JN114: Difference between revisions

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prevtitle=Chasing to the Finish! |
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altepcode=EP1199 |
altepcode=EP1199 |
colorscheme=Galar |
colorscheme=Galar |
title_en= |
title_en=Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! |
title_ja=炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!! |
title_ja=炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!! |
title_ja_trans=Training Battle of Flames! Satoshi VS Shinji!! |
title_ja_trans=Training Battle of Flames! Satoshi VS Shinji!! |
broadcast_jp=June 10, 2022 |
broadcast_jp=June 10, 2022 |
broadcast_us=<!--Do not assume an air date. If you have an air date you should also provide a title and a source.--> |
broadcast_us=February 24, 2023 |
en_op=<!--[[With You]]--> |
en_op=[[With You]] |
ja_op=[[One, Two, Three|1・2・3]] |
ja_op=[[One, Two, Three|1・2・3]] |
ja_ed=[[Supereffective Type|バツグンタイプ]] |
ja_ed=[[Supereffective Type|バツグンタイプ]] |
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* {{BMGf|293124|Preview thread on BMGf}} ''Closed''
* {{BMGf|293124|Preview thread on BMGf}} ''Closed''
* {{BMGf|293373|Original review thread on BMGf}}
* {{BMGf|293373|Original review thread on BMGf}}
<!--* {{BMGf||Dub review thread on BMGf}}-->
* {{BMGf|295021|Dub review thread on BMGf}}
(Japanese: '''炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!!''' ''Training Battle of Flames! {{tt|Satoshi|Ash}} VS {{tt|Shinji|Paul}}!!'') is the 114th episode of ''[[Pokémon Journeys: The Series]]'', and the 1,199th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It first aired in Japan on June 10, 2022<!-- and is scheduled to air in the United States on *day*-->.
'''Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!''' (Japanese: '''炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!!''' ''Training Battle of Flames! {{tt|Satoshi|Ash}} VS {{tt|Shinji|Paul}}!!'') is the 114th episode of ''[[Pokémon Journeys: The Series]]'', and the 1,199th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan on June 10, 2022, in Canada on November 19, 2022, in South Africa on January 10, 2023, in the United Kingdom on January 17, 2023, in Australia on January 22, 2023, and in the United States on February 24, 2023.
Official Blurb from Pokémon.com goes here, with source link-->
<!--Please do not alter the blurb to fix any errors, they are meant to be presented as they are on the official site.-->
<!--Please do not alter the blurb to fix any errors, they are meant to be presented as they are on the official site.-->
<i>With the Masters Eight Tournament approaching, Ash is training hard when he receives a call from Professor Oak encouraging him to visit all his Pokémon at the lab. So, he and Goh set off to Pallet Town. There, Ash’s current team begins training with his other Pokémon, but when Gengar ends up in the forest, our heroes unexpectedly run into Paul, Ash’s rival from Sinnoh! Although Paul isn’t in the World Coronation Series, he agrees to battle Ash using his Gyarados, Garchomp, and Metagross—all Pokémon used by members of the Masters Eight. Though Paul’s skills are formidable, Ash wins after Gengar unleashes a fiery new move!</i>

