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[[File:Johto League Champions Topps.png|thumb|right|A packet of Johto League Champions cards]]
[[File:Johto League Champions Topps.png|thumb|right|A packet of Johto League Champions cards]]
'''Pokémon Johto League Champions Trading Cards''' was a set of Pokémon-themed trading cards manufactured by [[Topps]]. There were 50 cards in total: 37 Pokémon cards, 12 episode cards and a checklist card. In addition, there were 18 die-cut embossed chase cards and 37 sticker cards which were not included on the checklist.
[[File:Topps Johto league silver vs nonholo 36b.jpg|thumb|right|A comparison between a foil card and a non-foil card]]
'''Pokémon Johto League Champions Trading Cards''' was a set of [[Pokémon card]]s manufactured by [[Topps]]. There were 50 cards in total: 37 Pokémon cards, 12 episode cards and a checklist card. Each of these 50 cards also had a foil card version. In addition, there were 55 bonus "chase cards" not included on the checklist: 37 sticker cards and 18 die-cut embossed cards.

Cards were sold in randomly distributed packets of eight. Each packet contained one sticker and one of the die-cut embossed cards. Additionally, one of the other seven cards in each packet, chosen at random, would be a foil card. The foil card could be any of the 50 regular cards.
Cards were sold in randomly distributed packets of eight. This number included one sticker, one die-cut embossed card, and one foil card for each packet.
==Collecting summary==
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
! Set
! Example
! No. of cards
! Cards each pack
! Packs needed to finish
|- style="background:#fff"
| Non holo
| [[File:PJLC Card - 36.png|120px]]
| 50/50 cards
| 5 out of 8 cards each pack
| 10 packs
|- style="background:#fff"
| Silver foil / holo
| [[File:Topps_Johto_league_silver_36b.jpg|120px]]
| 50/50 cards
| 1 out of 8 cards each pack
| 50 packs
|- style="background:#fff"
| Sticker cards
| [[File:Topps Johto league S36.jpg|120px]]
| 37/37 cards
| 1 out of 8 cards each pack
| 37 packs
|- style="background:#fff"
| Diecut cards
| [[File:Topps Johto league D18.jpg|120px]]
| 18/18 cards
| 1 out of 8 cards each pack
| 18 packs

