DP013: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
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'''A Staravia is Born!''' (Japanese: '''ムックルがんばる!''' ''{{tt|Mukkuru|Starly}} Perseveres!'') is the 13th episode of the {{series|Diamond & Pearl}}, and the 479th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It first aired in Japan on December 21, 2006 as a part of a one-hour special along with [[DP014]].
'''A Staravia Is Born!''' (Japanese: '''ムックルがんばる!''' ''{{tt|Mukkuru|Starly}} Perseveres!'') is the 13th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 479th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan, as part of a one-hour special along with [[DP014]], on December 21, 2006, and in the United States on June 25, 2007.


<i>Ash is traveling through the forest on his way to Oreburgh City, where he hopes to earn his first Gym Badge in Sinnoh. But first he's helping Starly practice using Aerial Ace, a process that doesn't go entirely smoothly. Our heroes also catch the attention of Rosebay, a woman who monitors the Pokémon that live in the forest. Lots of Pokémon have been disappearing lately and she's not sure why, but it doesn't take long for Ash and his friends to decide they should help her out!
<i>Ash is traveling through the forest on his way to Oreburgh City, where he hopes to earn his first Gym Badge in Sinnoh. But first he's helping Starly practice using Aerial Ace, a process that doesn't go entirely smoothly. Our heroes also catch the attention of Rosebay, a woman who monitors the Pokémon that live in the forest. Lots of Pokémon have been disappearing lately and she's not sure why, but it doesn't take long for Ash and his friends to decide they should help her out!

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The episode opens with {{AP|Starly}} diving down into a clearing in a forest. {{Ash}} tells him to use {{m|Aerial Ace}}, and he does so, flying along the ground towards a target on the base of a tree. Ash tells him to pull up, and he flies up the trunk of the tree, before looping around for another go. However, this time Aerial Ace fails, and Starly crash-lands, injuring his leg. The group rushes over to check if he is okay and {{an|Brock}} says that it is just a minor injury, and all he needs is a bandage and some potion. Ash comments that they still need to do some more practice on Aerial Ace.
{{Ash}} is in the midst of some special {{pkmn|training}} with {{AP|Starly}}. He orders an {{m|Aerial Ace}}, and Starly does so, flying along the ground towards a target on a tree trunk. Ash tells him to pull up, and he flies up the trunk of the tree, before looping around for another go. However, this time Aerial Ace fails, and Starly crash-lands, injuring his leg. The group rushes over to Starly, and {{an|Brock}} says that it is just a minor injury, proceeding to treat him with a spritz of [[Potion]] and a bandage. Ash comments that they still need to do some more practice on Aerial Ace.

A nearby bush rustles and [[Rosebay]] steps out of it. After the members of the group introduce themselves, and {{TP|Brock|Croagunk}} {{m|Poison Jab}}s Brock to stop him flirting, Rosebay says that she is observing the {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} in the forest. Rosebay then shows them a {{p|Swablu}} nest in another part of the forest, before giving Ash her binoculars. Ash sees the nest for himself, then passes the binoculars to {{an|Dawn}}, who comments that there aren't any Swablu in the nest. Rosebay leads the group to higher ground, before commenting that the Swablu should have returned to the nest by that time. She also mentions that the bird Pokémon population has recently been shrinking. Ash and Dawn offer to help her out.
A nearby bush rustles and a girl steps out of it. She introduces herself as [[Rosebay]]. Brock is immediately infatuated, but {{TP|Brock|Croagunk}} uses {{m|Poison Jab}}s to stop his flirting. Rosebay reveals that she is observing the {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} in the forest, and invites the group to join her. Rosebay shows them a {{p|Swablu}} nest, but the nest is oddly empty. So Rosebay leads the group to higher ground, before commenting that the Swablu should have returned to the nest by that time. She also mentions that the bird Pokémon population has recently been shrinking, so the group offers to help her solve the mystery. Their search reveals that a local {{p|Hoothoot}} colony is strangely absent. Meanwhile in a nearby pass, {{TRT}}’s gigantic net trap captures a flock of migrating {{p|Taillow}} and {{p|Swellow}}. {{MTR}} and his teammates marvel at their success, and plan on handing some of the bird Pokémon over to {{an|Giovanni}}. While aiding the search effort, Ash’s Starly soon joins the caged Pokémon. Ash begins to worry about Starly, as he has been gone a long time. Rosebay realizes that all the bird Pokémon use the valley path, so that must be where they are. The group decides to hurry there as Starly might be in trouble.