{{incomplete plot}}
{{Ash}} and his [[party|team]] are hard at work {{pkmn|training}} for the [[Masters Eight Tournament]], when he receives an unexpected phone call from {{an|Professor Oak}}, which gives him the idea to bring his team to meet all of {{cat|Ash's Pokémon|his Pokémon}} at [[Professor Oak's Laboratory|Oak's lab]] to get them fired up. The instant he and [[Goh]] arrive there, Ash's Pokémon swarm over them in a wave of welcoming friendliness. Ash lets his team out and asks his other Pokémon to help them power up for the big tournament. The Pokémon express their willingness to help by showing off a display of their [[move]]s, with {{AP|Gengar}} taking a particular interest in Ash's {{t|Fire}} types. When it touches {{AP|Infernape}}, it is surrounded by fire and flies off into the distance. When Ash and Goh catch up to it, they also find an {{TP|Paul|Electivire}} and its {{pkmn|Trainer}}, who is none other than [[Paul]], Ash's former [[rival]] from [[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl|his time of traveling through]] [[Sinnoh]]. Professor Oak joins in, along with most of Ash's Fire Pokémon, and reveals that Paul had turned up here the day before, having come to learn more about Pokémon from him, given the fact that he is a leading expert in Pokémon research.
<!-- Detailed Plot goes here. -->
Gengar heads off to train with Ash's Fire Pokémon, and Ash intends to join in, but Paul tells him to leave it to his Pokémon. Infernape initially stays behind, but Paul tells him to go along as well, which he does. Goh is surprised to see Infernape listening to Paul until Ash explains that Infernape used to be {{cat|Paul's Pokémon}} back as a {{p|Chimchar}} until he was {{pkmn2|released}} by him as a failure and [[DP052|taken in by Ash]], who raised him into an Infernape. While Ash's Pokémon train and relax with each other, Ash and Paul sit down to talk, with Paul revealing that he didn't participate in the [[World Coronation Series]], uninterested in all the noise of the event. Ash decides to take advantage of the situation and challenges Paul to a {{pkmn|battle}}. Paul accepts, dictating that the battle will be three-on-three, but also telling Ash to only use Pokémon he intends to use in the Masters Eight Tournament. Ash accepts these conditions and goes to get his team, finding Gengar just in time to see it learn a new move in {{m|Will-O-Wisp}}.
All of Ash's Pokémon gather to watch his and Paul's battle. Ash chooses {{AP|Lucario}} as his first Pokémon, while Paul leads with {{p|Gyarados}}. Lucario makes the first move with {{m|Double Team}}, surrounding Gyarados with illusionary copies of itself. Gyarados attacks the copies with {{m|Ice Fang}} and {{m|Hyper Beam}}, but is forced to [[recharge]] after the latter move. Ash tries to exploit this with a close-range {{m|Aura Sphere}}, but Lucario gets caught by Gyarados's tail before it can go off and is struck by a flurry of Ice Fangs. After freeing itself with {{m|Steel Beam}}, Lucario starts gathering {{type|Steel}} energy around its fists, signifying that a new move is coming. Ash recognizes the new attack and has his partner hit Gyarados with {{m|Bullet Punch}}, right before Gyarados fires right back with Hyper Beam. As the smoke clears, Gyarados is revealed to have fainted, giving Ash the first win of the battle.
Ash and Paul [[recall]] their Pokémon, before Ash chooses {{AP|Dragonite}} as his second, and Paul sends out his {{p|Garchomp}} in response. After a clash of a flurry of {{m|Dragon Claw}}s, Dragonite goes in for a {{m|Hurricane}}, but is beaten to the punch by Garchomp's super effective {{m|Stone Edge}} and takes a lot of [[damage]]. Garchomp's assault continues with {{m|Draco Meteor}}, which also lands a hit. Ash has Dragonite use its own Draco Meteor in return, even having it charge at Garchomp along with the attack, demonstrating Ash's unpredictable improvisational skills. However, Garchomp's counterattack with Dragon Claw overpowers Dragonite and takes it down, giving Paul one win and evening the score. Ash dubs his new improvised tactic "Dragonite Meteor," but Paul is unimpressed and mocks the name, much to Ash's chagrin.
As Ash recalls Dragonite, Paul recalls Garchomp and sends out his last Pokémon, {{p|Metagross}}, whom Ash sends Gengar out against. Metagross uses {{m|Agility}} to match Gengar's speed, before throwing it back with {{m|Psychic}}. Paul berates Ash for calling himself one of the Masters Eight if he's struggling against him this much and has Metagross attack with {{m|Meteor Mash}}, dealing another big hit. With Infernape's encouragement, Gengar stands back up, not wanting to let Ash and his Fire types who worked so hard to train it down. Gengar then puts its new Will-O-Wisp into practice and successfully lands it. Metagross strikes with another Meteor Mash, but the {{status|burn}} it received from the Will-O-Wisp weakens the attack, allowing Gengar to withstand it and strike back with {{m|Shadow Ball}}, defeating its {{pkmn2|pseudo-legendary}} opponent and making Ash the winner of the battle.
While Ash's Fire types congratulate Gengar and Ash thanks them for their help, Goh points out that Paul's Pokémon were all the same as the respective aces of {{an|Lance}}, {{an|Cynthia}}, and {{an|Steven Stone}}, and wonders if this was intentional. Paul responds to this observation with a simple smile, bids farewell to Oak, Ash, and Infernape, and heads off. Professor Oak reveals that Paul has been asked to become a [[Gym Leader]], which is why he had come to visit the lab to learn more about Pokémon. Feeling confident thanks to this visit, Ash is eager to head to the Masters Eight Tournament right away, but he and Goh are stopped by the appearance of {{Delia}}, who had arrived partway through the battle and invites them to stay a night at the [[Player's house|Ketchum household]] before they leave, which they accept.