==Cards in the Johto League Champions series==
==Cards in the Johto League Champions series==
* {{p|Crobat}}
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
* {{p|Pichu}}
! Set #
* {{p|Cleffa}}
! Front
* {{p|Igglybuff}}
! Title
* {{p|Politoed}}
! Back
* {{p|Espeon}}
! Back text
* {{p|Umbreon}}
|- style="background:#fff"
* {{p|Slowking}}
| 1
* {{p|Misdreavus}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 1.png|120px]]
* {{p|Unown}}
| #169 {{p|Crobat}}
* {{p|Forretress}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 1 back.jpg|235px]]
* {{p|Dunsparce}}
| This large Pokémon flies silently through the night on its four wings. The final evolution of Zubat, the Crobat is very hard to spot when walking through the woods, its native habitat. It can fly very fast, and often finds it hard to stop flying, even for a rest.
* {{p|Qwilfish}}
|- style="background:#fff"
* {{p|Scizor}}
| 2
* {{p|Sneasel}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 2.png|120px]]
* {{p|Slugma}}
| #172 {{p|Pichu}}
* {{p|Magcargo}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 2 back.jpg|235px]]
* {{p|Corsola}}
| The first evolutionary stage of Pikachu and Raichu, Pichu is an undeniably cute electric Pokémon, and charms any trainer with its gentle nature. Not yet as skilled as Pikachu in its powers, Pichu will accidentally send out a jolt if it's startled or laughing hard.
* {{p|Remoraid}}
|- style="background:#fff"
* {{p|Octillery}}
| 3
* {{p|Delibird}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 3.png|120px]]
* {{p|Skarmory}}
| #173 {{p|Cleffa}}
* {{p|Houndour}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 3 back.jpg|235px]]
* {{p|Houndoom}}
| Who knew? Cleffa is the very first evolution of Clefairy and Clefable. This normal Pokémon is a newcomer to the known Pokémon of the world. Because of its star-like shape, many people believe Cleffa came here on a meteor.
* {{p|Kingdra}}
|- style="background:#fff"
* {{p|Porygon2}}
| 4
* {{p|Tyrogue}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 4.png|120px]]
* {{p|Hitmontop}}
| #174 {{p|Igglybuff}}
* {{p|Smoochum}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 4 back.jpg|235px]]
* {{p|Magby}}
| The very first evolution of Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, Igglybuff is a normal-type Pokémon who's just learning to SING. Its soft body is extremely flexible and elastic. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over the place.
* {{p|Raikou}}
|- style="background:#fff"
* {{p|Entei}}
| 5
* {{p|Suicune}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 5.png|120px]]
* {{p|Larvitar}}
| #186 {{p|Politoed}}
* {{p|Pupitar}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 5 back.jpg|235px]]
* {{p|Tyranitar}}
| The next evolutionary step of the Poliwhirl, this water Pokémon can be found in lakes and rivers. Its spiral no longer as pronounced on its chest, the Politoed can still hypnotize others. They also have a strong sense of community, and will come running if they hear one of themselves crying for help.
* {{p|Ho-Oh}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| 6
| [[File:PJLC Card - 6.png|120px]]
| #196 {{p|Espeon}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 6 back.jpg|235px]]
| One of the next possible evolutions of Eevee, this graceful psychic Pokémon can predict the moves of its enemies as well as the weather and how objects will move. Espeon's fine body hair helps it sense air currents, letting it react quickly to its enemies!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 7
| [[File:PJLC Card - 7.png|120px]]
| #197 {{p|Umbreon}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 7 back.jpg|235px]]
| An alternate evolution of Eevee, the Umbreon is dark as night when compared to Espeon's light coloring. A dark Pokémon, Umbreon are very rarely seen and almost never captured. At nighttime, Umbreon can be spotted thanks to their glowing silver rings — a chilling sight!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 8
| [[File:PJLC Card - 8.png|120px]]
| #199 {{p|Slowking}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 8 back.jpg|235px]]
| One of the smartest Pokémon, Slowking is the final evolution of Slowpoke, and can often be found near sacred shrines or temples. Ash and our heroes have learned that Slowking are very serious and serene.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 9
| [[File:PJLC Card - 9.png|120px]]
| #200 {{p|Misdreavus}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 9 back.jpg|235px]]
| A ghost-type Pokémon, our heroes learned the hard way just how mischievous Misdreavus can be. It loves to screech and wail in the night and yank people's hair from behind. Like its fellow ghost Pokémon, Misdreavus is a free spirit and is rarely seen or captured. 
|- style="background:#fff"
| 10
| [[File:PJLC Card - 10.png|120px]]
| #201 {{p|Unown}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 10 back.jpg|235px]]
| You would think it's just writing on the wall, but it's actually the psychic Pokémon, Unown. The order of its symbols appears to have some meaning, and it may be connected to ancient hieroglyphics. Because it looks like writing on a wall, Unown is often overlooked.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 11
| [[File:PJLC Card - 11.png|120px]]
| #205 {{p|Forretress}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 11 back.jpg|235px]]
| The next evolution of the bug Pokémon Pineco, Forretress is covered in a steel-hard shell, leaving the appearance of what lives inside a complete mystery. Be sure to duck if Forretress thinks you're an enemy. It scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 12
| [[File:PJLC Card - 12.png|120px]]
| #206 {{p|Dunsparce}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 12 back.jpg|235px]]
| A normal-type Pokémon, the Dunsparce moves across the ground like a snake, but burrows into the ground using its tail when spotted by trainers or other Pokémon looking to do battle. Despite its preference for crawling on the ground, the Dunsparce's small wings allow it to float above the ground slightly.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 13
| [[File:PJLC Card - 13.png|120px]]
| #211 {{p|Qwilfish}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 13 back.jpg|235px]]
| A mean-looking water-type Pokémon, the Qwilfish is very dangerous. See those spikes? They're poisonous and cause whomever they hit to faint. If you find one of these on the end of your hook, let it go!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 14
| [[File:PJLC Card - 14.png|120px]]
| #212 {{p|Scizor}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 14 back.jpg|235px]]
| This giant bug-type Pokémon can fool its enemies by bringing its pincers up to make it look like it has three heads — something that will frighten the hardiest Pokémon! Don't be fooled by its wings — as Ash learned, Scizor can't fly, but flap their wings to cool themselves off.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 15
| [[File:PJLC Card - 15.png|120px]]
| #215 {{p|Sneasel}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 15 back.jpg|235px]]
| A dark-type Pokémon, Sneasel are most often seen in the woods at night — and then just barely, thanks to their dark coat. While they can be fierce fighters with their claws, Sneasel prefer to sneak about, often stealing eggs from the nests of Pidgey.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 16
| [[File:PJLC Card - 16.png|120px]]
| #218 {{p|Slugma}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 16 back.jpg|235px]]
| At home in volcanoes and anywhere that's hot, this fire-type Pokémon has to keep moving, otherwise its magma body will cool and harden into rock. Slugma are in constant motion, looking for warm places around large volcanoes or steam vents.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 17
| [[File:PJLC Card - 17.png|120px]]
| #219 {{p|Magcargo}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 17 back.jpg|235px]]
| The evolved form of Slugma, the Magcargo is a fire-type Pokémon. While its shell is magma that has cooled and hardened, be careful. It breaks easily with the slightest touch! Like Slugma, the Magcargo is always on the move, looking for a nice hot volcano where it can relax.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 18
| [[File:PJLC Card - 18.png|120px]]
| #222 {{p|Corsola}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 18 back.jpg|235px]]
| A water-type Pokémon, the Corsola looks like a living coral reef. It sheds and grows all the time, and the tip of its head is considered especially valuable for its beauty. But that's not all. In the south sea, people actually live in communities that are built on groups of Corsola!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 19
| [[File:PJLC Card - 19.png|120px]]
| #223 {{p|Remoraid}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 19 back.jpg|235px]]
| A highly valued water Pokémon, the Remoraid is most often found clinging to the underside of a Mantine as it swims, allowing the Remoraid to pick up any leftovers from the Mantine's meals. Misty and other water Pokémon trainers miss Remoraid because they forget to look under Mantine.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 20
| [[File:PJLC Card - 20.png|120px]]
| #224 {{p|Octillery}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 20 back.jpg|235px]]
| This water-type Pokémon is the evolved form of Remoraid, and lives on the bottom of the sea where it creeps along and hides in caves, making it very hard for trainers to find.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 21
| [[File:PJLC Card - 21.png|120px]]
| #225 {{p|Delibird}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 21 back.jpg|235px]]
| A rare ice-type Pokémon, the Delibird is well-known to travelers of the poles, where this Pokémon is sometimes seen carrying food. Brock has heard many stories about the Delibird rescuing stranded trainers who have run low on supplies.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 22
| [[File:PJLC Card - 22.png|120px]]
| #227 {{p|Skarmory}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 22 back.jpg|235px]]
| A very rare steel-type Pokémon, the Skarmory's wings are toughened to steel-like hardness when it is young and living among thorny bushes. As Brock knows, by the time they are adults, their wings are hollow and light, and allow the Skarmory to fly majestically.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 23
| [[File:PJLC Card - 23.png|120px]]
| #228 {{p|Houndour}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 23 back.jpg|235px]]
| A dark-type Pokémon, the Houndour has many types of howls that may scare people at night, but are really just its way of talking to other Houndour in the area. Very intelligent, Houndour often travel in packs and circle their prey, as our heroes found out the hard way!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 24
| [[File:PJLC Card - 24.png|120px]]
| #229 {{p|Houndoom}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 24 back.jpg|235px]]
| The evolved form of the Houndour, this dark-type Pokémon can shoot fire from its mouth. Legends has it that if you're burned by the Houndoom's flame, the pain never goes away. Even the largest and bravest Pokémon and their trainers fear the Houndoom and run when they hear its cry.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 25
| [[File:PJLC Card - 25.png|120px]]
| #230 {{p|Kingdra}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 25 back.jpg|235px]]
| One of Misty's favorites among the new-type Pokémon, Kingdra is the final evolution of Horsea, and lives deep under water in caves and rocky crags. Master of currents, it can cause whirlpools without a thought. It is usually attended by several Horsea.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 26
| [[File:PJLC Card - 26.png|120px]]
| #233 {{p|Porygon2}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 26 back.jpg|235px]]
| A normal-type Pokémon, and final evolution of Porygon, this is a virtual Pokémon that was designed specifically for space travel. Despite its appearance, the Porygon2 can't fly, and is of very limited intelligence.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 27
| [[File:PJLC Card - 27.png|120px]]
| #236 {{p|Tyrogue}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 27 back.jpg|235px]]
| The newly discovered initial form of Hitmonchan, this fighting Pokémon packs a serious punch despite its small size. Like its evolved forms, the Tyrogue is always looking for a fight, and will often keep fighting, even after it loses a battle. As our heroes learned, Tyrogue is a feisty Pokémon to deal with!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 28
| [[File:PJLC Card - 28.png|120px]]
| #237 {{p|Hitmontop}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 28 back.jpg|235px]]
| The second evolution of Tyrogue, Hitmontop is a fighting Pokémon capable of pummeling any Pokémon it comes into battle with. While it may look silly spinning on its head, its movements are very graceful, and may hypnotize opponents.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 29
| [[File:PJLC Card - 29.png|120px]]
| #238 {{p|Smoochum}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 29 back.jpg|235px]]
| One of the cutest ice Pokémon you'll ever see, Smoochum got its name because of its tendency to examine new things by pressing its lips against them. While its big eyes and kissing make it sound adorable, our heroes have learned that sometimes a kissing Pokémon can get annoying!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 30
| [[File:PJLC Card - 30.png|120px]]
| #240 {{p|Magby}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 30 back.jpg|235px]]
| The first stage of Magmar, Magby is a fire-type Pokémon that lives in volcanoes and inside hot caves. As many trainers have learned, the Magby dribbles hot embers from its mouth, so stay clear unless you want to get burned!
|- style="background:#fff"
| 31
| [[File:PJLC Card - 31.png|120px]]
| #243 {{p|Raikou}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 31 back.jpg|235px]]
| An electric-type Pokémon that even Raichu and Pikachu fear, the Raikou is like a living lightning storm, with lightning shooting from the cloud it carries on its back. Brock will tell you stories of how Raikou originally lived in the storm clouds of the sky, but came to earth with the first bolts of lightning.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 32
| [[File:PJLC Card - 32.png|120px]]
| #244 {{p|Entei}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 32 back.jpg|235px]]
| A gigantic fire Pokémon, the Entei are too powerful to be captured or trained. According to legend, a new Entei is born every time a new volcano bursts through the earth's surface — some say that a volcanic eruption allows the Entei to hatch from their eggs.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 33
| [[File:PJLC Card - 33.png|120px]]
| #245 {{p|Suicune}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 33 back.jpg|235px]]
| One of the most powerful water-type Pokémon, the Suicune's existence is the stuff of legend. According to myths, the Suicune is the embodiment of the North Winds, and can purify water with a touch. It's far too powerful to be captured.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 34
| [[File:PJLC Card - 34.png|120px]]
| #246 {{p|Larvitar}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 34 back.jpg|235px]]
| A powerful rock Pokémon, Larvitar is the initial stage of the Pupitar. As a rock Pokémon, it is born deep underground, and must eat the dirt around it to be able to come to the surface. Once there, it will continue to eat soil and even mountains, sometimes endangering residents.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 35
| [[File:PJLC Card - 35.png|120px]]
| #247 {{p|Pupitar}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 35 back.jpg|235px]]
| The evoled form of Larvitar, this rock-type Pokémon is one that Brock would love to add to his collection. Sealed inside a rock-hard shell, the Pupitar can move freely, and can even bring down mountains with its wild movements.
|- style="background:#fff"
| 36
| [[File:PJLC Card - 36.png|120px]]
| #248 {{p|Tyranitar}}
| [[File:PJLC Card - 36 back.jpg|235px]]
| The final evolution of Larvitar and Pupitar, the Tyranitar is one of the most powerful rock Pokémon in the world. Unable to be harmed due to its hard shell, the Tyranitar cares little about other Pokémon or people, and will often change entire landscapes for its own amusement.
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | 37
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:PJLC Card - 37.png|120px]]
| style="background:#fff" | #250 {{p|Ho-Oh}}
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:PJLC Card - 37 back.jpg|235px]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | A legendary fire-type Pokémon, the Ho-Oh supposedly flies high above the globe on its seven-colored wings, creating rainbows in its wake. Myths tell of Ho-Oh nests, but no one has ever been able to find one, let alone see a Ho-Oh.