Rosebay leads the group to a {{p|Hoothoot}} colony, but nobody can see or hear any Hoothoot. Starly flies down to the group and reports that he can't see any either. Ash asks if his leg feels better, then tells him to have one more look around.
Inside Team Rocket's secret base, Meowth reports back to [[Jessie]] and [[James]], who ask him to sort out their gift for the boss. Meowth insists on a 'vote', so the group plays Rock Paper Scissors. Meowth loses, and gloomily asks what the others will be doing, but is disappointed to see his teammates relaxing in the sun. Up on the edge of the valley, the group spots Team Rocket, and Rosebay notices a {{p|Pidgeot}} in Team Rocket's net. Ash tells {{AP|Pikachu}} to help it. Pikachu runs off and frees it from the net just as it is closing. Ash orders Pikachu and Pidgeot to gather as many bird Pokémon as they can find, in order to tear down the net. The rest of the group runs off to free the Pokémon Team Rocket has already captured.

Meanwhile, four {{p|Swellow}} are flying through a valley. As they swoop around a corner they are surprised by a large net, which catches them and shakes them out into a cage underground. {{TRT}} walks into view, and mentions that it was a good idea to put their trap there, as all the bird Pokémon in the forest fly through the valley. {{MTR}} then describes how the bird Pokémon will please the boss by flying him around in his chair.
While {{TP|James|Carnivine}}, {{TP|James|Cacnea}} and {{TP|Jessie|Seviper}} guard the door to the cage room, Meowth walks in and puts a ring around a Swablu, immobilizing it. Starly and Hoothoot signal each other, and Hoothoot uses {{m|Hypnosis}} on Meowth; he releases Swablu. Now under control, Meowth promptly frees the Swablu and unlocks the cages. He reveals that they will need to dig a hole upwards to escape, so he lends his claws to aid their effort. Jessie and James are too relaxed to notice Rosebay and the group sneak into their base of operations. However, the crowds of dozens of bird Pokémon approaching disturbs their sunbathing. Pikachu orders his winged recruits to destroy the net trap. The group, still underground, watches on the security camera screens. Jessie and James rush to some controls, wondering where Meowth is. In the cage room Meowth and Starly are watching as all the other Pokémon leave through the escape tunnel, with Hoothoot leaving last. As Meowth snaps out of the Hypnosis, he calls in Seviper, Cacnea and Carnivine. They surround Starly, as the group runs into the room.

Starly flies into the valley, noticing a group of three Swellow below him. All four get caught in Team Rocket's trap. Starly gets up and notices all the bird Pokémon in cages around him. Some of them are pecking at their cage when Meowth enters and laughs at them.
The ground starts to shake as Team Rocket's mecha rises from the ground. A ladder drops down, and Team Rocket's Pokémon climb the ladder into the mecha. Meowth apologizes, admitting to Jessie and James that he was Hypnotized to free the Pokémon. Jessie pushes a button, and nets pop out of the mecha's arms. The Pokémon flee out of the escape tunnel, with the group following behind. Ash yells for Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}}, but it doesn't affect the mecha, which is made of wood. Team Rocket tries to stomp on the group with their mecha, but the force causes the ground underneath to collapse, destroying the mecha.