==Major events==
==Major events==
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining Badges, go here. -->
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining Badges, go here. -->
* {{Ash}} and [[Goh]] visit [[Pallet Town]] again.
* {{Ash}} and [[Goh]] visit [[Pallet Town]] again.
* [[Ash's Corphish]] is revealed to have learned {{m|Water Gun}}.
* Ash meets [[Paul]] again, with Goh meeting him for the first time.
* [[Ash's Bulbasaur]], {{AP|Bayleef}}, and {{AP|Leavanny}} are revealed to have learned {{m|Leaf Storm}}.
** In the process, Paul is revealed to have traveled to [[Kanto]] and met {{an|Professor Oak}}.
* [[Ash's Infernape]] is revealed to have learned {{m|Fire Punch}}.
* [[Ash's Infernape]] is revealed to have learned {{m|Fire Punch}}.
* [[Ash's Talonflame]] is revealed to have learned {{m|Flamethrower}}.
* Ash meets [[Paul]] again and reunites with his [[Delia Ketchum|mother]], with Goh meeting the former for the first time.
** In the process, Paul is revealed to have traveled to [[Kanto]].
* Paul is revealed to own a {{p|Gyarados}}, a {{p|Garchomp}}, and a {{p|Metagross}}, and to have become a [[Gym Leader]].
* [[Ash's Gengar]] learns {{m|Will-O-Wisp}}.
* [[Ash's Gengar]] learns {{m|Will-O-Wisp}}.
* Paul is revealed to own a {{p|Gyarados}}, a {{p|Garchomp}}, and a {{p|Metagross}}, and to have received an offer to become a [[Gym Leader]].
* [[Ash's Lucario]] learns {{m|Bullet Punch}}.
* [[Ash's Lucario]] learns {{m|Bullet Punch}}.
* Ash has a three-on-three {{pkmn|battle}} with Paul and wins.
* Ash has a three-on-three {{pkmn|battle}} with Paul and wins.
Line 70: Line 75:
[[File:Dare da JN114.png|thumb|200px|{{tt|Dare da?|Who's That Pokémon?}}]]
[[File:Dare da JN114.png|thumb|200px|{{tt|Dare da?|Who's That Pokémon?}}]]
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|Dawn}} (flashback)
* {{an|Brock}} (flashback)
* {{an|Brock}} (flashback)
* {{an|Dawn}} (flashback)
* [[Goh]]
* [[Goh]]
* {{an|Professor Oak}}
* {{an|Professor Oak}}
* [[Delia Ketchum]]
* [[Delia Ketchum]]
* [[Paul]]
* [[Paul]]
* [[Lance]] (fantasy)
* {{an|Lance}} (fantasy)
* [[Steven Stone]] (fantasy)
* {{an|Steven Stone}} (fantasy)
* [[Cynthia]] (fantasy)
* {{an|Cynthia}} (fantasy)