===Episode cards===
===Episode cards===
* SNAP 01 ''[[EP158|Got Miltank?]]''
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
* SNAP 02 ''[[EP159|Electric Victory!]]''
! Set #
* SNAP 03 ''[[EP160|Brave Prince Ash!]]''
! Front
* SNAP 04 ''[[EP161|Home Run Pokémon!]]''
! Title
* SNAP 05 ''[[EP162|Hold On Brock!]]''
! Back
* SNAP 06 ''[[EP163|Fossil Friends]]''
! Back text
* SNAP 07 ''[[EP164|The Messenger Pidgey]]''
|- style="background:#fff"
* SNAP 08 ''[[EP165|Zubat Times Two!]]''
| Snap01
* SNAP 09 ''[[EP166|Chigusa's Hitmontop]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap01.png|200px]]
* SNAP 10 ''[[EP167|Jungle Hijinks!]]''
| ''[[EP158|Got Miltank?]]''
* SNAP 11 ''[[EP168|The Fishing Battle]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap01 back.jpg|200px]]
* SNAP 12 ''[[EP169|The Most Beautiful Pokémon!]]''
| In Goldenrod City, Ash battles Gym Leader Whitney who uses her Miltank to do battle. Ash and his Pokémon quickly learn that despite its gentle appearance, Miltank's Rollout Attacks are nearly unstoppable!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap02
| [[File:PJLC Snap02.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP159|Electric Victory!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap02 back.jpg|200px]]
| Teaming with Whitney, Ash, Brock and Misty defeat Team Rocket's latest plan to capture a herd of Miltanks, with Pikachu delivering the final, electrifying attack! Afterwards, Ash and Whitney battle, and Ash wins his Plain Badge.
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap03
| [[File:PJLC Snap03.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP160|Brave Prince Ash!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap03 back.jpg|200px]]
| After winning his Plain Badge, Ash and his friends are cast in the adventure of Brave Prince Goldenrod, a fantasy adventure that's part of the radio show, The Pokémon Drama Hour!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap04
| [[File:PJLC Snap04.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP161|Home Run Pokémon!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap04 back.jpg|200px]]
| On their way through a national forest, our heroes meet Casey, who tells them all about her favorite baseball team, Electrabuzz!{{sic}} Later on, everyone enjoys a baseball game played by the Pokémon!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap05
| [[File:PJLC Snap05.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP162|Hold On Brock!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap05 back.jpg|200px]]
| After it escapes from Team Rocket, a wild Sudowoodo runs to our heroes, but is too frightened to say anything. Brock saves the day by jumping on the Sudowoodo and holding on, eventually calming it down.
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap06
| [[File:PJLC Snap06.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP163|Fossil Friends]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap06 back.jpg|200px]]
| In the Ancient Pokémon Study Park, Pikachu meets an Omanyte and an Omastar, two ancient Pokémon Professor Oak thought to be long extinct. For Pikachu, it's like meeting a long-lost great-great-grandfather!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap07
| [[File:PJLC Snap07.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP164|The Messenger Pidgey]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap07 back.jpg|200px]]
| While Pidgeys are most often found in the wild, Ash, Brock and Misty discover a town where Pidgeys are used to deliver messages and packages to people who live in remote locations. Mr. Denjiro and his grandson, Watari, have operated the service for years, and our heroes help them defend it against Team Rocket!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap08
| [[File:PJLC Snap08.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP165|Zubat Times Two!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap08 back.jpg|200px]]
| Brock and Dr. Anna race to stop Team Rocket from stealing food from the hospital in the old castle. With their Zubats behind them and ready to battle, Team Rocket doesn't have a chance!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap09
| [[File:PJLC Snap09.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP166|Chigusa's Hitmontop]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap09 back.jpg|200px]]
| On their way to Ecruteak City, Ash, Misty and Brock discover a dojo where Pokémon like Hitmontop are trained in the ways of martial arts. Later, Hitmontop helps to stop Team Rocket as they try to poach all the Hitmontops in the region. Watch out for its spinning kicks!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap10
| [[File:PJLC Snap10.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP167|Jungle Hijinks!]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap10 back.jpg|200px]]
| When their ball flies into the jungle, Chikorita discovers an Aipom has claimed it as its newest toy! Later, Aipom, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totdile{{sic}} join forces to help Team Rocket escape sure death — only to have Team Rocket repay their kindness by trying to capture them!
|- style="background:#fff"
| Snap11
| [[File:PJLC Snap11.png|200px]]
| ''[[EP168|The Fishing Battle]]''
| [[File:PJLC Snap11 back.jpg|200px]]
| During Competition, our heroes are amazed when Tokio uses his Poliwrath to help him catch gentle Seakings. Later, Tokio learns there are better ways to fish — and solve problems — than with violence.
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | Snap12
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:PJLC Snap12.png|200px]]
| style="background:#fff" | ''[[EP169|The Most Beautiful Pokémon!]]''
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:PJLC Snap12 back.jpg|200px]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | When our heroes stop in Blow Town, Brock enters Vulpix in a beauty contest and meets up with Suzie, who helps him prepare for the pageant. Later, Vulpix helps defeat Team Rocket when they try to steal all the Pokémon in the pageant!

