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mNo edit summary
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Line 142: Line 142:
* During conversation
* During conversation
:''"Congrats and great work!"''
:''"You really are amazing, you work so hard!"''
:''"Hey now!"''
:''"I don't think that's a good idea."''
:''"Sure, no problem!"''
:''"Can I ask you something?"''
:''"Wow, amazing!"''

* During special gift conversation
* During special gift conversation
Line 171: Line 185:

* Unity Move
* Unity Move
:''"Take root!"''

Line 193: Line 209:
* Defeat
* Defeat
:''"We've lost...! I guess I need to train harder."''
:''"We've lost...! I guess I need to train harder."''
* Victory
:''"Yay! That was a great battle!"''

'''Pokémon Center'''
'''Pokémon Center'''

Revision as of 07:16, 23 August 2021

These are Gardenia's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

Eterna CityPt
"Hi! I'm Gardenia! I'm this town's Gym Leader! My last challenger was this awfully speedy young guy. ...Actually, his name was <rival>. He told me about you. He said that another challenger's on the way, so that made me antsy! At my Gym, no one gets to battle with the Gym Leader, me, until the end. The challenger has to beat all the other Gym Trainers first. I'll be waiting for you in the back, Trainer. Don't disappoint me!"
Eterna Gym
  • At the entrance of the Gym's mazeDP
"At my Gym, no one gets to battle with the Gym Leader--me--until they've beaten all the other Trainers. I'll be waiting for you in the back. Good luck, challenger!"
  • Before battle
"You kept me waiting! I'm Eterna's Gym Leader, Gardenia, the Grass-type master! When I first saw you, I was convinced you'd find your way to me. My hunch was right on the money. You have a winning aura about you. So, anyway, this will be fun. Let's have our battle!"
  • After the opponent sends out their last Pokémon
"It's not the end yet."
  • When the opponent's last Pokémon is at critical health
"Are you saying something? You think you have me cornered?"
  • Upon being defeated
"Amazing! You're very good, aren't you?"
  • After being defeated
"I might've said it before, but you're really tough! Wasn't it hard for you to raise your Pokémon to be so good? I guess that's a measure of how much you love your Pokémon. In recognition of that, I proudly grant you this!"
"With the Forest Badge, your Pokémon can use the hidden move Cut outside of battle. Now that you have two Gym Badges, all Pokémon you received in trades will obey you up to Lv. 30. I've also got something else. It's a gift from me!"
"That TM86 contains the move Grass Knot. It's one of my favorite moves. The heavier the foe, the more damage this move will cause."
  • If talked to again
"Yup! If there's one thing I can tell about you, it's this! You and your Pokémon are gonna get even tougher, and I mean seriously!"
Eterna Forest
"Hiya! Were you intrigued by the rumors going around, too?"
"You know, people've been talking about the ghost Pokémon of the Old Chateau. I've been hearing rumors about sinister shadows, too. I should check it out myself, but going in there is... ...Well, you know, being that I'm a Gym Leader, I'm always busy. So, since I'm so busy, I can't go in. It's not because I'm s-scared! S-so, good luck with your investigation!"
Resort AreaPt
"Listen, listen! I came for a visit! Can I go in?"
Yes: "Yes! No time to waste!"
No: "Oh, right. You must have plans already."
  • Any of the following
"Sigh... This is so dreamy... The Resort Area's a nice place. Of course, Eterna is a good place, too. We have the huge forest, first of all."
"I know it's a little abrupt, but don't you think Grass-type Pokémon smell nice? It makes me happy just being around them."
"I could tell you ten good things about Grass-type Pokémon. Which kind of Pokémon can you say good things about? Ooh, maybe ten won't be enough."
"Do you remember those rumors about the Old Chateau? They say there really were ghost Pokémon there in the old days. ...That's so scary. What if they suddenly came back?"
"...I'm in a dilemma now. You see, I don't like ghost Pokémon very much. But, what if... What if there was a Grass-type ghost Pokémon? What then?"
  • After buying Houseplants
"Oh, hey! A Houseplant! It's really nice. Maybe I'll get some for my Gym. The green coloring and the aroma... It's very nice."