<!--[[File:WTP JN114.png|thumb|200px|Who's That Pokémon?]]-->
[[File:WTP JN114.png|thumb|200px|Who's That Pokémon?]]
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Oshawott}}
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Oshawott}}
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
Line 133: Line 138:
* {{p|Garchomp}} ([[Paul]]'s)
* {{p|Garchomp}} ([[Paul]]'s)
* {{p|Metagross}} ([[Paul]]'s)
* {{p|Metagross}} ([[Paul]]'s)
* {{p|Gyarados}} ({{OP|Lance|Gyarados}}; {{Shiny}}; [[Red Gyarados]]; fantasy)
* {{p|Gyarados}} ({{OP|Lance|Gyarados}}; [[Red Gyarados]]; fantasy)
* {{p|Metagross}} ({{OP|Steven|Metagross}}; {{Shiny}}; fantasy)
* {{p|Metagross}} ({{OP|Steven|Metagross}}; {{Shiny}}; fantasy)
* {{p|Garchomp}} ({{OP|Cynthia|Garchomp}}; fantasy)
* {{p|Garchomp}} ({{OP|Cynthia|Garchomp}}; fantasy)
Line 139: Line 144:

[[File:JN114 AS.png|thumb|175px|The "After the story" artwork for this episode]]
[[File:Ash with his Pokémon JN114.png|thumb|250px|Ash and Goh with all of Ash's Pokémon]]
[[File:Ash with his Pokémon JN114.png|thumb|250px|Ash and Goh with all of Ash's Pokémon]]
* [[Get Inspired! Let's Solve a Poké Riddle!!]]: {{p|Infernape}}
* [[Get Inspired! Let's Solve a Poké Riddle!!]]: {{p|Infernape}}
* This episode marks the first physical appearance of [[Paul]] since ''[[DP189|The Semi-Final Frontier!]]'', 544 episodes earlier.
* The English [[dub]] was released on the [[iTunes Store]] in Australia on November 6, 2022, 13 days before the episode aired in Canada.
* The [[One, Two, Three|opening animation]] is updated to include [[Goh]]'s {{DL|List of Goh's Pokémon|Regieleki}}.
* This episode marks the first physical appearance of [[Paul]] in the {{pkmn|anime}} since ''[[DP189|The Semi-Final Frontier!]]'', 544 episodes earlier.
* This episode marks the largest gathering of {{cat|Ash's Pokémon}} to date.
* This episode marks the largest gathering of {{cat|Ash's Pokémon}} to date.
** This episode marks the first physical appearance of several of {{Ash}}'s Pokémon after long absences:
** This episode marks the first physical appearance of several of {{Ash}}'s Pokémon after long absences:
*** {{AP|Kingler}}, who last appeared in ''[[AG133|The Right Place and the Right Mime]]'', 792 episodes earlier. This is the longest time between physical appearances of a main character's Pokémon in the {{pkmn|anime}}.
*** {{AP|Kingler}}, who last appeared in ''[[AG133|The Right Place and the Right Mime]]'', 792 episodes earlier.  
*** {{AP|Noctowl}} and {{AP|Glalie}}, both of whom last appeared in ''[[DP185|Working on a Right Move!]]'', 548 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Noctowl}} and {{AP|Glalie}}, both of whom last appeared in ''[[DP185|Working on a Right Move!]]'', 548 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Gliscor}}, who last appeared in ''[[DP188|Battling a Thaw in Relations!]]'', 545 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Gliscor}}, who last appeared in ''[[DP188|Battling a Thaw in Relations!]]'', 545 episodes earlier.
Line 150: Line 158:
*** {{AP|Staraptor}} and {{AP|Torterra}}, both of whom last appeared in ''[[DP191|Memories are Made of Bliss!]]'', 542 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Staraptor}} and {{AP|Torterra}}, both of whom last appeared in ''[[DP191|Memories are Made of Bliss!]]'', 542 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Unfezant}}, {{AP|Snivy}}, {{AP|Scraggy}}, {{AP|Leavanny}}, {{AP|Palpitoad}}, and {{AP|Boldore}}, all of whom last appeared in ''[[BW142|The Dream Continues!]]'', 400 episodes earlier.
*** {{AP|Unfezant}}, {{AP|Snivy}}, {{AP|Scraggy}}, {{AP|Leavanny}}, {{AP|Palpitoad}}, and {{AP|Boldore}}, all of whom last appeared in ''[[BW142|The Dream Continues!]]'', 400 episodes earlier.
** This episode also marks the first time that all of Ash's Pokémon at [[Professor Oak's Laboratory]] up to this point have physically appeared since ''The Right Place and the Right Mime'', 792 episodes earlier.
** This episode also marks the first time that all of Ash's Pokémon in his current [[party]] and at [[Professor Oak's Laboratory]] up to this point have physically appeared since ''The Right Place and the Right Mime'', 792 episodes earlier.
** [[Mimey]] is the only one of Ash's Pokémon currently in his possession to not appear in this episode.
* This episode features the following flashbacks, which have all been remade to match the style introduced in ''[[Pokémon Journeys: The Series]]'':