Ash becomes worried about Starly, as he has been gone a long time. Rosebay realizes that all the bird Pokémon use the valley path, so that must be where they are. The group decides to hurry there as Starly might be in trouble.
After they climb out of the remains of their mecha, Team Rocket recites their {{motto}}. Ash's Starly uses {{m|Wing Attack}}, but Jessie calls out {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}}, who blows Starly away with {{m|Gust}}. James tells Cacnea to fire {{m|Pin Missile}}s at Pikachu, but he dodges using {{m|Quick Attack}}. Brock sends out {{TP|Brock|Bonsly}}. Jessie commands a Gust from Dustox. The first pushes Bonsly back, but the second time the balls on Bonsly's head begin to glow, and Bonsly uses Gust, blocking the attack. Brock realizes that Bonsly has just learned {{m|Mimic}}. Dustox follows up with {{m|Psybeam}}, but Brock tells Bonsly to dodge it and use Mimic. The resulting Psybeam knocks out Dustox. The group charge forward, when Starly flies ahead. As it swoops upwards, Starly starts to glow and it [[Evolution|evolves]] into {{AP|Staravia}} and it uses Aerial Ace to make Team Rocket blast off. Staravia lands, and Dawn checks him on her [[Pokédex]]. Rosebay thanks Staravia for its assistance as the other bird Pokémon fly off, with Hoothoot waving goodbye to Staravia. The group leaves Rosebay and continues on their journey, with Staravia flying overhead.

Inside the cages, Starly walks up to a Hoothoot and starts talking with it. Inside Team Rocket's secret base, Meowth reports back to [[Jessie]] and [[James]], who ask him to sort out their gift for the boss. Meowth insists on a 'vote,' so the group plays Rock Paper Scissors. Meowth loses, and gloomily asks what the others will be doing. They respond by starting to sunbathe. Up on the edge of the valley, the group spots Team Rocket, and Rosebay notices a {{p|Pidgeot}} in Team Rocket's net. Ash tells {{AP|Pikachu}} to help it. Pikachu runs off and frees it from the net just as it is closing. Ash then orders Pikachu and Pidgeot to gather as many bird Pokémon as they can find, in order to rip down the net. The rest of the group runs off to free the Pokémon Team Rocket has already captured.
==Major events==
[[File:Ash Staravia evolved.png|thumb|220px|Ash's newly evolved Staravia]]
In the underground base where {{TP|James|Carnivine}}, {{TP|James|Cacnea}} and {{TP|Jessie|Seviper}} are guarding the door to the cage room, Meowth walks in and puts a ring around a Swablu, immobilizing it. Starly and Hoothoot signal each other, and Hoothoot uses {{m|Hypnosis}} on Meowth; he releases Swablu.
* {{Ash}}'s {{p|Starly}} is revealed to have started learning {{m|Aerial Ace}}.
As the humans approach Team Rocket's base, they sneak in the front door and climb down a ladder to an underground tunnel containing monitors for the security cameras. Ash sees Starly on one of the monitors. In the meantime, the bird Pokémon and a hypnotized Meowth are digging an escape tunnel from the cage room.
