, whenever he edits articles, he lacks grammar and spelling and stuff. Oh, wait, you want to know his name? HAH! That's easy his name is Optimatum! So QUICK, BLOCK HIM.
List of notable Bulbapedists
Note: This section may or may not offend you. I don't give a shit as this is MY userpage and I can put WHATEVER I want here. So fuck off and shit on you you fleabags.
- Kuki - A perfect example of an addict. Always gets into edit wars over pictures and want to replace good pics with possibly better pics. However, why change what's already good unless the former sucks ASS?
- Optimatum - A userspace abuser, should be blocked by the following admin. Also forgets to use the preview button.
- Jioruji Derako - One of my best friends and an expert at wikicode. Deserves to be an admin, even if it was the Signature policy that got him the job in the first place.
- MAGNEDETH - The funniest admin around. Check out the page on his hated Pokaman.
- DCM - Anti-Republican, hates MAGNEDETH, funniest non-admin around.
- Chocolate - He's a mixed bag. What bag? A trash bag. It's like you're eating your food but all of a sudden you have stomachache and when you return, the food's dumped into the bag. Then your sister comes home and throws her tampons down the bag. And your brother comes home, he's drunk and he pukes into that same bag. I don't mean to be gross, but Chocolate has lots of improvement to do.
- Change-For-The-Worst-Guy - Always trying to change Bulbapedia. Dude, there's this thingy called tradition.
- TTEchidna - TTEchiba is the guy who welcomed the afore mentioned userspace abuser to Bulbapedia. After riding through the ranks, he emerged as Editor-in-Chief, basically, the big guy. I am honored to have seen him become the EiC, and hope that Bulbapedia will be as good as it was when it was being led by...
- Zhen Lin - Ex-Editor-in-Chief. A great guy who does not take sides and resolves fights without any insults. I never said he didn't block anyone.
- Politoed666 - TCG expert and in all a reat contributor.
- Ph34r - My best friend and partner in crime.
- Tina - Ex-crush, forever a friend.
- Shiny Noctowl - Inactive, used to be a userspace abuser but still a good guy.
- PAK Man -
Eats up dots to advance in level Active admin who does his job and answers the questions of noobs newbs.
- Kenji-girl - Great admin who does her job well. Though she has quite a temper, she's a great contributor and I hope to see more from her.
- Maxim - Volcano, yet good editor. Seldom gets into edit wars, but then again, talk pages are his danger zone.
Well, that's it for now. Oh wait, forgot one more guy.
- Archaic - The chief of the chief. This is the guy behind Bulbapedia! THIS IS THE GUY WHO MADE US WHAT WE ARE TODAY. Archaic will forever live on! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Pokémon Adventures
Collection Status:
- Note: Italicized volumes mean that that volume has not been obtained yet. TBR means that the volume is to be released in Japanese.
- Main article: Ivan Hoshikawa
More usertags
I am very honored to have received this award for no particular reason.
Don't tell those Hunters I'm here. Especially that Ashe. As cute as she is, don't tell her.
And on a sidenote...
Here is the list of songs that I like.
And yes, I know that Numb and Canadian Idiot links are wrong. I don't care.