* As of this episode, {{AP|Incineroar}} is the only Fire-type Pokémon belonging to Ash to have never known Flamethrower.
* This episode features the following flashbacks, which have all been reanimated to match the style introduced in ''[[Pokémon Journeys: The Series]]'':
** Ash and Paul's first battle in ''[[DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide!]]''.
** Ash and Paul's first battle in ''[[DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide!]]''.
** Paul {{pkmn2|Released|releasing}} {{AP|Chimchar|Infernape}} and Ash later offering him a spot on his [[party|team]] in ''[[DP051|Glory Blaze!]]''.
** Paul {{pkmn2|Released|releasing}} {{AP|Chimchar|Infernape}} and Ash later offering him a spot on his team in ''[[DP051|Glory Blaze!]]''.
** Ash helping Chimchar overcoming his fear of {{p|Zangoose}} in ''[[DP053|Tears For Fears!]]''.
** Ash comforting Chimchar over his traumatic past in ''[[DP053|Tears For Fears!]]''.
** Ash and Paul's battle in the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]] and them ending their rivalry in ''Battling a Thaw in Relations!''.
** Ash and Paul battling in the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]] and ending their rivalry in ''Battling a Thaw in Relations!''.
* This is the first time since it became a {{cat|Anime running gags|running gag}} at the end of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Black & White]]'' where Ash does not get hit by any of his {{AP|Tauros}} while visiting Professor Oak's Laboratory.
* This is the first time since it became a {{cat|Animated series running gags|running gag}} in ''The Right Place and the Right Mime'' where Ash does not get hit by any of his {{AP|Tauros}} while visiting Professor Oak's Laboratory.
* The scene where Paul meets {{AP|Gengar}} is similar to how he first met [[Ash's Gliscor|Ash's Gligar]] in ''[[DP081|Chim - Charred!]]''.
* This is the first episode to show {{m|Will-O-Wisp}} inflicting a {{status|burn}} on its target.
* Ash, [[Goh]], and {{AP|Pikachu}} narrate the preview for the [[JN115|next episode]].
** This episode also marks the first time that a burned Pokémon is shown to have its [[stats|Attack]] power affected by its condition.
* The scene in which Paul meets {{AP|Gengar}} is similar to how he first met [[Ash's Gliscor|Ash's Gligar]] in ''[[DP081|Chim - Charred!]]''.
* Ash and Paul's battle in this episode follows the same ruleset as their first battle in ''When Pokémon Worlds Collide!'', being a three-on-three battle where the first one to win two rounds is the winner. Coincidentally, this battle takes place at Professor Oak's Laboratory, while their first battle took place at [[Professor Rowan]]'s laboratory.
* The way Paul's {{p|Gyarados}} traps [[Ash's Lucario]] with its tail is similar to the strategy Paul used with his {{p|Drapion}} and {{TP|Paul|Electivire}} at several points during their Lily of the Valley Conference battle.
** Furthermore, the way Gyarados repeatedly attacks Lucario with {{m|Ice Fang}} is similar to how [[Lance's Gyarados]] did the same to [[Leon's Charizard]] in ''[[JN012|Flash of the Titans!]]''.
* The scene with {{AP|Dracovish}} and Glalie underneath the waterfall resembles a similar scene with Ash and {{AP|Pikachu}} in the second ''[[Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire]]'' opening, [[Challenger!!]].
* Ash, Goh, and Pikachu narrate the preview for the [[JN115|next episode]].
* [[Mika Kanai]], [[Daisuke Sakaguchi]], and [[Misato Fukuen]] return to reprise their original Japanese-language voice roles as {{AP|Bayleef}}, {{AP|Gible}}, and {{AP|Oshawott}}, respectively.
* Ash's Bayleef receives a dubbed voice for the first time in this episode.
* The English dub title is a reference to the line "{{wp|Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears}}" from {{wp|William Shakespeare}}'s ''{{wp|Julius Caesar (play)|Julius Caesar}}''.