Jessie and James wake up as a very large group of bird Pokémon fly towards their base. They panic when they notice Pikachu, who is leading the group from Pidgeot's back. Pikachu calls out to the Pokémon and they all attack the net, ripping it to pieces. The group, still underground, watches on the security camera screens. Jessie and James rush to some controls, wondering where Meowth is. In the cage room Meowth and Starly are watching as all the other Pokémon leave through the escape tunnel, with Hoothoot leaving last. As Meowth snaps out of the hypnosis, he calls in Seviper, Cacnea and Carnivine. They surround Starly, as the group runs into the room.
The ground starts to shake as Team Rocket's mecha rises from the ground. A ladder drops down, and Team Rocket's Pokémon climb the ladder into the mecha. Meowth admits to Jessie and James that he was hypnotized and let the Pokémon escape. Jessie pushes a button, and nets pop out of the mecha's arms. The Pokémon flee out of the escape tunnel, with the group following behind. Ash yells for Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}}, but, as usual, it doesn't affect the mecha, which is made of wood. Team Rocket then tries to {{m|Stomp}} on the group with their mecha, but they run out of the way, and the foot falls into the escape tunnel, making it fall over.
After they climb out of the remains of their mecha, Team Rocket recite their motto. Ash's Starly uses {{m|Wing Attack}}, but Jessie calls out {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}}, and tells her to use {{m|Gust}}, which blows Starly away as Ash comments on his strength. James tells Cacnea to fire {{m|Pin Missile}}s at Pikachu, who uses {{m|Quick Attack}} to dodge it. Brock sends out {{TP|Brock|Bonsly}}. Jessie commands a Gust from Dustox. The first blows Bonsly back, but the second time balls on Bonsly's head begin to glow, and Bonsly uses Gust, blocking the attack. Brock realizes that Bonsly has learned {{m|Mimic}}. Jessie tells Dustox to use {{m|Psybeam}}, but Brock tells Bonsly to dodge it and use Mimic. The resulting Psybeam knocks out Dustox.
The groups start running toward each other when Starly flies up high and starts to glow. His bandage falls off, and he [[Evolution|evolves]] into {{AP|Staravia}}. Staravia then uses Aerial Ace to make Team Rocket blast off. Staravia lands, and Dawn checks him on her [[Pokédex]]. The other bird Pokémon then fly off, with Hoothoot waving goodbye to Staravia. The group leaves Rosebay and continues on their journey, with Staravia flying overhead.
== Major events ==
* Ash's {{p|Starly}} is revealed to have learned {{m|Aerial Ace}}.
* [[Brock's Sudowoodo|Brock's Bonsly]] learns {{m|Mimic}}.
* Ash's Starly [[Evolution|evolves]] into a {{AP|Staravia}}.
* [[Jessie's Dustox]] is revealed to know {{m|Gust}}.
* [[Jessie's Dustox]] is revealed to know {{m|Gust}}.
* [[Brock's Bonsly]] learns {{m|Mimic}}.
* Ash's Starly [[Evolution|evolves]] into {{AP|Staravia}} and masters Aerial Ace.