Scenario 1

  • Before battle
"Hi, have you been keeping well? Let's cut to the good stuff! Let's get down to battle!"
Yes: "Yes, that's right! A battle will tell you if someone you haven't seen's been keeping well!"
No: "You won't battle? You're not in the mood, huh? Well, why not polish your Badges, then? That might put a shine on your day, too."
If talked to again after the player answered "No": "Oh? You do want to battle?"
  • When the opponent's last Pokémon is at critical health
"Are you saying something? You think you have me cornered?"
  • Upon being defeated
"Amazing! You're very good, aren't you?"
  • After being defeated
"Out of the Gym, a Gym Leader is just another Trainer. But wherever I go, I still try to be as tough as I can. It's not fair to my Pokémon if we were to lose because of me."

Scenario 2

  • Before battle
"My Grass-type Pokémon are growing good and strong. I'm kind of interested in what Pokémon you have, too. Want to battle? A real quick one?"
Yes: "I can't deny that Grass-type Pokémon have many weak points. But I'll show you that's not the only factor in deciding who wins!"
No: "Aww, really? My grass Pokémon are growing good and strong too..."
If talked to again after the player answered "No": "My Grass-type Pokémon are growing good and strong. Come on, let's battle! A real quick one, OK?"
  • When the opponent's last Pokémon is at critical health
"Are you saying something? You think you have me cornered?"
  • Upon being defeated
"Amazing! You're very good, aren't you?"
  • After being defeated
"By the way... Have you been to the Old Chateau? Me? Uh, well, you know, I have my Gym Leader job and all, so... Well, actually, I'm here training... ...I'm here just for fun. Ahahaha! Don't mind me!"

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon World Tournament
  • Before battle (first round)
"Let's cut to the good stuff! Let's get down to battle!"
  • Before battle (second round)
"My Grass-type Pokémon are growing good and strong. Come on, let's battle! A real quick one, OK?"
  • Before battle (final round)
"I'm Gardenia. I love Grass-type Pokémon! I can't deny that Grass-type Pokémon have many weak points. But I'll show you that's not the only factor in deciding who wins!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Aww, really? My Grass-type Pokémon are growing good and strong, too..."
  • If the player is defeated
"Yes! My Pokémon and I are perfectly good!"
  • After battle (if the player won)
"Wherever I go, I still try to be as tough as I can."
  • After battle (if the player lost)
"We won this time... But you and your Pokémon are pretty good, too! So, I'd like you to battle me here again!"
  • In the lobby (after the tournament)
"Amazing! Hey! How do you feel? I want to win and brag about my Pokémon, too!"

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Gardenia (Masters)
050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: needs more Masters quotes

Menu interface (voice clips)

  • After being recruited
"Hi! I'm Gardenia! I'm the master of vivid plant Pokémon and a Grass-type Gym Leader!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"I'm a master of vivid plant Pokémon. When it comes to plant Pokémon, you can't go wrong with me."
"I'm going to become tougher, just like a giant tree with strong roots."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Hey, let's have a Pokémon battle together!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Bye bye! Catch you later!"
  • Upon learning a new move
"Hey, great job! Really good! I knew my Pokémon were the best in the world."
  • Upon leveling up
"Yay! It feels so good when all your hard work pays off."
  • Upon reaching max level
"I'd say we're in full bloom! This is great."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I can feel strength growing inside me! I hope I can keep this up."
  • During conversation
"Congrats and great work!"
"You really are amazing, you work so hard!"
"Hey now!"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Sure, no problem!"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Wow, amazing!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Here, take this. It's from me."

Battle interface (voice clips)

  • Co-op match screen
"Right. I think we can do this!"
  • VS screen
"They seem tough, but I'm no pushover either!"
  • Battle start
"Come on!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Go get 'em!"
"My Pokémon are strong!"
  • Using item
"I've got it!"
  • Using Trainer move
  • Using Sync Move
"Grass power, full force!"
  • Unity Move
"Take root!"
  • Switching in
"Let's show them what we can do!"
  • Recalling Pokémon
"Don't worry, you did great."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Grass power, full force!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you very much!"
  • Defeat
"We've lost...! I guess I need to train harder."
  • Victory
"Yay! That was a great battle!"