* When Ash's Pokémon swoop past {{an|Professor Oak}} to tackle Ash and Goh, Pikachu is left behind. However, in the next shot, he is seen with Ash, Goh, and the other Pokémon.

===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===
* The Japanese text depicting Professor Oak's Laboratory's name is edited out.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
|ar={{tt|!أصدقاء ومنافسون|Friends and rivals!}}
|bn={{tt|পক্ষই হোক বা বিপক্ষ, উৎসাহ পাওয়াই আমার লক্ষ্য! |Be it a Team Member or Opposition, My Goal is to Encourage!}}
|zh_cmn={{tt|炎之特訓對戰!小智VS真司!!|Training Battle of Flames! Ash VS Paul!!}}
|zh_yue={{tt|炎之特訓對戰,小智對真司|Training Battle of Flames, Ash Versus Paul}}
|cs={{tt|Přátelé i soupeři, propůjčte mi svého ducha!|Friends and opponents, lend me your fighting spirit!}}
|da={{tt|Venner og rivaler, giv mig kampånd!|Friends and rivals, give me fighting spirit!}}
|nl={{tt|Vrienden, rivalen, leen mij jullie kracht!|Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Strength!}}
|fi={{tt|Ystävät ja kilpakumppanit, antakaa minulle voimaa!|Friends and rivals, give me strength!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Amis, rivaux, prêtez-moi votre esprit Combatif !|Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Fighting Spirit!}}
|de={{tt|Freunde, Rivalen, stärkt meinen Kampfgeist!|Friends, Rivals, strengthen my battling spirit!}}
|he={{tt|!חברים, יריבים, תשאילו לי כוח|Friends, rivals, Lend me Power!}}
|hi={{tt|दोस्त हो या राइवल, सब बढ़ाएँ मनोबल! ''Dost ho ya Rival, Sab Badhaye Manobal!''|Be it Friend or Rival, Everyone boosts Morale!}}
|it={{tt|Amici, rivali, a me il vostro spirito combattivo!|Friends, rivals, give me your battling spirit!}}
|pl={{tt|Przyjaciele, rywale, rozpalcie mego ducha walki!|Friends, rivals, kindle my fighting spirit!}}
|pt_br={{tt|Amigos e rivais, me emprestem sua determinação!|Friends and rivals, lend me your determination!}}
|es_la={{tt|Apoya a tus rivales: ¡Ash contra Paul!|Support your rivals: Ash against Paul!}}
|sv={{tt|Vänner, rivaler, ge mig er styrka!|Friends, rivals, give me your strength!}}
|ta={{tt|நண்பரிகளே, எதிரிகளே, உங்கள் சக்தியை கொடுங்கள்!|Friends, Rivals, Give Me Your Strength!ఫ్రెండ్స్, రైవల్స్, లేండ్ మీ యువర్ స్పిరిట్! }}
|te={{tt|ఫ్రెండ్స్, రైవల్స్, లేండ్ మీ యువర్ స్పిరిట్! ''Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!''|Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!}}
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[[Category:Episodes focusing on Paul]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Paul]]
[[Category:Episodes in which an alternately colored Pokémon appears]]
[[Category:Episodes in which an alternately colored Pokémon appears]]
[[Category:Episodes which aired in Canada before the United States]]
[[Category:Episodes which aired in South Africa before the United States]]
[[Category:Episodes which aired in the United Kingdom before the United States]]
[[Category:Episodes which aired in Australia before the United States]]