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* [[Ash's Staravia]]
* [[Ash's Staravia]]

== Characters ==
=== Humans ===
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
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* [[Rosebay]]
* [[Rosebay]]

=== Pokémon ===
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Starly}} ({{OP|Ash|Starly}}, evolves)
* {{p|Starly}} ({{OP|Ash|Starly}}; evolves)
* {{p|Staravia}} ({{OP|Ash|Staravia}}, newly evolved)
* {{p|Staravia}} ({{OP|Ash|Staravia}}; newly evolved)
* {{p|Bonsly}} ({{OP|Brock|Bonsly}})
* {{p|Bonsly}} ({{OP|Brock|Bonsly}})
* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})
* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})
Line 104: Line 91:
* {{p|Cacnea}} ({{OP|James|Cacnea}})
* {{p|Cacnea}} ({{OP|James|Cacnea}})
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
* {{p|Pidgey}}
* {{p|Pidgeot}}
* {{p|Spearow}} (colony)
* {{p|Fearow}} (colony)
* {{p|Hoothoot}}
* {{p|Hoothoot}}
* {{p|Natu}} (colony)
* {{p|Pidgeot}} (multiple)
* {{p|Taillow}} (colony)
* {{p|Spearow}} (multiple)
* {{p|Swellow}} (colony)
* {{p|Fearow}} (multiple)
* {{p|Swablu}} (colony)
* {{p|Natu}} (multiple)
* {{p|Taillow}} (multiple)
* {{p|Swellow}} (multiple)
* {{p|Swablu}} (multiple)
* {{Ash}} trying to teach {{AP|Starly}} how to use {{m|Aerial Ace}} is similar to how he tried to teach {{AP|Swellow}} how to use it in ''[[AG091|Lessons in Lilycove]]'' and ''[[AG092|Judgment Day!]]''.
* [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Encyclopedia]]: [[Ash's Pikachu]]
** Pokémon senryū: パートナー サトシとピカチュウ いいかんじ ''Pātonā, Satoshi to Pikachū, ii kanji'' "Partners Satoshi and Pikachu: a pleasant feeling."
* The episode's English [[dub]] title is a pun of the 1937 romance drama film ''{{wp|A Star Is Born}}''.
* This is one of the few episodes of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'' where [[Dawn's Piplup]] does not appear.
* This is one of the few episodes in which more than two main characters' Pokémon learns new moves.
* The scene of Pikachu flying on {{p|Pidgeot}} in the flock of {{type|Flying}} Pokémon is very similar to one in [[EP019|another episode]], which also appeared in the [[Pokémon Theme|original opening]].
* Staravia remains outside his {{i|Poké Ball}} for the entire episode.
* This is the only time Ash's Flying-type Pokémon evolves before challenging the first [[Gym]]. <!-- Pidgeotto is not counted, since it was already in its evolved state when it was caught. -->
* In one of the scenes where Starly is learning {{m|Aerial Ace}}, his plume turns the same color as his body.
* When Starly flies off, the bandage on his left leg is missing.
* At one point during {{MTR}}'s [[boss fantasy]], the rings on {{an|Giovanni}}'s left hand are missing.
* When {{MTR}} says that as long as {{TRT}} keeps the Pokémon in their cages, they should be fine, [[James]]'s neck is the same color as his shirt.
* When Meowth is holding a {{p|Swablu}}, a {{p|Taillow}} in the background has its belly the same color as its body.
* After Pikachu saves Pidgeot, Pidgeot is briefly miscolored twice.
* When {{an|Brock}} closes the door to Team Rocket's cabin after he and his friends run inside, his hand layered in front of it.
* In one scene, the dark-green section on {{TP|James|Cacnea}}'s head is colored yellow. *
* In the English dub, the group accidentally calls Pidgeot by its pre-evolved form {{p|Pidgeotto}} when it is in the cage. This is fixed in the {{pmin|Poland|Polish}} dub.
* In the {{pmin|Norway|Norwegian}} dub, when [[Rosebay]] asks Ash and {{ashfr}} to watch the Flying-type Pokémon, the word "bird" is treated as a proper Pokémon-noun (e.g. names and attacks) and thus not translated to Norwegian.
* At the beginning of the Polish dub, Aerial Ace is called "''Powietrzny Cios''" instead of "''Powietrzny As''".

== Trivia ==
* Ash trying to teach Starly how to use Aerial Ace is similar to how he tried to teach Swellow how to use it in [[AG091]] and [[AG092]]. However, he didn't use the strategy Vladimir and his Pidgeotto taught him in those episodes.
DP013 error.png|Starly's miscolored plume
* [[Professor Oak's lecture]]: [[Ash's Pikachu]]
DP013 error 2.png|Pidgeot coloring error
** [[Pokémon senryū]]: パートナー サトシとピカチュウ いいかんじ ''Pātonā, Satoshi to Pikachū, ii kanji'' "Partners Satoshi and Pikachu: a pleasant feeling."
DP013 error 3.png|Cacnea coloring error
* The episode title is a pun of ''{{wp|A Star Is Born}}'', a 1937 romance drama film, produced by {{wp|David O. Selznick}}.
* This is one of the few episodes of the {{series|Diamond & Pearl}} where [[Dawn's Piplup]] does not appear.
* This is one of the few episodes in which more than one main character's Pokémon learns new moves.
** A similar occurrence happened [[EP014|in the original series]], but that involved {{AP|one Pokémon|Pikachu}} learning {{m|Quick Attack|two}} {{m|Agility|moves}}.
* The scene of Pikachu flying on Pidgeot in the flock of bird Pokémon is very similar to one in [[EP019|another episode]], which also appeared in the [[Pokémon Theme|original opening]].
* Staravia remains outside his Poké Ball for the entire episode.
=== Errors ===
* When Ash was going to find Starly, Pikachu's right cheek was gone.
* When Meowth was holding a Swablu, a Taillow in the background has its belly the same color as its body.
* In one of the scenes where Starly was learning Aerial Ace, his plume was the same colour as his body.
* In one scene the dark green section on Cacnea's head is colored yellow.

