PPkMnp' '

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The title of this article is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is pPkMnp
000 #{{{prevnum}}}: Glitch
#{{{nextnum}}}: Bulbasaur 000
File:PPkMnp sprite.png
Usual sprite from Yellow
National Dex #230 (then may turn to a Rhydon)
Type Glitch/Poison (when it doesn't turn to a Rhydon)
Species AA Pokémon
Height 23' 2"
Weight 1031.6 lb
Ability ?
Egg group ?
Effort yield ?
Exp. yield ?
Lv100 at ?
Gender None
Catch rate 1 (must catch with Master Ball)

pPkMnp is a glitch in Pokémon Yellow. Its Pokémon Red and Blue equivalent is .4 It is a Glitch/Poison type.

pPkMnp is encountered by peforming the extended Mew Glitch using a Pokémon with a special stat of 194. It will turn into a Rhydon on the trigger of the Pokédex entry, so must be caught a second time to train.

pPkMnp can also be obtained by trading a .4 to Pokémon Yellow.


Level Moves
Start Leer
Comet Punch
6 Pay Day
16 TM07
17 Psychic
25 Pin Missile
33 TM34
34 Mimic
48 TM25
56 TM18
61 TM41
62 TM50
76 Night Shade
88 TM04
95 Tackle
100 Nameless Glitch Move

The TM moves are not actual TMs, but glitch moves with their names.

External Links


Red/Blue: 'M (00)MissingNo.▶ Aaゥ (C1)ゥ .4h POKé
PokéWTrainerPkMn (C5)ゥL ゥM 4♀Pゥ ゥゥTゥU?◣ゥ 8PC4SH
PPkMn ◣ nTrainer▼ W G dOPkMn4XPkMn PkMn T4B 8 4 8
ゥ 'M p'u ゥAゥ GPゥ ゥ ゥ4 hGlitch (D7)PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk
PkMnRPkMn "B (DA)Glitch (DB)Glitch (DC)7PkMn 'v-PkMn.PkMn
/PkMn ▼PkMn'v……ゥ (E3)Glitch (E4)C- -
Pゥ 4$X CcA (EA)Glitch (EB)Glitch (EC)hゥ
.gゥ$'Mゥ$ (F0)94ゥ l (F2)ゥ l (F3)ゥ$ (F4)
ゥ (F5)G'Mp'Ng'Mp'Ng ゥ$94 hGlitch (FA)'M 'N gO
ゥ$ 6ゥ'M (FE)'M (FF)
Yellow: 3TrainerPoké $MissingNo.4 44 4 Hy♀ .pPkMnp' 'ゥ ( Z4
X ゥ- xゥ,4. .ァ7gug gァ / g J 1Glitch (CA)
. pゥ.8ゥ. BPkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (CE)4, ゥァ (CF)ゥ'B ァ h
PkMn ? Aゥゥ)ゥ (D4)'ゥ.PkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (D6)B (D7)PkMn (D8)
ゥ (D9)]ゥ' BPkMn (DC)4, ゥァ (DD)8 (DE)p ID
8 P ァ'r 'r 4(h4to894 89 48B 4 8Z ゥ9
ゥHIゥ.4(h4hi?$4HI?'r ゥ$ Pゥ. 4(?/4(h4?
ゥ► ゥ▼ ゥh 4Pゥ ゥ.... ゥ ( .I' .' B' ゥゥ ゥェ ゥ ▷ゥ $ A (F3)♂ p ゥ
▼ pゥゥ $ A (F6)PkMn (F7)ゥ 4- 4$ゥ▾ ゥ♂F q ,
ゥ$ 4MN ゥ× 'rゥ. 4-ゥ/ 4ァ 4,Q ◣
Glitch EggGlitch Unown
Generation III: -???????????Bad Egg
Generation IV: -----Bad EggGeneration IV hybrid
Generation V: -----Bad EggGlitch Unown
Generation VI: Bad EggGeneration VI 724+ glitch Pokémon