[[de:Honō no Tokkun Battle! Satoshi tai Shinji!!]]
[[de:Freunde, Rivalen, stärkt meinen Kampfgeist!]]

Latest revision as of 20:11, 5 September 2024

JN113 : Chasing to the Finish!
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
JN115 : Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!
JN114   EP1199
Training Battle of Flames! Satoshi VS Shinji!!
First broadcast
Japan June 10, 2022
United States February 24, 2023
English themes
Opening With You
Japanese themes
Opening 1・2・3
Ending バツグンタイプ
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation directors 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
志村泉 Izumi Shimura
Additional credits

Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! (Japanese: 炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!! Training Battle of Flames! Satoshi VS Shinji!!) is the 114th episode of Pokémon Journeys: The Series, and the 1,199th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on June 10, 2022, in Canada on November 19, 2022, in South Africa on January 10, 2023, in the United Kingdom on January 17, 2023, in Australia on January 22, 2023, and in the United States on February 24, 2023.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


With the Masters Eight Tournament approaching, Ash is training hard when he receives a call from Professor Oak encouraging him to visit all his Pokémon at the lab. So, he and Goh set off to Pallet Town. There, Ash’s current team begins training with his other Pokémon, but when Gengar ends up in the forest, our heroes unexpectedly run into Paul, Ash’s rival from Sinnoh! Although Paul isn’t in the World Coronation Series, he agrees to battle Ash using his Gyarados, Garchomp, and Metagross—all Pokémon used by members of the Masters Eight. Though Paul’s skills are formidable, Ash wins after Gengar unleashes a fiery new move!


Ash and his team are hard at work training for the Masters Eight Tournament, when he receives an unexpected phone call from Professor Oak, which gives him the idea to bring his team to meet all of his Pokémon at Oak's lab to get them fired up. The instant he and Goh arrive there, Ash's Pokémon swarm over them in a wave of welcoming friendliness. Ash lets his team out and asks his other Pokémon to help them power up for the big tournament. The Pokémon express their willingness to help by showing off a display of their moves, with Gengar taking a particular interest in Ash's Fire types. When it touches Infernape, it is surrounded by fire and flies off into the distance. When Ash and Goh catch up to it, they also find an Electivire and its Trainer, who is none other than Paul, Ash's former rival from his time of traveling through Sinnoh. Professor Oak joins in, along with most of Ash's Fire Pokémon, and reveals that Paul had turned up here the day before, having come to learn more about Pokémon from him, given the fact that he is a leading expert in Pokémon research.

Gengar heads off to train with Ash's Fire Pokémon, and Ash intends to join in, but Paul tells him to leave it to his Pokémon. Infernape initially stays behind, but Paul tells him to go along as well, which he does. Goh is surprised to see Infernape listening to Paul until Ash explains that Infernape used to be Paul's Pokémon back as a Chimchar until he was released by him as a failure and taken in by Ash, who raised him into an Infernape. While Ash's Pokémon train and relax with each other, Ash and Paul sit down to talk, with Paul revealing that he didn't participate in the World Coronation Series, uninterested in all the noise of the event. Ash decides to take advantage of the situation and challenges Paul to a battle. Paul accepts, dictating that the battle will be three-on-three, but also telling Ash to only use Pokémon he intends to use in the Masters Eight Tournament. Ash accepts these conditions and goes to get his team, finding Gengar just in time to see it learn a new move in Will-O-Wisp.