=== Dub edits ===
===Dub edits===
* In the dub, they accidentally called {{p|Pidgeotto}} its evolved form, {{p|Pidgeot}}, when it was in the cage.
* Music from ''[[PK01|Pikachu's Vacation]]'' is used as background music.

== In other languages ==
==In other languages==
|zh_cmn={{tt|姆克兒加油!|Starly, Do Your Best!}}
|zh_cmn={{tt|姆克兒加油!|Starly, Do Your Best!}}
|cs={{tt|Zrodila se Staravia|A Staravia is Born}}
|cs={{tt|Zrodila se Staravia|A Staravia is Born}}
|da={{tt|En Staravia fødes|A Staravia is born}}
|nl={{tt|Er is een Staravia geboren!|A Staravia is Born!}}
|nl={{tt|Er is een Staravia geboren!|A Staravia is Born!}}
|fi={{tt|Staravia syntyy!|A Staravia borns!}}
|fi={{tt|Staravia syntyy!|A Staravia borns!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Un Etourvol est né !|A Staravia is born!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Un Etourvol est né !|A Staravia is born!}}
|de={{tt|Aus der Luft ins Netz!|From the air into the net!}}
|de={{tt|Aus der Luft ins Netz!|From the air into the net!}}
|he={{tt|סטארביה נולד|A Staravia is Born}}
|it={{tt|La nascita di uno Staravia|A Staravia is born}} & {{tt|La foresta è salva|The forest is safe}}
|it={{tt|La nascita di uno Staravia|A Staravia is born}} & {{tt|La foresta è salva|The forest is safe}}
|no={{tt|Stjernen Staravia er født!|The star Staravia is born!}}
|no={{tt|Stjernen Staravia er født!|The star Staravia is born!}}
|pl={{tt|Narodziny Staravii|The Birth of Staravia}}
|pl={{tt|Narodziny Staravii|The birth of Staravia}}
|pt_br={{tt|Nasce um Staravia!|A Staravia is Born!}}
|pt_br={{tt|Nasce um Staravia!|A Staravia is Born!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|O Nascimento de um Staravia!|The Birth of a Staravia!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|O Nascimento de um Staravia!|The Birth of a Staravia!}}
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|ro={{tt|Nașterea unui Pokémon Staravia|The Birth of a Staravia Pokémon}}
|ro={{tt|Nașterea unui Pokémon Staravia|The Birth of a Staravia Pokémon}}
|th={{tt|มุคคุรุพยายามเข้า|Mukkuru Does its Best}}
|th={{tt|มุคคุรุพยายามเข้า|Mukkuru Does its Best}}
|ko={{tt|찌르꼬, 친구들을 구하라|Starly, Save Your Friends}}
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series=Diamond & Pearl series |
series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Diamond & Pearl series episodes|013]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Masashi Sogo|479]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Hiroyuki Yamada|479]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Makoto Shinjō|479]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon evolves|479]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon learns a new move|479]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash|479]]
[[de:Aus der Luft ins Netz! (Episode)]]

[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|013]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Masashi Sogo]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Hiroyuki Yamada]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Hiroyuki Yamada]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Hiroyuki Yamada]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Makoto Shinjō]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon evolves]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon learns a new move]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash]]
[[de:Aus der Luft ins Netz!]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第13集]]

Latest revision as of 04:58, 3 September 2024

DP012 : Arrival of a Rival!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP014 : Leave It To Brocko!
A Staravia Is Born!
DP013   EP479
Mukkuru Perseveres!
First broadcast
Japan December 21, 2006
United States June 25, 2007
English themes
Opening Diamond and Pearl
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 十川誠志 Masashi Sogo
Storyboard 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Animation director 新城真 Makoto Shinjō
Additional credits

A Staravia Is Born! (Japanese: ムックルがんばる! Mukkuru Perseveres!) is the 13th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 479th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan, as part of a one-hour special along with DP014, on December 21, 2006, and in the United States on June 25, 2007.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash is traveling through the forest on his way to Oreburgh City, where he hopes to earn his first Gym Badge in Sinnoh. But first he's helping Starly practice using Aerial Ace, a process that doesn't go entirely smoothly. Our heroes also catch the attention of Rosebay, a woman who monitors the Pokémon that live in the forest. Lots of Pokémon have been disappearing lately and she's not sure why, but it doesn't take long for Ash and his friends to decide they should help her out!