* Checklist
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
! Set #
! Front
! Title
! Back
! Back text
|- style="background:#fff"
| CL
| [[File:PJLC Card - CL.jpg|200px]]
| Checklist
| [[File:PJLC Card - CL back.jpg|200px]]
| All different cards of the set with checkmark boxes

==Chase cards==
==Chase cards==
====Sticker Cards====
There are 37 sticker cards in the set, numbered in National Pokédex order. The sticker portion forms an oval on the front of the card, in which the Pokémon is contained.
The Pokémon that appear on the sticker cards are the same as those in the regular set but have different poses.
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
! Set #
! Front
! Back
! Title
|- style="background:#fff"
| S1
| [[File:Topps Johto league S01.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S01 back.jpg|120px]]
| #169 {{p|Crobat}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S2
| [[File:Topps Johto league S02.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S02 back.jpg|120px]]
| #172 {{p|Pichu}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S3
| [[File:Topps Johto league S03.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S03 back.jpg|120px]]
| #173 {{p|Cleffa}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S4
| [[File:Topps Johto league S04.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S04 back.jpg|120px]]
| #174 {{p|Igglybuff}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S5
| [[File:Topps Johto league S05.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S05 back.jpg|120px]]
| #186 {{p|Politoed}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S6
| [[File:Topps Johto league S06.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S06 back.jpg|120px]]
| #196 {{p|Espeon}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S7
| [[File:Topps Johto league S07.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S07 back.jpg|120px]]
| #197 {{p|Umbreon}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S8
| [[File:Topps Johto league S08.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S08 back.jpg|120px]]
| #199 {{p|Slowking}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S9
| [[File:Topps Johto league S09.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S09 back.jpg|120px]]
| #200 {{p|Misdreavus}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S10
| [[File:Topps Johto league S10.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S10 back.jpg|120px]]
| #201 {{p|Unown}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S11
| [[File:Topps Johto league S11.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S11 back.jpg|120px]]
| #205 {{p|Forretress}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S12
| [[File:Topps Johto league S12.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S12 back.jpg|120px]]
| #206 {{p|Dunsparce}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S13
| [[File:Topps Johto league S13.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S13 back.jpg|120px]]
| #211 {{p|Qwilfish}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S14
| [[File:Topps Johto league S14.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S14 back.jpg|120px]]
| #212 {{p|Scizor}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S15
| [[File:Topps Johto league S15.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S15 back.jpg|120px]]
| #215 {{p|Sneasel}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S16
| [[File:Topps Johto league S16.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S16 back.jpg|120px]]
| #218 {{p|Slugma}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S17
| [[File:Topps Johto league S17.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S17 back.jpg|120px]]
| #219 {{p|Magcargo}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S18
| [[File:Topps Johto league S18.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S18 back.jpg|120px]]
| #222 {{p|Corsola}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S19
| [[File:Topps Johto league S19.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S19 back.jpg|120px]]
| #223 {{p|Remoraid}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S20
| [[File:Topps Johto league S20.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S20 back.jpg|120px]]
| #224 {{p|Octillery}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S21
| [[File:Topps Johto league S21.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S21 back.jpg|120px]]
| #225 {{p|Delibird}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S22
| [[File:Topps Johto league S22.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S22 back.jpg|120px]]
| #227 {{p|Skarmory}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S23
| [[File:Topps Johto league S23.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S23 back.jpg|120px]]
| #228 {{p|Houndour}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S24
| [[File:Topps Johto league S24.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S24 back.jpg|120px]]
| #229 {{p|Houndoom}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S25
| [[File:Topps Johto league S25.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S25 back.jpg|120px]]
| #230 {{p|Kingdra}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S26
| [[File:Topps Johto league S26.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S26 back.jpg|120px]]
| #233 {{p|Porygon2}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S27
| [[File:Topps Johto league S27.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S27 back.jpg|120px]]
| #236 {{p|Tyrogue}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S28
| [[File:Topps Johto league S28.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S28 back.jpg|120px]]
| #237 {{p|Hitmontop}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S29
| [[File:Topps Johto league S29.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S29 back.jpg|120px]]
| #238 {{p|Smoochum}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S30
| [[File:Topps Johto league S30.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S30 back.jpg|120px]]
| #240 {{p|Magby}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S31
| [[File:Topps Johto league S31.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S31 back.jpg|120px]]
| #243 {{p|Raikou}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S32
| [[File:Topps Johto league S32.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S32 back.jpg|120px]]
| #244 {{p|Entei}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S33
| [[File:Topps Johto league S33.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S33 back.jpg|120px]]
| #245 {{p|Suicune}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S34
| [[File:Topps Johto league S34.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S34 back.jpg|120px]]
| #246 {{p|Larvitar}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S35
| [[File:Topps Johto league S35.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S35 back.jpg|120px]]
| #247 {{p|Pupitar}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| S36
| [[File:Topps Johto league S36.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league S36 back.jpg|120px]]
| #248 {{p|Tyranitar}}
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | S37
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Topps Johto league S37.jpg|120px]]
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Topps Johto league S37 back.jpg|120px]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | #250 {{p|Ho-Oh}}
====Die-cut Embossed Cards====
====Die-cut Embossed Cards====
There are 18 die-cut embossed evolution cards in the set, representing six three-stage evolutionary lines. The image of each Pokémon and the Pokémon logo are embossed.
There are 18 die-cut embossed evolution cards in the set, representing six three-stage evolutionary lines. The image of each Pokémon and the Pokémon logo are embossed.