All of Ash's Pokémon gather to watch his and Paul's battle. Ash chooses Lucario as his first Pokémon, while Paul leads with Gyarados. Lucario makes the first move with Double Team, surrounding Gyarados with illusionary copies of itself. Gyarados attacks the copies with Ice Fang and Hyper Beam, but is forced to recharge after the latter move. Ash tries to exploit this with a close-range Aura Sphere, but Lucario gets caught by Gyarados's tail before it can go off and is struck by a flurry of Ice Fangs. After freeing itself with Steel Beam, Lucario starts gathering Steel-type energy around its fists, signifying that a new move is coming. Ash recognizes the new attack and has his partner hit Gyarados with Bullet Punch, right before Gyarados fires right back with Hyper Beam. As the smoke clears, Gyarados is revealed to have fainted, giving Ash the first win of the battle.

Ash and Paul recall their Pokémon, before Ash chooses Dragonite as his second, and Paul sends out his Garchomp in response. After a clash of a flurry of Dragon Claws, Dragonite goes in for a Hurricane, but is beaten to the punch by Garchomp's super effective Stone Edge and takes a lot of damage. Garchomp's assault continues with Draco Meteor, which also lands a hit. Ash has Dragonite use its own Draco Meteor in return, even having it charge at Garchomp along with the attack, demonstrating Ash's unpredictable improvisational skills. However, Garchomp's counterattack with Dragon Claw overpowers Dragonite and takes it down, giving Paul one win and evening the score. Ash dubs his new improvised tactic "Dragonite Meteor," but Paul is unimpressed and mocks the name, much to Ash's chagrin.

As Ash recalls Dragonite, Paul recalls Garchomp and sends out his last Pokémon, Metagross, whom Ash sends Gengar out against. Metagross uses Agility to match Gengar's speed, before throwing it back with Psychic. Paul berates Ash for calling himself one of the Masters Eight if he's struggling against him this much and has Metagross attack with Meteor Mash, dealing another big hit. With Infernape's encouragement, Gengar stands back up, not wanting to let Ash and his Fire types who worked so hard to train it down. Gengar then puts its new Will-O-Wisp into practice and successfully lands it. Metagross strikes with another Meteor Mash, but the burn it received from the Will-O-Wisp weakens the attack, allowing Gengar to withstand it and strike back with Shadow Ball, defeating its pseudo-legendary opponent and making Ash the winner of the battle.

While Ash's Fire types congratulate Gengar and Ash thanks them for their help, Goh points out that Paul's Pokémon were all the same as the respective aces of Lance, Cynthia, and Steven Stone, and wonders if this was intentional. Paul responds to this observation with a simple smile, bids farewell to Oak, Ash, and Infernape, and heads off. Professor Oak reveals that Paul has been asked to become a Gym Leader, which is why he had come to visit the lab to learn more about Pokémon. Feeling confident thanks to this visit, Ash is eager to head to the Masters Eight Tournament right away, but he and Goh are stopped by the appearance of Delia, who had arrived partway through the battle and invites them to stay a night at the Ketchum household before they leave, which they accept.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Oshawott


The "After the story" artwork for this episode
Ash and Goh with all of Ash's Pokémon


  • When Ash's Pokémon swoop past Professor Oak to tackle Ash and Goh, Pikachu is left behind. However, in the next shot, he is seen with Ash, Goh, and the other Pokémon.

Dub edits

  • The Japanese text depicting Professor Oak's Laboratory's name is edited out.

In other languages

JN113 : Chasing to the Finish!
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
JN115 : Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.