Meanwhile, Team Rocket have set up a trap in the Valley Path, an area which Flying-type Pokémon often pass through. All it takes some netting and soon Team Rocket is happily snagging lots of avian Pokémon for their Boss. When Ash sends Starly out to look for clues, Starly is swept up by Team Rocket's criminal plans as well—but Starly isn't about to sit back and wait to be rescued! Jessie and James leave Meowth to guard their ill-gotten Pokémon, and Starly is ready to stage a jailbreak together with help from a captured Hoothoot.

Hoothoot hypnotizes Meowth into letting the Pokémon go, but when Meowth snaps out of its trance, it calls for backup from Team Rocket's other Pokémon. However, Ash and his friends came across a Pidgeot trapped in Team Rocket's net and realized what was going on, and they show up looking for Starly! Jessie and James return and try to stop our heroes, only to discover that Brock's Bonsly can use Mimic to send their Pokémon's moves right back at them. Then Starly evolves into Staravia and pulls off a terrific Aerial Ace—which is also the term that describes Team Rocket as they go blasting off again. The trapped Pokémon are freed, Rosebay is happy, and now it's onward to Oreburgh City!


Ash is in the midst of some special training with Starly. He orders an Aerial Ace, and Starly does so, flying along the ground towards a target on a tree trunk. Ash tells him to pull up, and he flies up the trunk of the tree, before looping around for another go. However, this time Aerial Ace fails, and Starly crash-lands, injuring his leg. The group rushes over to Starly, and Brock says that it is just a minor injury, proceeding to treat him with a spritz of Potion and a bandage. Ash comments that they still need to do some more practice on Aerial Ace.

A nearby bush rustles and a girl steps out of it. She introduces herself as Rosebay. Brock is immediately infatuated, but Croagunk uses Poison Jabs to stop his flirting. Rosebay reveals that she is observing the Pokémon in the forest, and invites the group to join her. Rosebay shows them a Swablu nest, but the nest is oddly empty. So Rosebay leads the group to higher ground, before commenting that the Swablu should have returned to the nest by that time. She also mentions that the bird Pokémon population has recently been shrinking, so the group offers to help her solve the mystery. Their search reveals that a local Hoothoot colony is strangely absent. Meanwhile in a nearby pass, Team Rocket’s gigantic net trap captures a flock of migrating Taillow and Swellow. Meowth and his teammates marvel at their success, and plan on handing some of the bird Pokémon over to Giovanni. While aiding the search effort, Ash’s Starly soon joins the caged Pokémon. Ash begins to worry about Starly, as he has been gone a long time. Rosebay realizes that all the bird Pokémon use the valley path, so that must be where they are. The group decides to hurry there as Starly might be in trouble.

Inside Team Rocket's secret base, Meowth reports back to Jessie and James, who ask him to sort out their gift for the boss. Meowth insists on a 'vote', so the group plays Rock Paper Scissors. Meowth loses, and gloomily asks what the others will be doing, but is disappointed to see his teammates relaxing in the sun. Up on the edge of the valley, the group spots Team Rocket, and Rosebay notices a Pidgeot in Team Rocket's net. Ash tells Pikachu to help it. Pikachu runs off and frees it from the net just as it is closing. Ash orders Pikachu and Pidgeot to gather as many bird Pokémon as they can find, in order to tear down the net. The rest of the group runs off to free the Pokémon Team Rocket has already captured.