# {{p|Zubat}}
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{Colorschemedark|Johto}}; border: 3px solid #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}"
# {{p|Golbat}}
! Set #
# {{p|Crobat}}
! Front
# {{p|Pichu}}
! Back
# {{p|Pikachu}}
! Pokémon
# {{p|Raichu}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Cleffa}}
| D1
# {{p|Clefairy}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D1.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Clefable}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D1 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Igglybuff}}
| {{p|zubat}}
# {{p|Jigglypuff}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Wigglytuff}}
| D2
# {{p|Slowpoke}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D2.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Slowbro}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D2 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Slowking}}
| {{p|Golbat}}
# {{p|Larvitar}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Pupitar}}
| D3
# {{p|Tyranitar}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D3.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D3 back.jpg|120px]]
====Sticker Cards====
| {{p|Crobat}}
There are 37 sticker cards in the set, numbered in National Pokédex order. The sticker portion forms an oval on the front of the card, in which the Pokémon is contained.
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Crobat}}
| D4
# {{p|Pichu}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D4.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Cleffa}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D4 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Igglybuff}}
| {{p|Pichu}}
# {{p|Politoed}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Espeon}}
| D5
# {{p|Umbreon}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D5.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Slowking}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D5 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Misdreavus}}
| {{p|Pikachu}}
# {{p|Unown}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Forretress}}
| D6
# {{p|Dunsparce}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D6.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Qwilfish}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D6 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Scizor}}
| {{p|Raichu}}
# {{p|Sneasel}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Slugma}}
| D7
# {{p|Magcargo}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D7.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Corsola}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D7 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Remoraid}}
| {{p|Cleffa}}
# {{p|Octillery}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Delibird}}
| D8
# {{p|Skarmory}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D8.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Houndour}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D8 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Houndoom}}
| {{p|Clefairy}}
# {{p|Kingdra}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Porygon2}}
| D9
# {{p|Tyrogue}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D9.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Hitmontop}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D9 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Smoochum}}
| {{p|Clefable}}
# {{p|Magby}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Raikou}}
| D10
# {{p|Entei}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D10.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Suicune}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D10 back.jpg|120px]]
# {{p|Larvitar}}
| {{p|Igglybuff}}
# {{p|Pupitar}}
|- style="background:#fff"
# {{p|Tyranitar}}
| D11
# {{p|Ho-Oh}}
| [[File:Topps Johto league D11.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D11 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Jigglypuff}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D12
| [[File:Topps Johto league D12.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D12 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Wigglytuff}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D13
| [[File:Topps Johto league D13.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D13 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Slowpoke}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D14
| [[File:Topps Johto league D14.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D14 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Slowbro}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D15
| [[File:Topps Johto league D15.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D15 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Slowking}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D16
| [[File:Topps Johto league D16.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D16 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Larvitar}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| D17
| [[File:Topps Johto league D17.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Topps Johto league D17 back.jpg|120px]]
| {{p|Pupitar}}
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | D18
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Topps Johto league D18.jpg|120px]]
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Topps Johto league D18 back.jpg|120px]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | {{p|Tyranitar}}

{{Project Merchandise notice}}
[[Category:Collectible cards]]
[[Category:Collectible cards]]

Latest revision as of 20:23, 18 February 2024

A packet of Johto League Champions cards
A comparison between a foil card and a non-foil card

Pokémon Johto League Champions Trading Cards was a set of Pokémon cards manufactured by Topps. There were 50 cards in total: 37 Pokémon cards, 12 episode cards and a checklist card. Each of these 50 cards also had a foil card version. In addition, there were 55 bonus "chase cards" not included on the checklist: 37 sticker cards and 18 die-cut embossed cards.

Cards were sold in randomly distributed packets of eight. This number included one sticker, one die-cut embossed card, and one foil card for each packet.

Collecting summary

Set Example No. of cards Cards each pack Packs needed to finish
Non holo PJLC Card - 36.png 50/50 cards 5 out of 8 cards each pack 10 packs
Silver foil / holo Topps Johto league silver 36b.jpg 50/50 cards 1 out of 8 cards each pack 50 packs
Sticker cards Topps Johto league S36.jpg 37/37 cards 1 out of 8 cards each pack 37 packs
Diecut cards Topps Johto league D18.jpg 18/18 cards 1 out of 8 cards each pack 18 packs