Pokémon Center

  • Random conversation
"You know, I'm from the Sinnoh region. We have a myth there that this whole world was created by a Pokémon."
"I think it must have been a Grass-type Pokémon!"
"'Cause, y'know, I can believe what I want, right?"
  • If spoken to again
"I really enjoy pondering the world that's mentioned in the Sinnoh region's myths."
"If it really was a Grass-type Pokémon that created the world, I think that deity definitely liked rain."
"I mean, it must have, right? I think it also really loved rich soil, full of nutrients."
  • Random conversation
"I wonder how they choose the plants to bring to an artificial island."
"I guess they gather a bunch of plants from all over and then choose which ones to plant."
"I want to see if any plants from the Sinnoh region were chosen!"
  • If spoken to again
"It just occurred to me that there might be plants from far away that we've never seen before."
"I'm excited about the Pokémon battles, sure, but I'm also really looking forward to seeing all the different plants on Pasio!"
  • Random conversation
"When it comes to Grass-type Pokémon, Roserade is really cool, but I love Turtwig, too!"
"Watching its adorable little face munch down on leaves—it just made me want to hug it and never let go!"
"I was wondering if I should actually do that when Turtwig came to me on its own!"
"Ever since then, Turtwig has been one of my very best friends!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are certain times where you meet someone for the first time but then your feelings connect as if a flower was blooming between you."
"Don’t worry—I know you’ll have a miraculous moment like that, too, someday!"
  • Random conversation
"My Roserade is so cute, I'd love to hug her, too, but I can't."
"Her thorns have poison, so I'd be in a lot of trouble if I hugged her."
"Still, I love her so much, someday I might not be able to resist and give her a squeeze."
  • If spoken to again
"They say beautiful flowers have thorns, but to have poison on top of that..."
"I think Roserade needs to be less pretty! Not!"
  • Random conversation
"The Pokémon I like all have really distinct aromas."
"But even then, their scent changes from day to day. I can even tell their mood by how they smell that day!
"It's almost like I'm talking to them. It makes me feel like we're really connected, even if they don't understand the words I use."
"You know, I'm a little curious about your scent, too, <player>. Hee hee!"
  • If spoken to again
"Any Pokémon will try to tell you what it's feeling, even if it can't use words. Each Pokémon has its way of communicating."
"I think a Trainer's job is to understand how their Pokémon communicate!"
  • Random conversation
"So, I have a secret to tell. I didn’t come here just for the adventure."
"I came because I also wanted to overcome my fears."
"I haven’t really been able to tell my friends that I’m a bit of a coward, but..."
"I felt like if I told you, you’d help me out."
  • If spoken to again
"You see, I’m really, really scared of...ghosts."
"So, I just can’t handle Ghost-type Pokémon."
  • Random conversation
"Hey. Do you know the Pokémon Pumpkaboo and Phantump?"
"As you know, I really love Grass-type Pokémon, but..."
"These two, they're not just Grass type. They're also Ghost type!"
"I want to take care of them and cuddle them too, so I can get over my fear."
  • If spoken to again
"See, I think they're cute. I really do."
"But their movements and whatnot are a bit different from normal Grass types, and they scare me a little."
"Still, as a Grass-type Pokémon Trainer, I can't just stay scared! Someday I'll be able to cuddle them!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Ah, there you are, <player>! Where are you going to explore today?"
"If there’s a meadow full of flowers, I bet that’d make Grass-type Pokémon happy!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! How’re you feeling? I’m always doing great!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Today is another day where we can give it our all! It helps to say it out loud, you know."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hey there! Let’s keep having Pokémon battles and continue getting stronger!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"We’re all set and ready to get going! La la la la la la la!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! Adventuring at night is fun, too. I mean, I’m not s-scared of the dark or anything."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"*yawn* I’m getting drowsy! I can’t help it, though— all the plants are asleep, too!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh, there you are! I was looking for you! I wanted to give you this."
"Just thought I'd share! Hold on to it. I'm sure it'll come in handy!"
"It's the same in nature, you know? You receive, then you give--it's all a cycle."
"Don't you think it's romantic?"
  • Special Psychic-type Training event intro
"My partner Pokémon's really been growing nicely. Have a battle with the Pokémon that I've filled up with plenty of love and nutrition!"
  • Special Psychic-type Training event conversation
"The partner Pokémon you've got with you sure gives off a nice aroma! Show me your love for Pokémon with a battle!"