While Carnivine, Cacnea and Seviper guard the door to the cage room, Meowth walks in and puts a ring around a Swablu, immobilizing it. Starly and Hoothoot signal each other, and Hoothoot uses Hypnosis on Meowth; he releases Swablu. Now under control, Meowth promptly frees the Swablu and unlocks the cages. He reveals that they will need to dig a hole upwards to escape, so he lends his claws to aid their effort. Jessie and James are too relaxed to notice Rosebay and the group sneak into their base of operations. However, the crowds of dozens of bird Pokémon approaching disturbs their sunbathing. Pikachu orders his winged recruits to destroy the net trap. The group, still underground, watches on the security camera screens. Jessie and James rush to some controls, wondering where Meowth is. In the cage room Meowth and Starly are watching as all the other Pokémon leave through the escape tunnel, with Hoothoot leaving last. As Meowth snaps out of the Hypnosis, he calls in Seviper, Cacnea and Carnivine. They surround Starly, as the group runs into the room.

The ground starts to shake as Team Rocket's mecha rises from the ground. A ladder drops down, and Team Rocket's Pokémon climb the ladder into the mecha. Meowth apologizes, admitting to Jessie and James that he was Hypnotized to free the Pokémon. Jessie pushes a button, and nets pop out of the mecha's arms. The Pokémon flee out of the escape tunnel, with the group following behind. Ash yells for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but it doesn't affect the mecha, which is made of wood. Team Rocket tries to stomp on the group with their mecha, but the force causes the ground underneath to collapse, destroying the mecha.

After they climb out of the remains of their mecha, Team Rocket recites their motto. Ash's Starly uses Wing Attack, but Jessie calls out Dustox, who blows Starly away with Gust. James tells Cacnea to fire Pin Missiles at Pikachu, but he dodges using Quick Attack. Brock sends out Bonsly. Jessie commands a Gust from Dustox. The first pushes Bonsly back, but the second time the balls on Bonsly's head begin to glow, and Bonsly uses Gust, blocking the attack. Brock realizes that Bonsly has just learned Mimic. Dustox follows up with Psybeam, but Brock tells Bonsly to dodge it and use Mimic. The resulting Psybeam knocks out Dustox. The group charge forward, when Starly flies ahead. As it swoops upwards, Starly starts to glow and it evolves into Staravia and it uses Aerial Ace to make Team Rocket blast off. Staravia lands, and Dawn checks him on her Pokédex. Rosebay thanks Staravia for its assistance as the other bird Pokémon fly off, with Hoothoot waving goodbye to Staravia. The group leaves Rosebay and continues on their journey, with Staravia flying overhead.

Major events

Ash's newly evolved Staravia
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts






  • In one of the scenes where Starly is learning Aerial Ace, his plume turns the same color as his body.
  • When Starly flies off, the bandage on his left leg is missing.
  • At one point during Meowth's boss fantasy, the rings on Giovanni's left hand are missing.
  • When Meowth says that as long as Team Rocket keeps the Pokémon in their cages, they should be fine, James's neck is the same color as his shirt.
  •  When Meowth is holding a Swablu, a Taillow in the background has its belly the same color as its body.
  • After Pikachu saves Pidgeot, Pidgeot is briefly miscolored twice.
  • When Brock closes the door to Team Rocket's cabin after he and his friends run inside, his hand layered in front of it.
  • In one scene, the dark-green section on Cacnea's head is colored yellow. *
  • In the English dub, the group accidentally calls Pidgeot by its pre-evolved form Pidgeotto when it is in the cage. This is fixed in the Polish dub.
  • In the Norwegian dub, when Rosebay asks Ash and his friends to watch the Flying-type Pokémon, the word "bird" is treated as a proper Pokémon-noun (e.g. names and attacks) and thus not translated to Norwegian.
  • At the beginning of the Polish dub, Aerial Ace is called "Powietrzny Cios" instead of "Powietrzny As".

Dub edits

In other languages

DP012 : Arrival of a Rival!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP014 : Leave It To Brocko!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.