Cards in the Johto League Champions series


Set # Front Title Back Back text
1 PJLC Card - 1.png #169 Crobat PJLC Card - 1 back.jpg This large Pokémon flies silently through the night on its four wings. The final evolution of Zubat, the Crobat is very hard to spot when walking through the woods, its native habitat. It can fly very fast, and often finds it hard to stop flying, even for a rest.
2 PJLC Card - 2.png #172 Pichu PJLC Card - 2 back.jpg The first evolutionary stage of Pikachu and Raichu, Pichu is an undeniably cute electric Pokémon, and charms any trainer with its gentle nature. Not yet as skilled as Pikachu in its powers, Pichu will accidentally send out a jolt if it's startled or laughing hard.
3 PJLC Card - 3.png #173 Cleffa PJLC Card - 3 back.jpg Who knew? Cleffa is the very first evolution of Clefairy and Clefable. This normal Pokémon is a newcomer to the known Pokémon of the world. Because of its star-like shape, many people believe Cleffa came here on a meteor.
4 PJLC Card - 4.png #174 Igglybuff PJLC Card - 4 back.jpg The very first evolution of Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, Igglybuff is a normal-type Pokémon who's just learning to SING. Its soft body is extremely flexible and elastic. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over the place.
5 PJLC Card - 5.png #186 Politoed PJLC Card - 5 back.jpg The next evolutionary step of the Poliwhirl, this water Pokémon can be found in lakes and rivers. Its spiral no longer as pronounced on its chest, the Politoed can still hypnotize others. They also have a strong sense of community, and will come running if they hear one of themselves crying for help.
6 PJLC Card - 6.png #196 Espeon PJLC Card - 6 back.jpg One of the next possible evolutions of Eevee, this graceful psychic Pokémon can predict the moves of its enemies as well as the weather and how objects will move. Espeon's fine body hair helps it sense air currents, letting it react quickly to its enemies!
7 PJLC Card - 7.png #197 Umbreon PJLC Card - 7 back.jpg An alternate evolution of Eevee, the Umbreon is dark as night when compared to Espeon's light coloring. A dark Pokémon, Umbreon are very rarely seen and almost never captured. At nighttime, Umbreon can be spotted thanks to their glowing silver rings — a chilling sight!
8 PJLC Card - 8.png #199 Slowking PJLC Card - 8 back.jpg One of the smartest Pokémon, Slowking is the final evolution of Slowpoke, and can often be found near sacred shrines or temples. Ash and our heroes have learned that Slowking are very serious and serene.
9 PJLC Card - 9.png #200 Misdreavus PJLC Card - 9 back.jpg A ghost-type Pokémon, our heroes learned the hard way just how mischievous Misdreavus can be. It loves to screech and wail in the night and yank people's hair from behind. Like its fellow ghost Pokémon, Misdreavus is a free spirit and is rarely seen or captured.
10 PJLC Card - 10.png #201 Unown PJLC Card - 10 back.jpg You would think it's just writing on the wall, but it's actually the psychic Pokémon, Unown. The order of its symbols appears to have some meaning, and it may be connected to ancient hieroglyphics. Because it looks like writing on a wall, Unown is often overlooked.
11 PJLC Card - 11.png #205 Forretress PJLC Card - 11 back.jpg The next evolution of the bug Pokémon Pineco, Forretress is covered in a steel-hard shell, leaving the appearance of what lives inside a complete mystery. Be sure to duck if Forretress thinks you're an enemy. It scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away!
12 PJLC Card - 12.png #206 Dunsparce PJLC Card - 12 back.jpg A normal-type Pokémon, the Dunsparce moves across the ground like a snake, but burrows into the ground using its tail when spotted by trainers or other Pokémon looking to do battle. Despite its preference for crawling on the ground, the Dunsparce's small wings allow it to float above the ground slightly.
13 PJLC Card - 13.png #211 Qwilfish PJLC Card - 13 back.jpg A mean-looking water-type Pokémon, the Qwilfish is very dangerous. See those spikes? They're poisonous and cause whomever they hit to faint. If you find one of these on the end of your hook, let it go!
14 PJLC Card - 14.png #212 Scizor PJLC Card - 14 back.jpg This giant bug-type Pokémon can fool its enemies by bringing its pincers up to make it look like it has three heads — something that will frighten the hardiest Pokémon! Don't be fooled by its wings — as Ash learned, Scizor can't fly, but flap their wings to cool themselves off.
15 PJLC Card - 15.png #215 Sneasel PJLC Card - 15 back.jpg A dark-type Pokémon, Sneasel are most often seen in the woods at night — and then just barely, thanks to their dark coat. While they can be fierce fighters with their claws, Sneasel prefer to sneak about, often stealing eggs from the nests of Pidgey.
16 PJLC Card - 16.png #218 Slugma PJLC Card - 16 back.jpg At home in volcanoes and anywhere that's hot, this fire-type Pokémon has to keep moving, otherwise its magma body will cool and harden into rock. Slugma are in constant motion, looking for warm places around large volcanoes or steam vents.
17 PJLC Card - 17.png #219 Magcargo PJLC Card - 17 back.jpg The evolved form of Slugma, the Magcargo is a fire-type Pokémon. While its shell is magma that has cooled and hardened, be careful. It breaks easily with the slightest touch! Like Slugma, the Magcargo is always on the move, looking for a nice hot volcano where it can relax.
18 PJLC Card - 18.png #222 Corsola PJLC Card - 18 back.jpg A water-type Pokémon, the Corsola looks like a living coral reef. It sheds and grows all the time, and the tip of its head is considered especially valuable for its beauty. But that's not all. In the south sea, people actually live in communities that are built on groups of Corsola!
19 PJLC Card - 19.png #223 Remoraid PJLC Card - 19 back.jpg A highly valued water Pokémon, the Remoraid is most often found clinging to the underside of a Mantine as it swims, allowing the Remoraid to pick up any leftovers from the Mantine's meals. Misty and other water Pokémon trainers miss Remoraid because they forget to look under Mantine.
20 PJLC Card - 20.png #224 Octillery PJLC Card - 20 back.jpg This water-type Pokémon is the evolved form of Remoraid, and lives on the bottom of the sea where it creeps along and hides in caves, making it very hard for trainers to find.
21 PJLC Card - 21.png #225 Delibird PJLC Card - 21 back.jpg A rare ice-type Pokémon, the Delibird is well-known to travelers of the poles, where this Pokémon is sometimes seen carrying food. Brock has heard many stories about the Delibird rescuing stranded trainers who have run low on supplies.
22 PJLC Card - 22.png #227 Skarmory PJLC Card - 22 back.jpg A very rare steel-type Pokémon, the Skarmory's wings are toughened to steel-like hardness when it is young and living among thorny bushes. As Brock knows, by the time they are adults, their wings are hollow and light, and allow the Skarmory to fly majestically.
23 PJLC Card - 23.png #228 Houndour PJLC Card - 23 back.jpg A dark-type Pokémon, the Houndour has many types of howls that may scare people at night, but are really just its way of talking to other Houndour in the area. Very intelligent, Houndour often travel in packs and circle their prey, as our heroes found out the hard way!
24 PJLC Card - 24.png #229 Houndoom PJLC Card - 24 back.jpg The evolved form of the Houndour, this dark-type Pokémon can shoot fire from its mouth. Legends has it that if you're burned by the Houndoom's flame, the pain never goes away. Even the largest and bravest Pokémon and their trainers fear the Houndoom and run when they hear its cry.
25 PJLC Card - 25.png #230 Kingdra PJLC Card - 25 back.jpg One of Misty's favorites among the new-type Pokémon, Kingdra is the final evolution of Horsea, and lives deep under water in caves and rocky crags. Master of currents, it can cause whirlpools without a thought. It is usually attended by several Horsea.
26 PJLC Card - 26.png #233 Porygon2 PJLC Card - 26 back.jpg A normal-type Pokémon, and final evolution of Porygon, this is a virtual Pokémon that was designed specifically for space travel. Despite its appearance, the Porygon2 can't fly, and is of very limited intelligence.
27 PJLC Card - 27.png #236 Tyrogue PJLC Card - 27 back.jpg The newly discovered initial form of Hitmonchan, this fighting Pokémon packs a serious punch despite its small size. Like its evolved forms, the Tyrogue is always looking for a fight, and will often keep fighting, even after it loses a battle. As our heroes learned, Tyrogue is a feisty Pokémon to deal with!
28 PJLC Card - 28.png #237 Hitmontop PJLC Card - 28 back.jpg The second evolution of Tyrogue, Hitmontop is a fighting Pokémon capable of pummeling any Pokémon it comes into battle with. While it may look silly spinning on its head, its movements are very graceful, and may hypnotize opponents.
29 PJLC Card - 29.png #238 Smoochum PJLC Card - 29 back.jpg One of the cutest ice Pokémon you'll ever see, Smoochum got its name because of its tendency to examine new things by pressing its lips against them. While its big eyes and kissing make it sound adorable, our heroes have learned that sometimes a kissing Pokémon can get annoying!
30 PJLC Card - 30.png #240 Magby PJLC Card - 30 back.jpg The first stage of Magmar, Magby is a fire-type Pokémon that lives in volcanoes and inside hot caves. As many trainers have learned, the Magby dribbles hot embers from its mouth, so stay clear unless you want to get burned!
31 PJLC Card - 31.png #243 Raikou PJLC Card - 31 back.jpg An electric-type Pokémon that even Raichu and Pikachu fear, the Raikou is like a living lightning storm, with lightning shooting from the cloud it carries on its back. Brock will tell you stories of how Raikou originally lived in the storm clouds of the sky, but came to earth with the first bolts of lightning.
32 PJLC Card - 32.png #244 Entei PJLC Card - 32 back.jpg A gigantic fire Pokémon, the Entei are too powerful to be captured or trained. According to legend, a new Entei is born every time a new volcano bursts through the earth's surface — some say that a volcanic eruption allows the Entei to hatch from their eggs.
33 PJLC Card - 33.png #245 Suicune PJLC Card - 33 back.jpg One of the most powerful water-type Pokémon, the Suicune's existence is the stuff of legend. According to myths, the Suicune is the embodiment of the North Winds, and can purify water with a touch. It's far too powerful to be captured.
34 PJLC Card - 34.png #246 Larvitar PJLC Card - 34 back.jpg A powerful rock Pokémon, Larvitar is the initial stage of the Pupitar. As a rock Pokémon, it is born deep underground, and must eat the dirt around it to be able to come to the surface. Once there, it will continue to eat soil and even mountains, sometimes endangering residents.
35 PJLC Card - 35.png #247 Pupitar PJLC Card - 35 back.jpg The evoled form of Larvitar, this rock-type Pokémon is one that Brock would love to add to his collection. Sealed inside a rock-hard shell, the Pupitar can move freely, and can even bring down mountains with its wild movements.
36 PJLC Card - 36.png #248 Tyranitar PJLC Card - 36 back.jpg The final evolution of Larvitar and Pupitar, the Tyranitar is one of the most powerful rock Pokémon in the world. Unable to be harmed due to its hard shell, the Tyranitar cares little about other Pokémon or people, and will often change entire landscapes for its own amusement.
37 PJLC Card - 37.png #250 Ho-Oh PJLC Card - 37 back.jpg A legendary fire-type Pokémon, the Ho-Oh supposedly flies high above the globe on its seven-colored wings, creating rainbows in its wake. Myths tell of Ho-Oh nests, but no one has ever been able to find one, let alone see a Ho-Oh.

