Dragon & Poison Pokédex (book): Difference between revisions

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The Dragon & Poison [[Pokédex]] is a book that is published by [[Scholastic]], it is written by [[Katherine Noll]]. It is part 6 in the series of the Pokémon masters club Pokédex.
|title=Pokémon Dragon & Poison Pokédex
|image=Dragon Poison Pokédex book.png
|publisher=[[File:Scholastic logo.png|164px]]
|author=[[Katherine Noll]]
|published=March 2005
|previous={{book|Water Pokédex}}
|next={{book|Rock & Ground Pokédex}}

The '''Dragon & Poison Pokédex''' is a book that was published by [[Scholastic]] and written by [[Katherine Noll]]. It is the sixth book in the series of the {{OBP|Element Pokédex|books}}.
6.6 x 5.7 x 0.2 inches

The cover of the book, like the other books in its series, features a [[Poké Ball]], specifically the [[Timer Ball]]. It is 47 pages in length.
2.4 ounces

The book features information on 13 {{type|Dragon}} and 42 {{type|Poison}} Pokémon. It also includes tips for battling with an against Poison and Dragon types, additional stats for Poison dual types, and information on Agatha and Koga, who both use Poison-type Pokémon.
Paperback (unknown number of pages)

<!--''Check out {{tt|www.Pokemon.com/MastersClub|link no longer working}} for exclusive Master Tips, games, and more!''-->

[[pt:Dragon & Poison Pokédex (livro)]]
===Pokémon featured===
* {{p|Dratini}}
* {{p|Dragonair}}
* {{p|Dragonite}}
* {{p|Kingdra}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
* {{p|Vibrava}}
* {{p|Flygon}}
* {{p|Bagon}}
* {{p|Shelgon}}
* {{p|Salamence}}
* {{p|Latias}}
* {{p|Latios}}
* {{p|Rayquaza}}
* {{p|Qwilfish}}
* {{p|Ekans}}
* {{p|Arbok}}
* {{p|Nidoran♀}}
* {{p|Nidorina}}
* {{p|Nidoqueen}}
* {{p|Nidoran♂}}
* {{p|Nidorino}}
* {{p|Nidoking}}
* {{p|Gastly}}
* {{p|Haunter}}
* {{p|Gengar}}
* {{p|Zubat}}
* {{p|Golbat}}
* {{p|Crobat}}
* {{p|Tentacool}}
* {{p|Tentacruel}}
* {{p|Koffing}}
* {{p|Weezing}}
* {{p|Grimer}}
* {{p|Muk}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Gulpin}}
* {{p|Swalot}}
{{Element Pokédex}}
{{Project Merchandise notice|book}}

Latest revision as of 06:00, 20 April 2021

Pokémon Dragon & Poison Pokédex
ISBN: 0439721857
Published: March 2005
Author: Katherine Noll
Preceded By: Water Pokédex
Succeeded By: Rock & Ground Pokédex

The Dragon & Poison Pokédex is a book that was published by Scholastic and written by Katherine Noll. It is the sixth book in the series of the Element Pokédex.

The cover of the book, like the other books in its series, features a Poké Ball, specifically the Timer Ball. It is 47 pages in length.

The book features information on 13 Dragon-type and 42 Poison-type Pokémon. It also includes tips for battling with an against Poison and Dragon types, additional stats for Poison dual types, and information on Agatha and Koga, who both use Poison-type Pokémon.


Pokémon featured



Fire PokédexElectric PokédexGrass PokédexGhost, Dark & Steel PokédexWater PokédexDragon & Poison Pokédex
Rock & Ground PokédexBug PokédexIce & Fighting PokédexFlying PokédexNormal PokédexPsychic Pokédex
This book article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.