Another Roserade appeared in ''[[DP101|Barry's Busting Out All Over!]]'', this time under the ownership of {{an|Barry}}. It was used in his {{pkmn|battle}} against Ash. It defeated {{AP|Chimchar|Infernape}} with a barrage of {{m|Poison Jab}}s but tied with {{AP|Gliscor}} from one of Gliscor's {{m|X-Scissor}}s. It appeared again in ''[[DP110|Steeling Peace of Mind!]]''.
Another Roserade appeared in ''[[DP101|Barry's Busting Out All Over!]]'', this time under the ownership of {{an|Barry}}. It was used in his {{pkmn|battle}} against Ash. It defeated {{AP|Chimchar|Infernape}} with a barrage of {{m|Poison Jab}}s but tied with {{AP|Gliscor}} from one of Gliscor's {{m|X-Scissor}}s. It appeared again in ''[[DP110|Steeling Peace of Mind!]]''.
In ''[[DP176|Coming Full-Festival Circle!]]'', [[Nando]] was shown to have evolved his {{p|Roselia}} into a {{TP|Nando|Roserade}}. It appeared breifly alongside his {{p|Sunflora}}. Nando's Roserade battled against [[Ash's Staraptor]] in ''[[DP183|League Unleashed!]]'' but was defeated.
In ''[[DP176|Coming Full-Festival Circle!]]'', [[Nando]] was shown to have evolved his {{p|Roselia}} into a {{TP|Nando|Roserade}}. It appeared briefly alongside his {{p|Sunflora}}. Nando's Roserade battled against [[Ash's Staraptor]] in ''[[DP183|League Unleashed!]]'' but was defeated.
Roserade’s appearance incorporates features of roses and decorative dress, such as masquerade. The three spikes that Roserade had on its head when it was a Roselia have been replaced with "hair" made of white rose petals. Roserade no longer has a leafy skirt, but a leafy, green cape instead, with a yellow, collar-like bangle on its neck. The ‘cape’ pattern reaches toward the back of Roserade’s head, in spiky, sepal-like extensions on the 'hair'. This Pokémon species has a dark-green ‘mask’ pattern over their eyes, which possess red irises and have yellow eyelids. The lower portion of its face is light green, and the single roses that Roserade had in its hands when it was a Roselia have now become bouquets of roses; red for its right hand and blue for its left. Its limbs and underside, which has a thin vertical stripe running down it, are light green, and its upper chest, chin, and the upper portion of its face are dark green in coloration. Its feet end with yellow tips.
Gender differences
A female has a longer "cape" than a male.
Special abilities
Roserade can generally use any attacks that its pre-evolutions can use, but with greater strength. Roserade is able to learn how to perform Weather Ball. As a fully evolved Pokémon, Roserade can use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Its hands contain toxins, different ones for each limb, that allow it to use Poison Sting and through one of its capable abilities, Poison Point, which poisons the foe upon contact. Roserade, like many other Template:Type2s, can utilize the sun in order to use moves like Synthesis and SolarBeam. Roserade naturally learn Sweet Scent, which may account for how it attracts insects. Roserade are also capable of launching many moves to inflict status problems on its foes. Roserade are also capable of many other Grass-type moves such as Magical Leaf and Energy Ball. Roserade are able to heal themselves through moves such as Mega Drain and Giga Drain.
Roserade tend to have quite a deceptive nature. It lures its prey to it with a pleasant aroma and kills the victim with thorny vines hidden within the bouquets it holds in its arms, or by spewing poison. The more toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma. Roserade tend to stay motionless with its arms crossed, which allows its prey to come to it.
Roserade live in fields and woods with temperate climates.
Since Roserade is a plant-based Pokémon, it also nourishes itself through photosynthesis. Roserade probably eats insects that are attracted to the scent of flowers like the ones Roserade has.
Roserade first appeared in Oh Do You Know The Poffin Plan!, under the ownership of Forsythia. Forsythia first met her Roserade when it was a Budew, where she befriended it and gave it a red scarf. This Roserade, however, was very shy and timid. Roserade also protects Forsythia's garden from being ravaged by Team Rocket. Forsythia's Roserade also made a brief appearance in Unlocking the Red Chain of Events! alongside Forsythia and her Lotad.
A Roserade appeared in The Rise of Darkrai as one of the Pokémon attacked by Darkrai and being treated by Alicia in Alice's flashback of her grandmother. It was put to sleep by Darkrai's Dark Void and later seen listening to Alicia play Oración alongside the other Pokémon Darkrai had attacked.
Roserade, the Bouquet Pokémon. Roserade is the evolved form of Roselia. It lures enemies with its sweet aroma, and attacks with dancer-like elegance.
In the manga
Roserade appears in Pokémon Adventures, in the Diamond & Pearl arc. Gardenia used a Roserade alongside her Cherubi in a double battle against Platinum's Prinplup and Ponyta. Although it quickly gained the upper hand by knocking out the latter using its poison whips and badly beat the former using combinations of Grass Knot and the aforementioned move, both ultimately became her downfall when Platinum took advantage of the cover that the knots gave and the holes that the whips created to deliver a finishing Blizzard that defeated both her Pokémon.
Since no leveling up is required to evolve it from Roselia, and breeding Budew is optional, Roserade is one of the two fully evolved three-stage Pokémon capable of legitimately being level 1 (Porygon-Z is the other).
Despite Pokédex entries noting that Roserade attacks prey with thorny vines hidden within the bouquets it holds in its arms, Roserade (as well as Budew and Roselia) cannot learn Vine Whip or Power Whip.
Roserade appears to be based on a combination of a bouquet of roses, and a mysterious patron of a masquerade ball, in which masks would be worn to hide the identity of the participants. Its mask, cape and the mention of its 'movements of a dancer' in its Pokédex entry seem to confirm this.
Name origin
Roserade's name is probably a combination of rose and masquerade, due to the appearance of wearing a mask. Its name is also an anagram of 'a red rose' - however, this is probably a coincidence, as Roserade has a red and a blue rose for hands.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.