Episode cards

Set # Front Title Back Back text
Snap01 PJLC Snap01.png Got Miltank? PJLC Snap01 back.jpg In Goldenrod City, Ash battles Gym Leader Whitney who uses her Miltank to do battle. Ash and his Pokémon quickly learn that despite its gentle appearance, Miltank's Rollout Attacks are nearly unstoppable!
Snap02 PJLC Snap02.png Electric Victory! PJLC Snap02 back.jpg Teaming with Whitney, Ash, Brock and Misty defeat Team Rocket's latest plan to capture a herd of Miltanks, with Pikachu delivering the final, electrifying attack! Afterwards, Ash and Whitney battle, and Ash wins his Plain Badge.
Snap03 PJLC Snap03.png Brave Prince Ash! PJLC Snap03 back.jpg After winning his Plain Badge, Ash and his friends are cast in the adventure of Brave Prince Goldenrod, a fantasy adventure that's part of the radio show, The Pokémon Drama Hour!
Snap04 PJLC Snap04.png Home Run Pokémon! PJLC Snap04 back.jpg On their way through a national forest, our heroes meet Casey, who tells them all about her favorite baseball team, Electrabuzz![sic] Later on, everyone enjoys a baseball game played by the Pokémon!
Snap05 PJLC Snap05.png Hold On Brock! PJLC Snap05 back.jpg After it escapes from Team Rocket, a wild Sudowoodo runs to our heroes, but is too frightened to say anything. Brock saves the day by jumping on the Sudowoodo and holding on, eventually calming it down.
Snap06 PJLC Snap06.png Fossil Friends PJLC Snap06 back.jpg In the Ancient Pokémon Study Park, Pikachu meets an Omanyte and an Omastar, two ancient Pokémon Professor Oak thought to be long extinct. For Pikachu, it's like meeting a long-lost great-great-grandfather!
Snap07 PJLC Snap07.png The Messenger Pidgey PJLC Snap07 back.jpg While Pidgeys are most often found in the wild, Ash, Brock and Misty discover a town where Pidgeys are used to deliver messages and packages to people who live in remote locations. Mr. Denjiro and his grandson, Watari, have operated the service for years, and our heroes help them defend it against Team Rocket!
Snap08 PJLC Snap08.png Zubat Times Two! PJLC Snap08 back.jpg Brock and Dr. Anna race to stop Team Rocket from stealing food from the hospital in the old castle. With their Zubats behind them and ready to battle, Team Rocket doesn't have a chance!
Snap09 PJLC Snap09.png Chigusa's Hitmontop PJLC Snap09 back.jpg On their way to Ecruteak City, Ash, Misty and Brock discover a dojo where Pokémon like Hitmontop are trained in the ways of martial arts. Later, Hitmontop helps to stop Team Rocket as they try to poach all the Hitmontops in the region. Watch out for its spinning kicks!
Snap10 PJLC Snap10.png Jungle Hijinks! PJLC Snap10 back.jpg When their ball flies into the jungle, Chikorita discovers an Aipom has claimed it as its newest toy! Later, Aipom, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totdile[sic] join forces to help Team Rocket escape sure death — only to have Team Rocket repay their kindness by trying to capture them!
Snap11 PJLC Snap11.png The Fishing Battle PJLC Snap11 back.jpg During Competition, our heroes are amazed when Tokio uses his Poliwrath to help him catch gentle Seakings. Later, Tokio learns there are better ways to fish — and solve problems — than with violence.
Snap12 PJLC Snap12.png The Most Beautiful Pokémon! PJLC Snap12 back.jpg When our heroes stop in Blow Town, Brock enters Vulpix in a beauty contest and meets up with Suzie, who helps him prepare for the pageant. Later, Vulpix helps defeat Team Rocket when they try to steal all the Pokémon in the pageant!


Set # Front Title Back Back text
CL PJLC Card - CL.jpg Checklist PJLC Card - CL back.jpg All different cards of the set with checkmark boxes

Chase cards

Sticker Cards

There are 37 sticker cards in the set, numbered in National Pokédex order. The sticker portion forms an oval on the front of the card, in which the Pokémon is contained.

The Pokémon that appear on the sticker cards are the same as those in the regular set but have different poses.

Set # Front Back Title
S1 Topps Johto league S01.jpg Topps Johto league S01 back.jpg #169 Crobat
S2 Topps Johto league S02.jpg Topps Johto league S02 back.jpg #172 Pichu
S3 Topps Johto league S03.jpg Topps Johto league S03 back.jpg #173 Cleffa
S4 Topps Johto league S04.jpg Topps Johto league S04 back.jpg #174 Igglybuff
S5 Topps Johto league S05.jpg Topps Johto league S05 back.jpg #186 Politoed
S6 Topps Johto league S06.jpg Topps Johto league S06 back.jpg #196 Espeon
S7 Topps Johto league S07.jpg Topps Johto league S07 back.jpg #197 Umbreon
S8 Topps Johto league S08.jpg Topps Johto league S08 back.jpg #199 Slowking
S9 Topps Johto league S09.jpg Topps Johto league S09 back.jpg #200 Misdreavus
S10 Topps Johto league S10.jpg Topps Johto league S10 back.jpg #201 Unown
S11 Topps Johto league S11.jpg Topps Johto league S11 back.jpg #205 Forretress
S12 Topps Johto league S12.jpg Topps Johto league S12 back.jpg #206 Dunsparce
S13 Topps Johto league S13.jpg Topps Johto league S13 back.jpg #211 Qwilfish
S14 Topps Johto league S14.jpg Topps Johto league S14 back.jpg #212 Scizor
S15 Topps Johto league S15.jpg Topps Johto league S15 back.jpg #215 Sneasel
S16 Topps Johto league S16.jpg Topps Johto league S16 back.jpg #218 Slugma
S17 Topps Johto league S17.jpg Topps Johto league S17 back.jpg #219 Magcargo
S18 Topps Johto league S18.jpg Topps Johto league S18 back.jpg #222 Corsola
S19 Topps Johto league S19.jpg Topps Johto league S19 back.jpg #223 Remoraid
S20 Topps Johto league S20.jpg Topps Johto league S20 back.jpg #224 Octillery
S21 Topps Johto league S21.jpg Topps Johto league S21 back.jpg #225 Delibird
S22 Topps Johto league S22.jpg Topps Johto league S22 back.jpg #227 Skarmory
S23 Topps Johto league S23.jpg Topps Johto league S23 back.jpg #228 Houndour
S24 Topps Johto league S24.jpg Topps Johto league S24 back.jpg #229 Houndoom
S25 Topps Johto league S25.jpg Topps Johto league S25 back.jpg #230 Kingdra
S26 Topps Johto league S26.jpg Topps Johto league S26 back.jpg #233 Porygon2
S27 Topps Johto league S27.jpg Topps Johto league S27 back.jpg #236 Tyrogue
S28 Topps Johto league S28.jpg Topps Johto league S28 back.jpg #237 Hitmontop
S29 Topps Johto league S29.jpg Topps Johto league S29 back.jpg #238 Smoochum
S30 Topps Johto league S30.jpg Topps Johto league S30 back.jpg #240 Magby
S31 Topps Johto league S31.jpg Topps Johto league S31 back.jpg #243 Raikou
S32 Topps Johto league S32.jpg Topps Johto league S32 back.jpg #244 Entei
S33 Topps Johto league S33.jpg Topps Johto league S33 back.jpg #245 Suicune
S34 Topps Johto league S34.jpg Topps Johto league S34 back.jpg #246 Larvitar
S35 Topps Johto league S35.jpg Topps Johto league S35 back.jpg #247 Pupitar
S36 Topps Johto league S36.jpg Topps Johto league S36 back.jpg #248 Tyranitar
S37 Topps Johto league S37.jpg Topps Johto league S37 back.jpg #250 Ho-Oh

Die-cut Embossed Cards

There are 18 die-cut embossed evolution cards in the set, representing six three-stage evolutionary lines. The image of each Pokémon and the Pokémon logo are embossed.

Set # Front Back Pokémon
D1 Topps Johto league D1.jpg Topps Johto league D1 back.jpg zubat
D2 Topps Johto league D2.jpg Topps Johto league D2 back.jpg Golbat
D3 Topps Johto league D3.jpg Topps Johto league D3 back.jpg Crobat
D4 Topps Johto league D4.jpg Topps Johto league D4 back.jpg Pichu
D5 Topps Johto league D5.jpg Topps Johto league D5 back.jpg Pikachu
D6 Topps Johto league D6.jpg Topps Johto league D6 back.jpg Raichu
D7 Topps Johto league D7.jpg Topps Johto league D7 back.jpg Cleffa
D8 Topps Johto league D8.jpg Topps Johto league D8 back.jpg Clefairy
D9 Topps Johto league D9.jpg Topps Johto league D9 back.jpg Clefable
D10 Topps Johto league D10.jpg Topps Johto league D10 back.jpg Igglybuff
D11 Topps Johto league D11.jpg Topps Johto league D11 back.jpg Jigglypuff
D12 Topps Johto league D12.jpg Topps Johto league D12 back.jpg Wigglytuff
D13 Topps Johto league D13.jpg Topps Johto league D13 back.jpg Slowpoke
D14 Topps Johto league D14.jpg Topps Johto league D14 back.jpg Slowbro
D15 Topps Johto league D15.jpg Topps Johto league D15 back.jpg Slowking
D16 Topps Johto league D16.jpg Topps Johto league D16 back.jpg Larvitar
D17 Topps Johto league D17.jpg Topps Johto league D17 back.jpg Pupitar
D18 Topps Johto league D18.jpg Topps Johto league D18 back.jpg Tyranitar

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